Peacock Farming – As a General Rule Money can be made from peacocks by selling their feathers, eggs, and the birds themselves. Peacock farming is not a new business idea. And people are raising peafowls along with other poultry birds for making profits 1) The longest eye feathers sell for $5 to $10 each, Having 171 feathers per male per year, you can earn $875 to $1750 per year from each peacock you have 2) Peacock Eggs sell for $40 Each, 3) Young Pet Birds can sell for over $100
Peacock Farming – Raising Peacocks for Profit
- Peacocks Feathers
- Peacocks Eggs
- Peacocks Chicks
- Peacock Meat
- Peacocks as Pets
- Peacock Custom Feeds
- Peacock Manure
- Peacocks Showing Competition
- Peacock Farm Consulting
- Peacocks Articles / Youtube Channel
Ways Peafowl Farmers make Money US or UK
Ways Peafowl Farmers make Money -Peacocks are some of the most beautiful birds in the world. Adult birds, especially male birds, has got spectacular feathers. They have originated in southeast Asia, India, and when we think of the beautiful peacock, we are actually making the picture of India Blue in our mind. Raising Peacocks for Profit, Peacock Farming can be lucrative.
Only male peacocks develop beautiful, astonishing, and colorful feathers. When we talk about nomenclature, males are known as peacocks, females are peahens, babies are peachicks, and altogether they are known as peafowls. Peacock Farming
Peacock Farming – Females lay eggs at the age of one or two years, but eggs become fertile at the age of three when males are fully mature to fertilize eggs.
If You would Like to add to Your Peacock Raising Library Check Out These Great Books on Amazon
Mating takes place in spring when peacock feathers attract peahens. Feather shedding takes place after mating, and peacock feathers later grow for the next mating season.
Both males and females are docile, but females, after hatching eggs become aggressive for defending eggs, and males become aggressive for defending the territory.

This is a short introduction about peafowl; peoples are nowadays interested in the peafowl farming business as this industry is growing very fast. In this article, we will discuss economic-related factors to minimize the cost and boost the sale to make your peacock farming business profitable.
How Much Can You Make Peafowl Farming – Farming Business
Peacock farming is increasing its value day by day. You should understand this point that there are many pros and cons of peacock farming. In peacock farming, peacocks raise peacocks for the purpose of their feathers. People demand peacock feathers to decorate their dresses.
People’s demands look fair because a dress becomes fantastic when adorned with spectacular peacock long-eye feathers.
Peacock farming business can earn you a lot if you make your business commercial farming with the help of a good economic and marketing strategy. I am just giving you an idea that each long eye feather is worth $5 to $10, along with discounts on bulk purchases. Having 171 feathers per male per year, you can earn $875 to $1750 per year from each peacock you have. People are almost crazy about the aesthetical attrition of peacock feathers, and you can earn from it.
By adjusting your cost, using the right economic and marketing principles, you can grow your peacock farming business throughout the world. Besides feathers, you can also sell eggs, each for about $40. immature male birds are also in demand, and you can sell them for about $100 and up. Remember, these prices are average; they may be different in your area depending upon the market trends.
Types of Peacock Farming for Profit
There are many types of peacocks, out of which three are most common. Indian peafowl, green peafowl, and Congo peafowl are the three most famous peafowl. Peacocks are in demand and have commercial value, while peahens are only kept for breeding purposes.
Therefore, you should raise peacocks for selling purposes and peahens for hatching fertilized eggs. Out of these three peacocks, the Indian peafowl is the most famous and recognizable. This breed is native to India, Sri Lanka, and other regions of East Asia.
They are famous for their distinctive plumage and blue head and crests. The green peafowl is native to Southeast Asia regions and is similar to Indian blue having striking tail plumage to attract females for mating. However, their head and crest are green.
Congo peafowl doesn’t have striking tail plumage like the others, and they are more pheasant-like in appearance. Congo peafowl is the only species of peafowl native to African content.
