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6 Bugs: Natural Dewormer for Rabbits (2024) | PDF

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits

As a General Rule, Rabbits do not need regular worming but for those that show symptoms of Diarrhea, Weight Loss, Pot Belly, Eggs in Feces, Lethargy, Loss of Appetite, Dullness of Eyes and Fur, Straining Pooping, check for these Parasites

  • Round Worms
  • Tape Wprms
  • FlyStrike
  • Warbles
  • Ear Mites
  • Fur Mites

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits? Do you know if your rabbit has worms? Do they have any symptoms of worms in rabbits? Here are some things to look for. Worms can be found in the stomach, intestines, cecum, and caecum of a rabbit. Symptoms include being lethargic or very active with no apparent reason. They might also have trouble pooping. If this sounds like something that’s happening to your pet then it’s time for a trip to the vet!

How do I Know if my Rabbit Has Worms?

Symptoms of Worms in Rabbits Symptoms Rabbit worms are not always easy to detect because they do not always cause symptoms. Symptoms of worm infestations in rabbits can include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy.

See Amazons Educational Resources on Rabbit Diseases

Symptoms of Worms in Rabbits

  • Loss of eye luster
  • A lack of energy and loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea, which can contain blood or mucus.
  • weight loss and lethargy.
  • Fur becomes dull and maybe matted
  • A pot-bellied appearance due to a swollen abdomen.
  • Always Hungry
  • Straining to defecate, but producing little or no feces.
  • Fecal Test from Your Vetrinarian
  • Other Pets Have Parisites
  • Eggs are passed in the feces.
Natural Dewormer for Rabbits
worms rabbits

How do Rabbits get Parasites?

Rabbits are prey animals. This means that they are often hunted by other animals, including parasites like worms who feed off of their blood or on the food that they eat. Rabbits can also get intestinal parasites from eating fecal matter left behind by other infected rabbits! Symptoms of Parasites in Rabbits Symptoms to look out for include:

Rabbitry Sanitation is very important to control Parasites in Your Rabbits

When Should Rabbits be Wormed?

Rabbits should be wormed at least twice a year. It is recommended that they are wormed before the start of winter and after spring to ensure their digestive system is clean from worms throughout the colder months when it’s harder for rabbits to stay active outside.

The frequency of worming is also dependent on the weight of your rabbits as well as what you feed them. A good rule to go by, however, is that if your rabbit weighs more than two pounds then they need to be wormed every three months and a half-pound or under should have a worm treatment once a month. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to get your bunny checked over by a veterinarian.

worms rabbits

How often do Rabbits Need Worming?

Check with your Vet on Frequency – This may depend on Breed – Age – Weight – Sex

Rabbit owners should also be aware that worming tablets are not suitable for pregnant or lactating rabbits as they can cause serious health problems and even death in these cases. Rabbits under the age of eight weeks shouldn’t have worms either so make sure you do not worm them until they are eight weeks old.

Rabbit Worming Treatment

Rabbit Worming Treatments depend on the type of worm your rabbit is infected with. There are four main types of worms that rabbits can be affected by:



Tapeworms and

Stomach Worms.  

  Roundworm Treatment – If a rabbit has roundworms they will need to take Levamisole HCl which is a worming medication for horses that is now being used on animals as well. You can get it from your vet, or you can buy it online or from your local Vet. The dosage will depend on the weight of your rabbit and needs to be given once every three months if they are infected with roundworms.

Hairworm Treatment – If a rabbit has hairworms they will need to take Fenbendazole which is another worming medication for horses and you can get this from your vet. You may also see the adult worms in their droppings, but these do not always indicate that there are parasites present. The dosage of this medication will depend on the weight of your rabbit and it is given once a month for three months.

Stomach Worm Treatment – If a rabbit has stomach worms they may require other medications such as Ivermectin or Praziquantel depending on their symptoms, but this cannot be used long term and you should always check with your vet.

Tapeworm Treatment – If a rabbit has tapeworms they will need to take Piperazine which is another worming medication for horses and you can get this from your vet’ . The dosage of this medication will depend on the weight of your rabbit and it is given once every two weeks

Depending on the Medicines you may be able to purchase online or you may need a prescription and dosing amounts from your vet.

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits
common rabbit worms rabbits

Natural Dewormers for Rabbits

These include garlic, papaya seeds, and diatomaceous earth.

