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Do Male Rabbits Spray | Rabbit | Bunny | Spray | PDF **2024**

spraying rabbit - All rabbits, male or female, can produce a small amount of urine when they are excited. This is usually not a problem unless the rabbit is constantly stressed. However, male rabbits can also spray urine as a way of marking their territory. While this behavior is more common in intact males, any rabbit can learn to spray if he feels threatened or afraid. If you think your rabbit is spraying, the best solution is to have him neutered by a qualified veterinarian. This will help to reduce his stress levels and make him less likely to mark his territory. In addition, you should provide your rabbit with plenty of hiding places and toys to keep him occupied and distracted from any potential threats. By taking these steps, you can help to prevent your rabbit from spraying urine in your homewhat does rabbit spray look like male rabbit spraying rabbit spraying urine rabbit spraying how to stop a rabbit from spraying female rabbit spraying urine female rabbit spraying rabbit spray pee why does my rabbit spray me why does my rabbit spray pee on me why did my rabbit pee on me how to stop a rabbit from peeing on the couch rabbit marking territory how to stop rabbit pooping everywhere unneutered male rabbit why is my rabbit circling me .

Do Male Rabbits Spray – Can You Stop Rabbits from Spraying

Do Male Rabbits Spray – As a General Rule Male Rabbits spraying are marking their territory. Un-neutered males will mark female rabbits and their territory by spraying them with urine. Unspayed females can also indulge in this behavior. Spraying is a natural territorial instinct. Male rabbits spray females during mating. Spraying a jet of urine on humans is usually a sign of love, Can You Stop Rabbits from Spraying?

Rabbit Spraying Couch

What is Bunny Spraying and Why Do Rabbits Spray?

Stop Rabbits from Spraying – Spraying is a natural territorial instinct in domestic and wild rabbits to define their territories. They spray or scatter urine dropping all around their place or cage to mark their locality. Basically, spraying urine is a type of smelly message or signal for the other mate rabbits, that they have defined or selected their specific territory and to make that smellier for them to feel at ease.

Do Male Rabbits Spray

Due to the lack of some sensitive receptors in human noses, humans are not able to properly interpret these signals but these signals simply mean ‘this belongs to mine’ to rabbits.

do male rabbits spray

Is Spraying Associated With Maturity in Rabbits?

Another reason for spraying is said to be the onset of maturity in rabbits, depending upon the genetic makeup, generally, female rabbits reach maturity somewhere between the age of three to eight months. There are many events, and behavioral changes that occur in rabbits because of changes in hormonal profile.

spraying rabbit - Male rabbits spray urine as a way of marking their territory and showing their dominance over other rabbits. When a male rabbit feels that his territory is threatened, he will urinate on everything in sight in order to assert his dominance. This behavior is most common during the springtime, when the hormones are running high and males are looking to mate. However, even if a male rabbit has been spayed or neutered, he may still spray urine as a way of marking his territory. If your rabbit is spraying urine, it is important to have him checked by a veterinarian to rule out any medical causes. Once you have ruled out a medical cause, you can begin to work on changing your rabbit's behavior. Try keeping him in a smaller space, such as a cage, and providing him with plenty of toys and activities to keep him occupied. You should also avoid putting him in situations where he feels threatened or intimidated. With patience and consistency, you should be able to train your rabbit to stop spraying urine.
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Read our Guide –18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming—Extensive Guidelines for Rabbit Farmers

These puberty-associated behaviors are not so cute, as rabbits become restless; they start circling around your legs and become needy. One undesirable phenomenon during puberty is spraying urine, rabbits lose their good litter habits and start scattering urine all around their place and this is considered one of the major signs of puberty.

Check Out Amazons Resources for Training Your Pet Rabbit

Well-trained bunnies start scattering urine all around or spread poop during puberty. Male rabbits spray females during mating. Spraying a jet of urine on humans is usually a sign of love, the way they show love for their owners or need anything from them.

Spraying a Bad Litter Habit?

In the case of pet rabbits, this natural behavior is considered a “bad toilet habit/ bad litter habit” and a very devastating thing for rabbit keepers as this creates mess all around the location.

What are Effective Ways to Tackle Spraying in Rabbits?

There is a diverse variety of methods and strategies which can be helpful in this regard to a great extent.

spraying rabbit - A male rabbit will Spray to mark its territory. This is done by peeing on objects in the area that the rabbit feels is its own. The rabbit may also spray to show dominance over other rabbits or to express a desire to mate. If you have a male rabbit that is spraying, you can try to alter its behavior by neutering the rabbit. This will often reduce the urge to spray, although it may not completely eliminate it. You can also try to provide the rabbit with more space and more time outside of its cage. By giving the rabbit more room to roam, you may be able to lessen its need to mark its territory. Finally, make sure that the rabbit has plenty of toys and opportunities for play. A bored or frustrated rabbit is more likely to engage in spraying behavior than a contented one.
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Neutering or Spaying, is it a Good Solution?