There are some other breeds of peafowl like white peafowl and Spalding peafowl. Nowadays peacock industry is not so developed, and therefore, there is an opportunity for beginners to start a peacock farming business.
Best Breeds to Raise on Farms
There are many breeds of peafowls that you can grow on your farm, but you should be strategic in the selection of breeds. You should select that breed that gives you enormous profit and is easy to handle at the farm.
Out of all the peacock breeds, the most famous and most loved birds are Indian peafowls. Indian peafowls have the biggest share in the market because of their worldwide praise.
The other reason for Indian blue farming is their timid behavior. They don’t give you a tough time and are easy to manage a farm. Ease of management is an essential thing to keep in mind before selecting any breed for farming. You should raise Indian blue because of its high market value and timing behavior.
At first, Indian peafowl farming is the best idea, and when your business starts growing, you can have other breeds of peafowl at your farm. The best part of the peacock farming business is that you will enjoy your stay at the farm.
Splendid and beautiful tail plumage of peacocks will satisfy your aesthetics above the threshold, and you will be amazed to watch these birds at your farm.
Raising Peafowls for Peacock Feathers
People in this world are crazy to satisfy their aesthetics, and there is a solid reason for that. People love to see peacock feathers and have them in your books or adorn them on their dresses.
People’s desires are increasing day by day, and their current demand is enough to give a boost to this industry. In this industry, peacock feathers are the most in-demand, and you, as an entrepreneur, should grow peacocks to sell their feathers.

Each bird can earn you around $900 to $1700 per year just from its feathers. Isn’t it a great deal to grow peacocks at your farm and sell their feathers? Your peacock is still alive and healthy, and this bird will give your more feathers next year.
Moreover, your peacock is available for other uses like meat purposes. The essential thing you will need in this industry is good market skills to have contacts with buyers and sellers.
Your peacock feathers must be available in the market, and then your farm will start growing as your sales increase. If you are not able to market your product efficiently, all your effort will be lost. Not this industry, every other industry solely depends on marketing strategy, and you need to have good marketing skills for your farm.
Raising Peafowl / Peacocks for Meat
Though uncommon, people raise peacocks for the purpose of meat. Their taste resembles more like chicken, but its meat is tastier and more aromatic than chicken. People consider peacock meat more exotic, and therefore, its meat is not as popular as chicken meat. But still, there are people who prefer eating peacock meat.
There are not so many farms that raise this bird for food purposes because there are many restrictions in importing this bird for meat purposes in America.
Remember, this bird is not totally banned in America; there are many restrictions on importing. So, you can do farming for the purpose of meat and target the specific audience who prefer peacock meat.
As their meat is popular among a small number of audiences, many farmers raise these birds to sell them as pets. People give far more price for pet peacocks and also for their beautiful feathers. Therefore, the farming meat industry is not developed much in different parts of the world.
What Age to Begin Breeding Peafowl Male / Female
Peafowls don’t breed throughout the year, and this is the difference between peafowls with other birds. Unlike other birds, peafowls breed only at a specific time of the year. The perfect timing in the year in the springtime or, more specifically, the monsoon season. The specificity of the monsoon season is that there is plenty of food available due to rain, and peacocks don’t feel the deficiency of food.
For proper mating, you should have a safe area specified for each bird pair to hatch eggs there. The specific area should be safe so that these birds can lay eggs there and wait for the egg to hatch.
There is one thing to understand here: these birds mate and lay eggs in an area where they feel secure. If they don’t find any safe area, they don’t mate. Peahens have this specific role at your farm – laying eggs and producing offspring.
You need to be cautious about the breeding season of peafowls because once the breeding time went, they will not be able to breed throughout the year. And therefore, you should manage their breeding before the breeding season to come to save a whole year.
Peacocks try to attract females by their tail plumage and dance. This is an eye-catching moment, and people love to see their dance. Each male birds mate with five to six peahens in his group.