In the wild rabbits would consume a lot of grass which acts as a natural wormer so if you have an outdoor rabbit it may not be necessary to worm them often. However, indoor rabbits will rarely get this opportunity and should therefore probably be dewormed every six months or so depending on your rabbit’s age and health.

Garlic is a natural wormer for rabbits and has been used in the past to treat worm infestations. However, it is not as effective at treating some of the more serious types of worms so should be combined with other forms of treatment.

Papaya seeds are also an excellent natural wormer for rabbits although they must be crushed before use otherwise they will pass straight through the rabbit without having any effect on the worms.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a natural wormer for rabbits but should be used with caution as it can cause problems if not administered correctly and can lead to death in some cases. However, DE does have an excellent track record when it comes to treating roundworms and other common types of worms.

How do you Deworming Rabbits with Safeguard?

Deworming rabbits is a necessary step in ensuring their health. There are many different ways to deworm rabbits, but one of the most popular methods is with Safeguard. In this article, we will discuss how to deworm rabbits with Safeguard and the benefits of doing so.

The Steps To how to Deworm Rabbits with Safeguard?

The Steps you need to follow:

  • First, you will need to purchase Safeguard. It can be bought at most pet stores or online retailers.
  • Next, you will need to mix the Safeguard powder with water according to the instructions on the label. Be sure to use a clean container and utensils when mixing them.
  • Then, using a syringe or pipette, administer the mixture orally to your rabbit. You can either give it directly into its mouth or put it in their food.
  • Finally, continue administering Safeguard every two weeks for four doses total. After that, deworming rabbits with Safeguard should only be necessary every six months or so.

The Benefits of Deworming Rabbits with Safeguard?

  • The Benefits of deworming rabbits with Safeguard include:
  • Prevention of disease
  • Improved coat condition
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Reduced stress levels
  • If you are looking for a safe, effective way to deworm your rabbits, then consider using Safeguard. It is easy to use and will help keep your rabbits healthy and happy.

Can Apple cider vinegar get rid of worms?

Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to worm rabbits by adding a few drops of it into the rabbit’s food. It is believed that apple cider vinegar changes the pH balance in the stomach which makes it harder for worms and other parasites to survive.

Lemon juice can also be added to your rabbit’s diet although this is less effective at treating worms than apple cider vinegar.

In order to treat your rabbit for worms, it is important that you speak with a veterinary surgeon before beginning any treatment. This way the vet can provide you with the correct dosage and ensure that there are no other factors that could affect their health such as age or weight.

It’s also worth noting that while worming rabbits will rid them of many of the most common types of worms, it will not protect them from all parasites.

Important if you choose to Use Natural Worming Methods Confirm with your Vet they have been effective – usually through the fecal test

How to worm Baby Rabbits

It’s best not to worm infant rabbits except under a vets direction – usually nothing younger than 8 weeks

Use antibiotics to treat baby rabbits with coccidia.

If the eyes are closed, put drops in each eye for four days. If you do not see improvement within two to three days, take them back to the vet and ask what else might be done.

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits
common worms infecting bunnies – infected rabbit

If Baby Rabbits are not Eating / or Cold

Give them electrolytes daily until they begin eating on their own.

Rabbit milk replacement can be purchased from pet shops. If you do not have that, goat’s milk works well when mixed according to the directions on the container. Or add a tablespoon of Lactaid to two cups of boiling water and mix it into four ounces (one cup) of cooled boiled water instead. Use an eyedropper or syringe to feed.

If you can not get milk replacement, goat or cow milk works fine when mixed with Pedialyte in a 50/50 ratio for the first five days of life. Pedialyte is available at most pharmacies and grocery stores. Use an eyedropper or syringe to feed because nipples often do not work for baby rabbits.

If the babies are cold, you can warm them up by wrapping in a soft cloth and putting them into a small box with an old tea towel or another piece of cloth that has been warmed up under hot water wrapped around it. Be careful not to burn yourself! You can also put them next to your skin, under your shirt.

If mom is not around you can use paper towels to line the box and put hay in it for them to sleep on which will keep them warmer than fabric or cloth lining. Also, make sure they are out of drafts as much as possible because rabbits do not produce any body heat until they are two weeks old so they are very susceptible to being cold at a young age.

If the babies sit in one place and do not move much, they need more heat or can be chilled because their drop in temperature slows down their metabolism. If this is the case you should increase the warmth of where they are until they start moving around normally again. They will also need to be fed more often while they are chilled.