Neutering a male rabbit which means removing its testes or spaying female rabbits ( removing ovaries and uterus) is a nice way to prevent them from spraying urine and marking their territory.

This is the first step to encouraging rabbits to prevent their habit of spraying. Neutering and spaying are only done in those rabbits which are not to be used for breeding purposes afterward. These surgeries are mostly performed on domestic/housed pet rabbits to train and inject good litter habits into them.

After neutering, the female rabbits and males will urine only in the defined latrine area and learn gradually to improve their bad litter habits.

Should You Get Your Rabbit Neutered or Spayed?

As far as male rabbits are concerned, they can be neutered as soon as their testes hang, somewhere between the age of 12 to 18 weeks, whereas female rabbits can be spayed at the age of approximately six months.–gjzEw

Consult Your Vetrinarian

This is important to consult your veterinarian in this regard. It is recommended that rabbits can be neutered when they are in good health condition. This surgical process is very common and your vet can perform it after taking the detailed history of your rabbit.

After neutering, the rabbit will experience alterations in its hormonal profile that will lead to the prevention of spraying urine.

How To Deal with Litter Box Training Problems in Rabbit?

After neutering, this is important to train your rabbits to use a confined latrine area by putting a tray. There are some issues that are common, let’s discuss them in detail.

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1) As you know, rabbits love to dig, and a tray full of soil (litter) is the perfect spot for your rabbit to perform its digging activity. A hooded or well-covered or tray with cardboard having an entrance hole inside will stop litter from getting anywhere. In addition, to that another digging area can be provided to rabbits can be a solution to this issue,

2) When rabbits urinate, they shuffle back into the corner and raise their tails. The tray must not be shallow; a tray with high sides, preferably 15cm/6inch depth is good

How to Train Rabbits to use Designed Litter Box?

If your rabbit is sexually intact( not neutered), it will deliberately spray anywhere by leaving the tray behind.

But this habit gets improved with neutering, but if your rabbit is spraying even after neutering, this may be considered that it has got that habit again and needs a little retraining. Here is a simple technique to retrain them from using the tray again. If your rabbit has access to many rooms/areas, then you should keep multiple trays in each room or specifically target that area where your rabbit loves to go.

Once your rabbit becomes using the tray again, decrease the number of trays gradually, and be limited to that practical area where your rabbits spend most of the time. By this, your rabbit will get used to using the tray again.

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What if Your Rabbits Go somewhere Else than Litter Box?

At times, you can get the rabbit’s droppings or urine next to the tray like rabbits may skip the tray and can move to the next area. Again, it is recommended to use a high-sided tray that will mark the clear boundary between the tray and outside the tray. Why do rabbits spray pee in other places rather than the litter box?

Be cautious while using the litter, don’t use the same litter material in the tray as you used in the rest of the cage.

Help rabbits to identify their litter area as a latrine. Thorough cleaning especially cleaning with strong scent disinfectants/chemicals is not advisable. It is recommended to keep some dirt/spots of urine and poop there so that they should clearly consider this their latrine area. Hay should be used as litter material in the litter box as rabbits love to urinate and poop in the hay.

How to keep Rabbits from Marking your Beds and Sofas?

There are some other spots just like sofas and beds where humans spend most of their time, which are quite tempting for rabbits to mark. There are some tricks to restrict the marking of rabbits in these areas.

This can be possible by placing the temporary litter tray on the sofa if your rabbits become habitual. You can gradually move the litter tray to the appropriate place again after doing some training.

If this training trick fails and doesn’t work, then their access to valuable furniture can be stopped by using some physical barriers, which can limit this problem to a certain level.

What to do If Your rabbit forgets his Litter Training?

Even if your rabbit is well trained about its toilet and litter practices, there are chances that it can lose the litter training again.

There are the following reasons, which have been enlisted here.

1) If you change home or any change happens in the territory of rabbits like a new cage or recordation, they will lose their training and their marking behavior will take some weeks to get settled.

2) As rabbits are very possessive about their territory, there is a need to keep the rabbits secure in their space. If you introduce any other animal in their space, they will start their marking behavior.

3) So, it is suggested to keep strange animals in different zones, only comfortable rabbits together,

4) It is also advisable to monitor the health conditions of your rabbits. Any kidney disease, stone, or bladder infection can stop rabbits from using their litter tray. Veterinary attention must be sought if you find any abnormality. Note: Rabbits tend to spray on vertical surfaces, and their urine has a strong odor but in case of any abnormality, they urinate on horizontal surfaces.

5) Making other changes in the household or rabbit territory may confuse rabbits and provoke them to extra mark the places. Keep in mind, every possibility when using strong smelly cleaning agents in the household too.