What Age to Stop Breeding Peafowl Male / Female
As I said, peafowls don’t breed throughout the year, so, therefore, there is no need to manage their breeding throughout the year. These birds are one-time breeders, and they breed once a year only in specific months. their mating starts in the month of March and ends in the month of August.
After successful mating, peahens lay eggs in a safe place. This is the duty of the peahen to safeguard the eggs until they hatch.
Peahens have to protect their eggs from predators, and therefore, they have developed the behavior of brooding and protecting their eggs. Even that they will not touch their eggs, this is the period of great care because eggs are very precious for you economically.
Eggs usually take 27 to 30 days to hatch, and you have to provide protection to eggs during these days. You should not allow other birds to hurt the eggs, too. After hatching, you need to take of the birds for their growth and development. Good care will lead to a healthy bird, and a healthy bird means a good profit for your farm.

Raising Peacock for Eggs
Peahens are not reliable layers until they reach the age of almost three years. Peahens start laying eggs at the age of one year, but their eggs become fertile at the age of two or three years.
Therefore, you have to wait for years to have your peahen ready to lay eggs. Female birds lay eggs during the spring season once a year, and they lay clutches of dozens of eggs and sit on them when broody. Peahens lay eggs making a small hole in the ground, sitting on the eggs for a month, and then the eggs hatch.
Their egg is off-white and around two to three times larger than chicken egg but tastes almost the same. However, some people find the taste of peafowl egg gamey. It is good to raise eggs at your farm; you can earn from it in two ways.
First, you can sell the eggs for food purposes, and second, you can sell fertilized eggs to other farms. There is much demand for peafowl eggs; you can sell them to retailers, free-range farmers, families, and organizations who want to keep peacocks as pets. Free-range chicken farmers keep peacocks against snakes as peacocks are very hard on snakes.
Raising Peacocks for Chicks
Well! You have two options here. Either you can raise your peafowls to have eggs at your farm, or you can buy eggs to hatch them in incubators. Both ways are good to go. Peahens lay eggs in a clutch of 4-12 eggs in almost 30 days. If you decide to have your own eggs, you should be aware that peahens take more time than chickens to prepare the egg.
You can keep eggs in an incubator; their temperature should be 100°F. For incubation, you can purchase most of the commercial incubators available in the market. Or you can convince your chicken or ducks to do the work for you. Ducks or chickens can also sit on the eggs as long as the baby chicks come out.
Raising Peacocks for Pets
People keep pets all around the world; the main reason for keeping a pet is their beauty and companionship. Peacocks fulfill both the needs of keeping a pet. They are extraordinarily beautiful to fulfill your desires of aesthetics.
Peacocks don’t give tough time to their owners as they are behaviorally more adaptable and timider. Pet parents don’t find it difficult to train them; pet parents live their best times with them. Peacocks can be kept with other birds like chickens and ducks as they feel at ease with them. There is one thing to understand: if you decide to keep more than one peafowl, don’t keep all males; they live comfortably in pairs.
Making Custom Peacock Feeds
Peacocks are omnivores which means they can eat everything. being omnivores, they can eat flesh as well as plants. However, if in the wild, peacocks feed on plantations. They prefer to eat fruits, grains, vegetables, and flower petals in the wild.
However, in domestic conditions, they can eat a variety of foods. You don’t need to be cautious in the selection of food for them. The point you need to be cautious about is to feed them a balanced diet.
A balanced diet is far more important as it contains all the essential nutrients in the required amount for a healthy lifestyle. You can feed them cat food, cheese, and nuts as they like. In addition, if they don’t like it, you can also feed them scrambled eggs, kitchen scrap, and cooked rice; they will love it. You don’t need to make special feed for them as you make for commercial poultry.
Selling Peacock Manure
One of the valuable products of peacock farming is their manure. Their manure smells like the manure of chicken. Both of them smell like organic fertilizer, and yes, their manure is an excellent organic fertilizer. Out there in the market, there is demand for peacock manure.
