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Why do Bunnies Poop so Much? | Bunnies

Why do Bunnies Poop so Much?

Rabbits eat like crazy and produce lots of droppings that look like tiny balls of round pellets. They can produce over 100 poops per day, which makes them one of the busiest species to keep as pets because they eat so much food and poop so much!

Why do Bunnies Poop so Much?

Bunnies are notorious for pooping a lot. But why do they do it? And is there anything we can do to reduce the amount of poop they produce? In this blog post, we will take a look at the reasons behind the bunny poop and offer some tips on how to minimize it. Why do Bunnies Poop so Much?

How does Rabbit Digestion Work?

Rabbit digestion consists of three parts: the oral cavity, stomach, and intestines. The digestive process begins in the mouth with teeth that grind food into small pieces. Saliva produced by the salivary glands helps to break down the food further. Food then moves on to the stomach where it is mixed with gastric juices that help to digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits

The partially digested food passes from the stomach to the small intestine where most of the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. The indigestible material such as fiber is moved on to the large intestine where water is removed and finally excreted as feces.

How Much do Rabbits Poop?

Rabbits typically produce between one-quarter and one-half cups of droppings a day. They will excrete approximately 75 to 175 pieces of poop per day! Imagine that on your carpet. Yuck!

Rabbits poops are usually round balls, between 0.25 and 0.75 inches in diameter, and consist of three layers: a solid inner layer (high in protein), a soft middle layer (full of nutrients), and a hard outer layer (consisting of indigestible fur, bone, and other materials).

The soft middle layer liquefies quickly and is easily digested by bacteria. This makes for a very stinky poop! The hard outer layer protects the inner layers until they are ready to be eaten by bacteria.

Rabbits will eat the poop that has left their body and pass through them again, this time absorbing all of the nutrients. The hard outer layer is usually not consumed by rabbits because it has already been digested once before.

Rabbits are not the only animals that eat their own poops. Other animals that do so include kangaroos, elephants, pandas, and meerkats.

How Frequently do Rabbits Poop?

Because a Rabbits digestion system works so efficiently, they typically poop around 75 – 140 times a day. However, this can vary depending on the diet of the rabbit and how much it exercises.

If your bunny is eating plenty of hay and vegetables, then you will likely see less waste output than if your bunny is mostly eating pellets.

Rabbits that eat a lot of hay usually have healthy bowel movements, since hay is a good source of fiber that helps keep their digestive system moving.

On the other hand, if your bunny isn’t getting enough fiber in its diet, you may notice more frequent and harder droppings. You can help prevent this by providing plenty of hay for your rabbit to chew on and supplementing with a small number of fresh vegetables.

If your rabbit isn’t eating or drinking enough, it may go into a state of constipation which can cause the rabbit to strain when trying to poop, and even result in blood in the stool. If you notice these symptoms, please take your bunny to the vet as soon as possible.

Why Is My Rabbit Eating Its Poop?

Eating their own droppings is called coprophagy and it’s considered normal for rabbits. Rabbits eat their droppings to get additional nutrients that were missed during the first digestion process. It also helps to keep their digestive system clean.

This process is called caecotrophy, which means that rabbits eat their own feces to get additional nutrients.

Rabbits produce two types of droppings: hard and soft ones. Hard, round droppings are what you see on the floor in your house or in a rabbit hutch outside. They are dry and solid because they contain very little moisture.

Soft droppings, on the other hand, are wet and jelly-like. This type of dropping is made up of water, bacteria, undigested food, and intestinal secretions. It’s usually found around the rabbit’s hindquarters or near its feeding area.

If you are seeing soft droppings more frequently than hard ones then it’s likely that your rabbit is not eating enough fiber. You can try to correct this by increasing the amount of hay in their diet.

If your rabbit is eating its droppings excessively, it may be a sign that they are not getting enough nutrients or that they is sick. Consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

How to Deal with all the Poop!

So now you know how important rabbit poop is for keeping your bunny healthy, but what about all that waste? Rabbits are known as “poop machines” because they produce so much of it!