You can also place a heating pad on the bottom of their box, covered with two layers of towels, and put another layer over them like a blanket. The temperature should not exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius) or it will cause them harm. Make sure there is enough room for all of them to move away from the heat source if it is too warm.

Preventing Worms in

Worms are parasites that live in the digestive tract of rabbits.  There are many different types of worms, but some common ones include pinworms, tapeworms, and roundworms.  Rabbits get these worms by eating feces (poop) or food that has been contaminated with fecal matter or by coming in contact with another animal that is infected.  Worms can cause weight loss, diarrhea, and anemia which will make your rabbit weak and also die if not treated or prevented.

The best way to prevent worms is by giving your pet a dewormer like Panacur (Fenbendazole) orally every month.  You should also avoid feeding your pet rabbit food that has not been washed or cooked properly to prevent worms in rabbits.

If you suspect your bunny may have worms, consult with a veterinarian who can do tests on the feces of your animal and prescribe medication if needed.

Common Rabbit Worms


Is an infectious disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits and chickens and other poultry.

This is caused by parasites (eukaryotic organisms) known as coxiella burnetti.

It is very common in pet rabbits, but it can also infect chickens and other poultry.

Coccidiosis is characterized by symptomsccidia that are found in feces. The most common types include Eimeria tenella, Eimeria colchici, Isospora spp., Sarcocystis fusiformis, and many others. The parasites infect the intestinal tract causing disease symptoms such as reduced feed consumption or weight loss in birds with one or two generations of oocysts being passed out in droppings.

-Symptoms usually include reduced feed consumption or weight loss when there are multiple generations present

Rabbits, chickens, other poultry can all be affected by Coccidiosis

Other preventive measures include housing rabbits in clean, dry areas with good ventilation and providing a balanced diet that includes nutritious food sources such as alfalfa hay or pellets rich in vitamin C.

Other preventive measures include housing rabbits in clean, dry areas with good ventilation and providing a balanced diet that includes nutritious food sources such as alfalfa hay or pellets rich in vitamin C

Coccidiosis is generally not contagious but may be transmitted from one rabbit to another via fomites (inanimate objects such as cages, food, and water bowls).

Treatment of rabbits with coccidia includes a treatment that kills the parasites. Rabbit Breeders tend to use sulfa-demethoxine.

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits
rarely affect domestic bunnies – consume tapeworm eggs – worm infestation

Warbles ( Cuterebra Fly ) in

Rabbits: A Warble is a skin cyst caused by the Cuterebra fly which parasitizes rabbits. These parasitic maggots can grow to be up to one inch in length and cause severe damage, illness, and even death if left untreated for too long.

The life cycle of these flies starts with adult females laying eggs around rabbit burrows or warrens. Eggs start hatching within a few days and the larvae emerge, dropping to the ground where they find a rabbit host to feed on.

The larva can stay in this stage for up to three weeks before climbing back onto vegetation close enough so that it’s able to attach itself firmly into place using its mouth hooks and tail (the remains of its last meal can be seen in the center of its body) before entering a pre-pupa stage.

A pupa then develops out of this, with an adult fly emerging around two weeks later to continue the cycle. The Cuterebra life cycle is completed within three months from egg-laying, although the rabbit host is generally killed by this time.

Adult Cuterebra flies are not able to feed on blood, so they do not bother rabbits during their adult stage of life. However, these adults lay eggs which will continue the lifecycle and cause problems for other rabbits in future generations.

Cuterebra fly infestation in rabbits is best removed by a veterinarian. He will carefully slice out the pupa, without crushing it.

How to prevent Cuterebra Fly Infestation in Rabbits.

To avoid Cuterebra fly infestations, it is recommended that you use preventive measures such as removing any rabbit warrens near your home and keeping bushes trimmed so they aren’t close enough for the eggs to be able to fall onto them.

If you do notice any Warbles in rabbits, it is important that they are treated as soon as possible by a veterinarian who will prescribe treatment depending on the severity of the case. If left untreated, these can cause more serious problems and even death for your rabbit friend.

Anyone who suspects they have a rabbit with Cuterebra fly larvae should contact their vet as soon as possible. There are many different treatment options that will treat the issue successfully if it is caught early enough, so there is no need to worry about your pet’s health.