You can earn profit by selling them in the right market. If you have agricultural lands around your peacock farm, they can be your potential customers, and you don’t need to bear the expenses of transport. All you need to do is to collect the manure and keep it safely for transport.
Consulting for Beginner Peacock Farmers
It is important to know that you are not going to learn and understand peacock farming overnight. You need to spend quality hours reading and learning all the skills to run a peafowl farm on your own. For this learning, you should visit other peacock farms in your locality to have a good idea of how it runs. You can only learn and understand the exact skills if you see them with your own eyes.
You should visit peafowl farms and have the manager interviewed to know their management routines. The manager can tell you all the routines that are essential to do at the farm.
He can tell you the exact breeding time and all the management in that duration. You should ask him about the behavior of peafowls and the management regarding their specific behaviors. This visit can make you understand all the management practices and the logic that you can follow at your farm.

Showing Peacocks in Competitions
Peacocks are among the list of fancy birds; they are raised for beauty purposes. Peoples raise peacocks to participate in shows and beauty competitions. Peacocks are loved all over the world for their spectacular looks. Beauty competitions are held all over the world.
As a farm owner, you can raise peacocks for beauty purposes and sell them at higher prices. Or you can also take part in these shows and win heavy prizes. one way or the other, you will get high revenue-raising peacock for beauty purposes.
Online Writing of Peafowl Educational Articles
Once you have learned all your skills regarding peacock farming, you will be able to educate others. You can earn more revenue by writing online articles for peacock farming. There are many benefits to writing online blogs. First, it will promote your business, second, it will earn you more money, and third, it will enhance your communication skills.
So overall, it will be a complete package for your business growth. Moreover, these educational articles will help other beginners learn good practicing skills at home. As a beginner, you know how much you need to have a source of learning. As a veteran, you will become the source for others as you wanted for yourself.
How to Keep Peacocks from Flying Away
There are several things you can do to keep peacocks from flying away. You need to consider where the birds were raised, what kind of environment they’re used to, and how much time you want them around your house or yard before making any drastic changes.
Peacocks will fly if they feel threatened by predators like coyotes, dogs, bobcats, and hawks. If you feel a sudden need to protect the peacocks from wild animals or other perceived dangers, they will immediately take flight as well!
If you have a fence around your yard, you’re all set. If not, this will be the biggest hurdle to overcome with peacock retention. Peacocks are strong birds who can fly over most fences that aren’t very tall or sturdy. They might get their feathers stuck on barbed wire if it’s sitting close enough to them
If you want something a little more secure, build some kind of pen for the peacock with a roof. The fencing should be at least three feet tall and very sturdy. You can use chicken wire or even hay bales on top to add that extra layer of protection from predators like coyotes and dogs if needed! Peacocks easily adapt to this kind of living condition, so you’ll have no problem keeping them in their pen.
The most important part is the size of the pen or enclosure that you build for your peacocks. You don’t want it too small because they won’t have any room to roam around and get exercise!
Various Types of Poultry Birds
There are several Birds that are considered poultry, these include chicken, turkey, duck, geese, quail, pheasant, and peacock. In this post, we will focus on peacock farming.
Commercial Peacock Farming:
The United States is the leading country in commercial peacock farming followed by European countries. The main reason for this difference is the fact that it is more profitable to farm peacocks in the United States. This is because there are more peafowl breeders in the United States than in any other country.
There are two main types of climates that are suitable for peacock farming, tropical and cold climates. The majority of commercial farms in the United States are located in warm climate regions as this is where most of the peafowl breeders are located. However, there are a few farms in cold climate regions that have been successful in farming peacocks.
The main reason for this is because the winters are shorter and the summers are cooler, which is ideal for peacocking.
Farm Animals:
The main animals that are used for peacock farming are peahens and peacocks. Peacocks are used for their meat and feathers, while peahens are used for their eggs. Peacocks are generally more profitable than peahens, however, both can be very profitable if done correctly.