Luckily there are a few things you can do to make this easier–like using an easy-to-clean enclosure or litter training them

There are a few things you can do to make dealing with rabbit droppings easier:

  • Place a litter box in your rabbit’s enclosure and put hay in it to help absorb moisture. Change the litter box daily.
  • Use an easy-to-clean enclosure such as an outdoor hutch.
  • Cover your floor with linoleum or tile so you can easily clean up any messes.
  • Place paper towels in the enclosure to absorb moisture and make it easier to clean the cage once a week.

How to Litter train your Rabbit?

It’s easy to litter train rabbits! Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a litter box that is large enough for your bunny (see size guide below). Make sure the edges are not too high for him/her to hop over, but still deep enough to catch droppings and urine. Just like cats, rabbits prefer big boxes versus small ones because they have more room inside them which makes them feel safer when using it! If possible, get one with high walls on the sides (not completely enclosed) so that your bunny can see what’s going on outside while doing their business inside.
  2. Line it up with newspaper, paper towels, or some other type of absorbent material like hay – just make sure there are no loose pieces that could be chewed off and swallowed by your bunny!
  3. Place it in an area where you want them to go potty instead of somewhere else like carpeting which might stain easily if they happen to miss their target when urinating. Use this as an opportunity for bonding between humans and animals too since rabbits tend not to use a litter box unless they feel comfortable around people; this means spending time near it without trying to pick them up every five minutes.
  4. If your bunny still isn’t getting the hang of it, sprinkle a few of their droppings in the litter box to attract them. Once they start using it consistently, you can slowly stop adding the drippings until they’re only using the box because that’s what they’ve been conditioned to do!

Should I Get my Rabbit Spayed or Neutered?

It is recommended that both male and female rabbits be spayed or neutered. Spaying (removal of ovaries and uterus) prevents females from becoming pregnant and reduces the risk of cancer while neutering (removal of testes) eliminates spraying and fighting as well as reduces the risk of cancer.

This also helps with territorial marking, as rabbits will often mark their territory with poop.

If you are not planning to breed your rabbit, spaying or neutering is a good idea and should be done when the rabbit is around six months old. Your veterinarian can do this surgery.

It will also help with unwanted behaviors like chewing on cords and furniture. You also will not have unwanted kits should your rabbit ever escape.

Why Use an easy-to-clean enclosure?

If you have a young or elderly rabbit, an easy to clean enclosure is essential. Rabbits can be very messy and it’s difficult to constantly clean up after them. An outdoor hutch that is easy to hose off or wipe down with a wet cloth is ideal.

Why you should keep track of your rabbit’s poop?

Rabbits are prey animals and as such, they like to hide their evidence of having been there! This means that if you’re not keeping track of their droppings, you might not realize when they’ve stopped eating or started being ill. By monitoring their droppings, you’ll have a better idea of how they’re doing health-wise.

How to Feed your Rabbit a Healthy Diet for Healthy Poops?

A rabbit’s digestive system is unique and requires high fiber foods to stay regular. The bacteria in their gut helps break down the cellulose from plant material (such as grasses or hay) that humans cannot digest on their own so they need a steady supply of it every day!

Rabbits should be fed a variety which includes pellets, fresh vegetables like carrots or celery stalks; fruits such as applesauce mixed with soy milk make excellent treats too but only once per week because these are high sugar items which can cause diarrhea if given too often.

Also, consider providing alfalfa cubes since these contain protein needed by growing rabbits when they’re young but not adults due to an overabundance of calcium that might lead to urinary tract problems later in life.

Alfalfa hay should not be fed as it does not contain enough fiber for adult rabbits and will cause gastrointestinal upset if given too often or without other types of roughage mixed into the diet like grasses from your lawn (which may have pesticides) so limit their access only when necessary!

What are Health Problems associated with Rabbits Poop?

Rabbit poop is a good indicator of health, but there can be some issues. Sometimes poop appears normal at first glance but on closer inspection, we realize that there’s an abnormal smell coming from it – this could mean something internal such as infection has happened within the digestive system itself due to disease-causing organisms which affect GI function.

Bloody droppings can be a sign of intestinal blockage or tumor while black, tarry stools might signal the presence of blood from the upper GI tract. If your rabbit experiences any changes in its normal bowel movements, please take them to the vet for an evaluation!


