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Will Rabbits Eat Petunias? Garden Safety Tips

will rabbits eat petunias

Rabbits can be a nuisance in gardens, especially when it comes to their appetite for young, tender shoots like petunias. If you’ve ever discovered your petunias devoured overnight, you’re likely dealing with a rabbit problem. However, there are effective strategies to protect your beloved flowers from these furry intruders.

To safeguard your petunias from rabbits, it’s crucial to understand the signs of rabbit activity, implement preventive measures, and make wise choices when selecting plants for your garden. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your colorful petunias without worrying about rabbit damage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rabbits have a preference for young, tender shoots like petunias.
  • Signs of rabbit activity include pea-sized droppings, signs of digging or bedding, and chewed plants.
  • To protect petunias from rabbits, you can use fencing, habitat removal, scare tactics, and select rabbit-resistant plant varieties.
  • Petunias are safe for rabbits to eat, but ensure they are untreated and offered in moderation.
  • By following these garden safety tips, you can enjoy your beautiful petunias while keeping rabbits at bay.

Signs of Rabbit Activity

Rabbits can wreak havoc on gardens, including petunias, with their voracious appetites. To identify the presence of these furry pests, keep an eye out for the following signs of rabbit activity:

  • Rabbit droppings: Rabbits tend to feed at night, leaving behind small, pea-sized droppings. These droppings are a clear indication of their presence in your garden.
  • Signs of digging: Rabbits are known to dig burrows or create shallow scrapes in search of food. If you notice disturbed soil or small holes in your garden, it could be a sign of rabbit activity.
  • Chewed plants: One of the most obvious signs of rabbit activity is chewed plants. When rabbits feed, they use their sharp incisors to create clean cuts on the stems and leaves of plants, including petunias.
  • Rabbit feeding habits: Rabbits have distinct feeding habits that can help you identify their presence. They tend to target young shoots and flowers, so if your petunias or other tender plants disappear overnight, it’s likely due to rabbits.

If you notice any of these signs in your garden, it’s important to take action to protect your petunias and other plants from further damage. Implementing strategies to deter rabbits and safeguard your garden can help ensure your beautiful blooms are safe from these curious critters.

Signs of Rabbit Activity

Protecting Your Garden Against Rabbits

When it comes to protecting your garden from rabbits, there are several effective methods you can employ. By implementing these strategies, you can safeguard your plants and deter rabbits from causing damage.

1. Rabbit Repellents

Using rabbit repellents is a popular method for keeping rabbits away from your garden. These repellents are designed to emit odors or tastes that rabbits find unappealing, effectively deterring them from entering your garden.

Rabbit Repellents Pros Cons
Commercial repellents – Easy to use
– Widely available
– May contain chemicals
– Need to be reapplied
Homemade remedies – Natural and eco-friendly
– Cost-effective
– Less concentrated
– Not as long-lasting

2. Rabbit Fencing

Installing rabbit fencing around your garden can create a physical barrier that prevents rabbits from accessing your plants. Chicken wire is commonly used for this purpose, as its small gaps make it difficult for rabbits to squeeze through.

rabbit fencing

3. Habitat Removal

Removing rabbit-friendly habitats from your garden is another effective strategy. Clearing brush piles, securing trash cans, and blocking access to hiding spots can make your garden less appealing to rabbits, encouraging them to seek alternative areas for shelter and food.

4. Scare Tactics

Scaring rabbits away can be achieved through various noise-making devices or by introducing natural predators. Motion-activated sprinklers, wind chimes, or even a scarecrow can startle rabbits and discourage them from entering your garden.

“A motion-activated sprinkler near your garden can startle rabbits and send them hopping in the other direction.” – Gardening expert, Jane Thompson

5. Plant Selection

Choosing plants that rabbits tend to avoid can be an effective preventive measure. While no plant is entirely rabbit-proof, certain vegetables, flowers, and herbs are less appetizing to rabbits. For example, marigolds, lavender, and rosemary are known to deter rabbits due to their strong scent or taste.

  • Marigolds
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary

By integrating these strategies into your garden management plan, you can create an environment that is less enticing to rabbits, minimizing the risk of damage to your plants.

Petunias and Rabbits

Petunias are a delightful addition to any garden, known for their vibrant colors and charming blooms. Many gardeners wonder if rabbits have an affinity for these lovely flowers. The answer is yes – rabbits actually enjoy eating petunias. Let’s look at some key points about rabbits and petunias.

  • Can rabbits eat petunias? Yes, rabbits can safely eat petunias without any harm. In fact, petunias are often a favorite snack for them.
  • What parts of the petunia do rabbits eat? Rabbits can munch on all parts of the petunia plant, including the leaves, stems, and flowers.
  • Feeding petunias to rabbits – While petunias are safe for rabbits, it’s essential to take necessary precautions. Firstly, ensure that the petunias haven’t been treated with any dangerous chemicals, such as pesticides or herbicides. Even trace amounts of these substances can be harmful to rabbits. Secondly, it’s best to offer petunias to rabbits in moderation as a snack, alongside their main diet of grass or hay.

To add visual appeal to this section, here is an image of a charming rabbit enjoying a petunia garden:

“Rabbits find petunias irresistible, often devouring them with enthusiasm. Just remember to ensure that the petunias are free from any harmful chemicals before serving them to your furry friends.” – Gwen Thompson, experienced gardener

Keep in mind that while rabbits might enjoy petunias, it’s crucial to take steps to protect your garden from their grazing habits. Adequate fencing, scare tactics, and plant selection can help ensure the longevity of your petunias without compromising the well-being of your rabbit visitors.

Petunias and Rabbits
Rabbits’ Preference Petunias are a preferred food for rabbits.
Parts of the Petunia Eaten Rabbits can eat all parts of the petunia: leaves, stems, and flowers.
Feeding Precautions Ensure petunias are free from harmful chemicals and offer them in moderation.


Rabbits have a natural inclination to nibble on petunias, particularly the delicate shoots and flowers. However, there are effective ways to safeguard your petunias from these furry intruders. By implementing a combination of strategies such as fencing, habitat removal, scare tactics, and careful plant selection, you can maintain a rabbit-free garden and enjoy your beautiful petunias in full bloom.

It’s important to note that while rabbits find petunias enticing, these flowers are actually safe for rabbits to eat. In fact, petunias are often considered a favorite treat among our long-eared friends. However, it is crucial to ensure that the petunias you provide are free from harmful chemicals. Even trace amounts can pose a risk to rabbits’ health.

With a balanced approach of protecting your petunias from rabbit damage and offering petunias as a occasional snack to your rabbits, you can strike a harmonious balance between the two. By following these garden safety tips, you can create a tranquil space where both your petunias and rabbits can coexist peacefully, enhancing the beauty and enjoyment of your garden.


Will rabbits eat petunias?

Yes, rabbits have a preference for young, tender shoots, including petunias.

How can I protect my petunias from rabbits?

You can protect your petunias from rabbits by employing strategies such as fencing, habitat removal, scare tactics, and plant selection.

What are the signs of rabbit activity in my garden?

Signs of rabbit activity include pea-sized droppings, signs of digging or bedding, and chewed plants.

Are petunias safe for rabbits to eat?

Petunias are safe for rabbits to eat, but ensure they haven’t been treated with harmful chemicals.

Can rabbits eat all parts of the petunia?

Yes, rabbits can eat all parts of the petunia, including the leaves, stems, and flowers.

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  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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