The biggest challenge with peacock farming is finding a market for the product. There is a huge demand for peacock meat and feathers, but the price is often too high for the average person to afford. The best way to sell peacock meat and feathers is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price.
Fertile Eggs:
Another challenge with peacock farming is collecting enough eggs to make it profitable. Peacocks only lay one egg per day, so it can take several months to collect enough eggs to make a profit. The best way to overcome this challenge is to find a market that is willing to pay a higher price for the eggs.
With the right market and some patience, peacock farming can be a very profitable business. If you are thinking about starting a commercial farm, be sure to research the markets and the challenges involved before getting started.
Peacock farming is a great way to make a profit, but it is not without its challenges. Do your research and be prepared for the challenges that you will face. With a little bit of planning and patience, you can be successful in peacock farming. Thanks for reading!
United States
Peacock Farming has grown in the United States due to the fact that it is a more Lucrative Business. There are many peafowl breeders in the United States, which has led to an increase in production. The majority of commercial farms are located in warm climate regions as this is where most of the peafowl breeders are located.
However, there are a few farms in cold climate regions that have been successful in farming peacocks. The main reason for this is because the winters are shorter and the summers are cooler, which is ideal for peacocking.
European Countries
Peacock Farming in Europe has not been as successful as it has in the United States. The main reason for this is that there are not as many peafowl breeders in Europe. There are two main types of climates that are suitable for peacock farming, tropical and cold climates.
Most of the commercial farms in Europe are located in warm climate regions, which is not ideal for peacocking. However, there are a few farms in cold climate regions that have been successful in farming peacocks. The main reason for this is because the winters are shorter and the summers are cooler, which is ideal for peacocking.
Reason Peacock Farming
The biggest challenge with peacock farming is finding a market for the product. There is a huge demand for peacock meat and feathers, but the price is often too high for the average person to afford. The best way to sell peacock meat and feathers is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price.
Another challenge with peacock farming is collecting enough eggs to make it profitable. Peacocks only lay one egg per day, so it can take several months to collect enough eggs to make a profit. The best way to overcome this challenge is to find a market that is willing to pay a higher price for the eggs.
With the right market and some patience, peacock farming can be a very profitable business. If you are thinking about starting a commercial farm, be sure to research the markets and the challenges involved before getting started.
Peacock farming is a great way to make a profit, but it is not without its challenges. Do your research and be prepared for the challenges that you will face. With a little bit of planning and patience, you can be successful in peacock farming.
Tropical Climate
Peacock farming is most successful in tropical climates. This is because the weather is warm year-round, which is ideal for peacocking. The main challenge with peacock farming in tropical climates is finding a market for the product.
There is a huge demand for peacock meat and feathers, but the price is often too high for the average person to afford. The best way to sell peacock meat and feathers is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price.
Cold Climate – Winter Months
Peacock farming can also be successful in cold climate regions, but the main challenge is collecting enough eggs to make it profitable. Peacocks only lay one egg per day, so it can take several months to collect enough eggs to make a profit.
The best way to overcome this challenge is to find a market that is willing to pay a higher price for the eggs. With the right market and some patience, peacock farming can be profitable even in cold climates.
Lucrative Business
Peacock farming currently is not a very popular or known business. However, it can be a very lucrative business if done correctly. The biggest challenge with peacock farming is finding a market for the product. There is a huge demand for peacock meat and feathers, but the price is often too high for the average person to afford. The best way to sell peacock meat and feathers is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price.
Another challenge with peacock farming is collecting enough eggs to make it profitable. Peacocks only lay one egg per day, so it can take several months to collect enough eggs to make a profit. The best way to overcome this challenge is to find a market that is willing to pay a higher price for the eggs.
With the right market and some patience, peacock farming can be a very profitable business. If you are thinking about starting a commercial farm, be sure to research the markets and the challenges involved before getting started.