  • Constipation is very common in rabbits and is usually caused by eating too much fiber (especially if they’re not used to it) or lack of water. Symptoms include hard dry poop pellets that are difficult to pass, straining without producing anything and even loss of appetite.
  • Treatment includes increasing water intake, offering more fresh vegetables (and especially fluids like carrot juice or apple sauce) as well as giving a small amount of infant Metamucil once or twice daily until symptoms resolve but do not exceed two days at most (and check with your vet first if possible).
  • Other causes may include dehydration or intestinal blockage so contact an emergency veterinarian immediately for any signs of these including bloat, abdominal swelling and loss of appetite.


  • Diarrhea is less common than constipation in rabbits but it can still happen from time to time due mostly to stress or eating something they’re not used too much like high sugar fruits such as applesauce mixed into their diet once per week because this type of food has a lot more natural sugars which cause diarrhea when given too often without enough roughage included daily – always monitor what you feed them carefully by watching how much liquid comes out after passing stool before another dose again.
  • If your rabbit experiences diarrhea, you should contact an emergency veterinarian immediately as this could be a sign of intestinal blockage or tumor while black tarry stools might signal the presence of blood from upper GI tract (like stomach ulcers due to stress).

Weight loss

  • Weight Loss is when there isn’t enough food consumed regularly throughout their life span which leads them into starvation mode where they will begin breaking down other bodily organs such as muscle tissue in order to use that energy instead!
  • Their digestive system won’t work properly if it’s not getting what needs every day so make sure all rabbits are fed appropriately based on age group – babies need more protein than adults do because they’re growing at faster rates during development stages versus older animals who can live off less because they’re not growing anymore.


  • Hairballs are a common problem in cats but can also occasionally happen in rabbits – usually caused by ingesting too much hair while grooming themselves (especially if they have long coats).
  • This will form into lumps inside the stomach over time and might cause an obstruction within the intestines, which is very serious! Symptoms include loss of appetite, bloating, and weight loss.
  • Treatment includes increasing fiber intake by adding more hay to their diet as well as providing a specially made hairball remedy that will help them pass it naturally without causing any additional problems. If your rabbit experiences these symptoms, please take them to the vet for an evaluation!

Can you Compost Bunny Poop?

Because Bunnies produce so much poop, many people are interested in whether they can compost bunny poop.

Well, the answer is yes and no. In fact, it depends on what food your bunnies eat.

If you feed your rabbits a lot of fruits or vegetables (which you should) then their waste will be high in nitrogen and low in fiber, which will make it more difficult to compost.

Conversely, if you feed your rabbits a lot of hay (which they also should be eating) then their waste will be high in fiber and low in nitrogen. This makes the poop easier to compost.

If you decide that you want to compost bunny poop for any reason, there are a few things you should be aware of.

First, the poop will rarely reach the 140 degrees needed in order to kill any potential disease or parasite eggs that may be present in your bunny’s waste.

Second, rabbit feces can carry a parasite (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) which is dangerous for humans and other animals and may not be able to be killed by the heat of composting.

So, if you decide that you want to compost bunny poop anyway, please keep in mind that it’s probably best to do so only with rabbit poop from well-fed rabbits who have been kept indoors their entire lives and are known to be healthy.

If your bunnies are otherwise in good health and you really want to compost their poop, the best way is to do so separately from any other compost piles.

First, add a layer of bunny waste (about six inches thick), then cover it with straw or wood chips. Then sprinkle on some blood meal (which is high in nitrogen) and cover that with another layer of straw or wood chips.

If you are also composting other waste from your kitchen, add a thin layer of that on top of the straw/wood chip mix and then sprinkle on some more blood meal before covering everything with another thick layer of straw or wood chips.

Cover the whole pile with a tarp to keep the rain from washing away your compost ingredients and wait for the magic to happen.

If all of this sounds like too much work, you can also just bury bunny poop in the ground near your garden plants. The high nitrogen content will help them grow big and strong!

Final Thoughts – Why do Bunnies Poop so Much?

In conclusion, you can compost bunny poop, but it’s important to do so carefully and with caution. Please always consult a professional before starting any composting project.

Why do Bunnies Poop so Much? | Bunnies 1
Why do Bunnies Poop so Much? | Bunnies 2
Why do Bunnies Poop so Much? | Bunnies 3