6) Give more attention to your rabbit, if any other strange animal visits your home, as rabbits consider you their property.

spraying rabbit - If you've got a male rabbit, you've probably noticed that he likes to mark his territory by spraying urine. While this behavior is perfectly natural, it can be quite annoying for owners. Fortunately, there are several ways to stop a male rabbit from spraying. The most important thing to do is to have your rabbit neutered. This will help to reduce hormone levels and make your rabbit less likely to spray. You should also try to provide your rabbit with plenty of space to exercise and play. A bored rabbit is more likely to spray, so make sure he has plenty of toys and fresh hay to keep him occupied. Finally, keep your rabbit's litter box clean and free of odor. A dirty litter box can cause your rabbit to start spraying, so be sure to scoop it out on a daily basis. By following these simple tips, you can help to minimize your rabbit's spraying behavior.
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Reasons For Rabbit Spraying? (Pet) (Surgery)

  • Rabbit spraying is like other types of animal marking. It has several functions:
  • Mark their territory
  • Territorial behavior (e.g., warning predators that it will defend itself)
  • Maternal behavior (e.g., protecting nests from predators)
  • Marking territory, especially around the time of sexual maturity (around age two)

Do Male Rabbits Spray after Neutering?

Some people think that male rabbits will spray after they are neutered, but this is actually not the case. Neutering will help to reduce spraying behavior in rabbits, since it eliminates the hormones that contribute to it.

However, neutering alone is not always enough to stop a rabbit from spraying. There are a few other things you can do to help reduce or eliminate spraying behavior in your rabbit:

-Provide plenty of litter boxes. The more options your rabbit has for going to the bathroom, the less likely he is to spray.

-Make sure the litter boxes are clean. A dirty litter box can be one of the reasons a rabbit starts spraying.

-Give your rabbit plenty of attention. Boredom and loneliness can lead to spraying, so spend time playing with your rabbit and giving him lots of love.

With a little patience and effort, you can help your neutered rabbit live a happy and spray-free life.

What Age do Rabbits Start Spraying?

Male rabbits begin spraying urine when they reach maturity, which is usually between 6 and 8 months of age. However, some males will start spraying as early as 4 months old.

If you have a young rabbit that is beginning to spray, there are a few things you can do to help deter this behavior. First, make sure that your rabbit has plenty of other places to urinate, such as a litter box or an outdoor area.

You should also give your rabbit regular opportunities to exercise, as this can help reduce the urge to spray. Finally, if your rabbit is still spraying after taking these steps, you may need to have him neutered by a veterinarian. This simple surgical procedure will often stop a rabbit from spraying altogether.

Why is Rabbits Spraying White Stuff?

Rabbits are one of the cleanest animals around. They groom themselves several times a day and usually only soil their fur when they eat. However, rabbits can also mark their territory by spraying urine.

This behavior is most common in males, but females may also spray urine to communicate with other rabbits. When a rabbit sprays urine, it will usually back up to a vertical surface and release a stream of urine.

The urine will often contain a small amount of feces, which helps to spread the rabbit’s scent. Spraying is often used to mark the boundaries of the rabbit’s territory or to attract mates. In some cases, it may also be done out of fear or aggression. If your rabbit starts spraying urine, it is important to have it checked by a veterinarian to rule out any medical causes.

Do Female Rabbits Spray Pee?

Many people are unaware that rabbits are among the most prolific of all animal species. A female rabbit can produce up to 12 litters a year, each containing an average of six offspring.

As a result, rabbits have been widely considered pests by farmers and gardeners for centuries. However, there is another side to these furry creatures that is often overlooked.

Female rabbits often spray urine as a way of marking their territory. This behavior is most common during the breeding season, but it can also occur when a female rabbit feels threatened or startled.

While this may seem like a nuisance to some, it is actually an important part of rabbit communication. By spraying urine, a female rabbit can let other rabbits know that she is ready to mate or that she is defending her territory. As a result, this behavior plays an essential role in the reproductive success of the species.

Why Does my Rabbit Spray Pee on Me?

There are a few reasons why your rabbit might be spraying pee on you. One possibility is that your rabbit is marking you as their territory. If this is the case, you’ll likely see your rabbit spraying pee in other places as well, such as on their food dish or in their favorite hiding spot.

Another possibility is that your rabbit is trying to communicate something to you. For example, if your rabbit is spraying pee on you when you try to pick them up, they may be trying to tell you that they’re not ready to be handled at that moment.

Finally, it’s also possible that your rabbit is simply stressed or scared. If this is the case, try to provide your rabbit with a more relaxing and comfortable environment. This may help to reduce the amount of spraying that they do.