Peacock farming is a great way to make a profit, but it is not without its challenges. Do your research and be prepared for the challenges that you will face. With a little bit of planning and patience, you can be successful in peacock farming.
Peahen Eggs
Peahen eggs are the eggs that are laid by the female peacock. These eggs are very valuable and are often used for human consumption. Peahen eggs are a delicacy in many parts of the world, but they can be quite expensive.
The best way to sell peahen eggs is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price for them. Another challenge with selling peahen eggs is that they must be collected daily, as peacocks only lay one egg per day. This can be overcome by finding a market that is willing to pay a higher price for the eggs. With the right market and some patience, selling peahen eggs can be profitable.
Peacocks Meat
The meat of the peacock is also a valuable commodity. Peacock meat is a delicacy in many parts of the world, but it can be quite expensive. The best way to sell peacock meat is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price for it.
Profitable Peacock
Some of the important keys to a profitable peacock farm are:
- Finding the right market for your product
- Collecting enough eggs to make it profitable
- Having a good location for your farm
- Having the right climate for peacocking
- Being patient and willing to overcome challenges
If you are thinking about starting a commercial peacock farm, be sure to research the markets and the challenges involved before getting started. Peacock farming is a great way to make a profit, but it is not without its challenges. Do your research and be prepared for the challenges that you will face. With a little bit of planning and patience, you can be successful in peacock farming.
Huge Demand
There is currently a huge demand for peacock meat and feathers. The price of peacock meat and feathers has been steadily increasing over the past few years. This is due to the fact that there are very few farms that are able to supply the demand. The best way to sell peacock meat and feathers is to find a local market that is willing to pay a higher price for them.
Wild Peacock Move
Wild peacock flocks will roam and forage over a larger area in search of food and mates. This can be a problem for farmers, as the peacocks can damage crops and spread disease.
The best way to keep wild peacocks off your property is to build a fence around the perimeter of your farm. The fence should be at least six feet tall and made of sturdy material. Wild peacock flocks will also roost in trees, so it is important to remove any trees that are close to the fence.
How Much does each Peacock need in Square Feet?
An average rule of thumb is that each peacock needs about 40 square feet.
Average Life Expectancy of peafowl
The average life expectancy of a peacock is 15-20 years. Blu Indian peacocks have a slightly shorter lifespan, averaging 12-15 years. The longest-lived peacock on record was 28 years old.
Common Peafowl Breeds
Some of the most common Peacocks Breeds are;
- Indian Peacock – The Indian Peacock is the national bird of India and is considered one of the most beautiful peacocks in the world.
- Indian Blue Peafowls – The Indian blue peafowl is a subspecies of the Indian peafowl. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.
- Burmese Peacocks – The Burmese peacock is a subspecies of the Indian peafowl. It is found in Myanmar (Burma).
- Black Peacock – The black peacock is a subspecies of the Indian peafowl. It is found in India and Pakistan.
- Bufford Bronze – The Bufford bronze peacock is a subspecies of the Indian peafowl. It is found in India and Pakistan.
- Blu Indian – The Blu Indian peacock is a subspecies of Indian peafowl. It is found in India and Sri Lanka.
Each of these breeds has different colored feathers. The Indian peacock has green and blue feathers, while the Burmese peacock has red and gold feathers. Black peacocks have all black feathers, and Bufford Bronze peacocks have bronze-colored feathers. Blu Indian peacocks have a mix of blue and green feathers. All of these breeds are used for their meat, eggs, and feathers.
Peacock Features
Peacocks are majestic Birds some of their individual features are;
Average Life Expectancy – The average lifespan of a peacock is 15-20 years.
Sexual Maturity – Peacocks reach sexual maturity at about two years of age.
Long Tail Feathers – Male peacocks have tail feathers that can grow up to six feet long.
Male Feathers – Male peacocks have more colorful feathers than females. The males also have a “train” of feathers that they can spread out to attract mates.
Male Peacock – A male peacock is called a “cock.” A female peacock is called a “hen.”
Peacock Chicks – Baby peacocks are called “chicks.”
Black Shoulder – Male peacocks have a black patch on their shoulders called a “saddle.”
Iridescent Blue Green Feathers – The feathers of the peacock are iridescent and can appear to be blue, green, or purple when they catch the light.
Gorgeous ornamental Tail Feathers not found in the female. The male also has a train of feathers that can be up to six feet long!
Survival Rate – The survival rate for peacocks is high. In the wild, they can live up to 20 years.
Java Green – The Java green peacock is a subspecies of the Indian peafowl. It is found in Indonesia.
Key Peacock Farming Points
Some of the key factors in peacock farming are;
Best Place – The best place for peacock farming is in rural areas where there is plenty of space and the environment is suitable.
Clean Water – Peacocks need clean water to drink and bathe in. A pond or other body of water on the property is ideal.
Wild Peacock Move – If wild peacocks are moving into the area, it is important to take steps to keep them off the property. The best way to do this is to build a fence around the perimeter of the farm.
Favorite Food – Peacocks enjoy eating insects, small rodents, snakes, lizards, and frogs. They also like fruits and vegetables such as grapes, melons, corn, and peas.
Suitable Environment – Peacocks prefer a warm climate and plenty of sunshine. They also need a place to roost, such as trees or bushes.
Good Location – The farm should be located near a market where the peacocks can be sold.
Large Pen – The pen should be large enough for the peacocks to move around in and stretch their wings. It should also have a shelter where they can go to escape the sun or rain.
Square Feet – Each peacock needs about four square feet of space.
Wild Dogs – Wild dogs can be a problem for peacock farmers. It is important to keep them away from the property by building a fence or using guard dogs.
Final Thoughts – Peacock Farming
The peacock farming business has got the opportunity to grow in the near future. You should understand that peacock farming may not make you the richest man, but you can cover the expenses and some more. But the peacock farming business can be great fun and excitement as you have got the opportunity to live with one of the most beautiful creatures of this world.

Jump to Section on Peacocks
- Do Peacocks Keep Snakes Away? ** PECKED TO DEATH**
- Can Peacocks Live in **COLD** Weather?
- Why do Peacocks Spread their Feathers? ** IRIDESCENCE**
- What Sounds and Calls do Peacocks make? **SCREAMS**
- Peacock Courtship: Why *MALE* Peacocks Show Off
- A Peacocks Nest: **NEWBORN**
- Peachicks – Baby Peacocks **NEWBORN**
- Peacock: A History of Glamorous Grace **PLEASE BOW**
- Pet Peacocks – **ROYAL APPEARANCE**
- 10 Ways to Make **MONEY** Peacock Farming
- What are Peacocks Good For? 11 **REASONS** for Your Homestead
- Peacock Babys Peafowl **GUIDE**
- Free Range Peacocks (with Videos)
- Are Pink Peacocks Real: Everything You Wanted To Know,**PINK**
- How to Keep Peacocks off your Roof?: **22 SOLUTIONS**
- How to Keep Peacocks Off Cars **EAT THEM**
- How to Keep Peacocks from Flying Away **STAY HERE**
- How do Peacocks Sleep? **ZZZZ**
- What are Peacocks Afraid of? **HIDE**
- Can You Eat Peacock’s Eggs? **YUMMY**
- When Do Peacocks Spread Their Feathers ** STRUT **
- What do Peacocks like to Eat? ** DINNER **
- Peacocks Breeds ** COLOR WHEEL **
- How Much Does a Peacock Animal Cost?
- Are Peacocks Good Pets? ** LEASHED **
- How Much Is a Peacock Worth? $$$$$
- Can Peacocks Eat Bread? ** BISQUITS **
- What are Baby Peacocks Called?
- What are Peacocks Good For?
- How Often do Peacocks Lay Eggs? **NEST**