Final Thoughts – Do Male Rabbits Spray (Animal)

Bunny Spraying is the instinctive habit of rabbits. This can be only dealt with by designing proper training strategies for your rabbit along with neutering as a top priority step to solving this problem. Planned designing of the litter box (which must have high walls) should be done to prevent the spraying of urine outside the box.


Mykytowycz R: Territorial marking by rabbits. Sci Am 218:116-126, 1968

Whary M, Peper R, Borkowski G, et al: The effects of group housing on the research use of the laboratory

rabbit. Lab Anim 27:330-341, 1993

Rabbit Meat Profitability Table

RabbitsRabbits BornLbs Meat / YearAverage Price / LBTotal Revenue Possible
184252$ 8.00$ 2016
2168504$ 8.00$ 4032
54201260$ 8.00$ 10,080
108402520$ 8.00$ 20,162
2016805040$ 8.00$ 40,320
3025207560$ 8.00$ 60,480
40336010,080$ 8.00$ 80,640
50420012,600$ 8.00$ 100,800
100840025,200$ 8.00$ 201.600
20016,80050,400$ 8.00$ 403,200
Rabbits Have Average 7 Kits (Babies) /Month - Some have had up to 14

Rabbit Giant Angora Fur Profitability Table

RabbitsRabbits Born / Yr0z wool / Year
40 OZ / Rabitt
Average Price / oz
Feed Cost / Yr
$ .30 per day / $ 110 per Year

Total Revenue Possible
1843,360$ 33,600$ 9,240$ 24,360
21686,720$ 67,200$ 18,480$ 48,720
542016,800$ 168,000$ 46,200$ 121,800
1084033,600$ 33,6000$ 92,400$ 243,600
20168067,200$ 672,000$ 184,800$ 487,200
302520100,800$ 1,008,000$ 57,200$ 950,800
403360134,400$ 1,344,000$ 369,600$ 974,400
504200168,000$ 1,680,000$ 462,000$ 1,218,000
1008400336,000$ 3,360,000$ 924,000$ 2,436,000
20016,800672,000$ 6,720,000$ 1,848,000$ 4,872,000
Rabbits Have Average 7 Kits (Babies) /Month - Some have had up to 14
Average Giant Angora Weight 10lb
40 Oz shaved Fur per Rabbit per Year
Feed $ .30 per day for 10lb Rabbit

Rabbit Poop Profitability Table

Number RabbitsManure / day / .5lbManure / lbs WeekManure /lbs Year
Manure per Rabbit ranges from .5 - 1 lb per day. We used .5 for Calculations

Breeds of Rabbits FAQ

Breed of RabbitOriginWeightPurposeKits / LitterBreed association
New ZealandsCalifornia5 kg
11 lbs
Meat8American Federation New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Assoc
CaliforniasCalifornia3 kg
7-10 lbs
Meat6 - 8California Rabbit Breeders
RexFrance4.5 kg
10.5 lbs
Meat2 - 4National Rex Rabbit Club
SatinsMichigan4 kg
9.5 lbs
Meat2 - 4American satin Breeders Association
PaliminosAmerican5.4 kg
12 lbs
Meat6 -8Palimino Rabbit Breeders Association
English AngoraEngland2-3 kg
5-7 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
French AngoraFrance4.5 kg
10.5 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Giant AngoraTurkey4.5 kg
9 - 10 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Satin AngoraTurkey4.5 kg
6 - 10 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Mini LopUK3 kg
5.5 lbs
Dwarf2 -3American Mini Lop Rabbit Club
Dutch DwarfNetherlands1 - 2 kg
2,5 lbs
Dwarf2 - 4American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club
Pygmy RabbitNorth American500 grams
1 lb
Britania PetiteUK / Polish700 grams
1 1/2 - 2 lbs
Dwarf2-3American Britiania Petite Rabbit Society
Litter Size
Breed Association

Rabbit Breeder Associations

Rabbit AssociationLocationLink
American Breeders AssociationUnited StatesARBA
House Rabbit SocietyCaliforniaHRS
Ohio States Rabbit Breeders AssociationOhioOSRBA
Livestock Conservancy North CarolinaLC
Rabbit Welfare Association and FundUnited KingdomRWA
British Rabbit CouncilUnited KingdomBRC
European Association of Rabbits....EuropeEAP
Australian National Rabbit CouncilAustraliaANRC
Australian Rabbit House SocietyAustraliaARHS
ARBA - Rabbit ShowsUnited StatesARBA - Shows
Resource List of Rabbit Breeder Associations

Author: Dr. John Abbass
DVM M. Phil (Animal production and welfare)

Do Male Rabbits Spray | Rabbit | Bunny | Spray | PDF **2024** 1
Do Male Rabbits Spray | Rabbit | Bunny | Spray | PDF **2024** 2
Do Male Rabbits Spray | Rabbit | Bunny | Spray | PDF **2024** 3


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory
  • Dr. Juon Abbass

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