When Rabbits have wet bottoms, diarrhea, the Flies will lay their eggs. The maggots hatch and quickly burrow into the rabbit. They create abscesses when lanced by the Vet, The Larva can be removed.


Is a common condition that affects rabbits of all breeds. It is an infestation where flies lay eggs on the rabbit’s skin, and then maggots hatch from these eggs and feed off live tissue.

This can lead to severe damage being done within 48 hours if not treated appropriately.

In addition, Flystrike can also result in secondary bacterial infections, which can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to your rabbit.

This is why it’s important that you understand the causes of flystrike in rabbits, how to prevent them from happening, and what steps you need to take if they do happen.

What Causes FlyStrike In Rabbits? * The main reason for flystrike happens on rabbits that are not kept in clean living conditions. * Contributing factors to flystrike include:

Wet fur (from rain or dew) compromises the skin and hair of rabbits, making them more vulnerable. -Damp bedding material such as hay or straw is also problematic for this same reason; it can cause problems with the skin if it isn’t kept dry. -A rabbit’s coat/fur can also become soiled with urine or feces, which again compromises the health of their skin and fur, making them more vulnerable to flystrike.

Overgrown nails can cause discomfort for rabbits because they are unable to scratch an itch on that area of their body. -Overgrown teeth can also cause problems because rabbits do not have an innate ability to chew their own nails or fur, which causes them discomfort and leads to them trying to scratch the itches by chewing on other areas of their body; this is where flystrike becomes a big problem.

There are several breeds that are more likely than others to suffer from flystrike, including Rex rabbits and Angoras.

Prevention Is Key To Avoiding FlyStrike In Rabbits * The most important thing you can do to avoid flystrike is kept your rabbit’s living conditions clean at all times; this means keeping their bedding material changed regularly (ideally daily) because wet or damp fur is the biggest problem when it comes to flystrike. * It’s also important that you check your rabbit every day for any signs of skin damage, including redness or wounds which may have become infected through chewing on themselves.

What To Do If Fly Strike Does Occur?

If you suspect your rabbit has developed a flystrike, there are some steps you need to take.

1) If your rabbit has flystrike, they will most likely be in a great deal of discomfort because the maggots are eating their flesh; this is why it’s important that you act quickly and get them to help immediately if possible.

2) You’ll want to wash the affected area with warm water and mild shampoo, being careful not to remove any maggots that have hatched.

3) After this, you’ll want to gently pat the area dry and then apply a topical ointment which is designed for flystrike in rabbits (or alternatively Betadine cream).

4) If possible, try to catch the rabbit so they don’t run away while you’re trying to treat the affected area.

5) Try not to remove any maggots that may be in the fur, as this can interfere with your rabbit’s natural healing process. If there are too many maggots for you to pick off by hand, take them to a vet immediately.

Ear Mites – Canker in

Rabbits Ear Mites – Canker in rabbits is an infestation of the ear by small mites. It causes irritation, swelling, and discharge from the ears which can lead to secondary infections if not treated immediately. The condition is usually seen in young rabbits less than six months old but it does occasionally affect older ones too especially after a very stressful event such as a bad attack of flu or following a drop in temperature, which can affect the rabbit’s resistance. What are ear mites? Ear Mites – Canker in rabbits is an infestation of small parasites that live on your pet and feed off their blood. The parasite lives deep within the ear canal spending much of its time lying up against the skin lining the ears. Can Be Treated with Mitacide or olive oil.

Natural Dewormer for Rabbits
bunny loves fresh grass

Fur Mites

Fur mites in rabbits are very common. The rabbit fur mite is a parasite that lives off the blood of its host. It will constantly be looking for new hosts to continue living and thriving within their environment, which not only includes domestic rabbits but also wild ones as well! Since they can easily hop from one place to another, it is not recommended to have wild rabbits in close proximity with your domestic ones.

To prevent fur mites,

Regular grooming should be done on a weekly basis. This may sound like an easy task but for many rabbit owners, this could be their least favorite thing to do because of the long duration that needs to be spent doing so! Fur mites can also be very difficult to remove with regular grooming because they are tiny black bugs that live within the fur of rabbits.

The best way to treat these parasites is by using natural products instead of harsh chemicals, which could cause even more harm than good. For example, eucalyptus oil has been proven effective in treating mites but only if it is diluted with other oils. It should not be used directly on the rabbit because it could cause irritation or worse!

Rabbit fur mites are usually harmless to humans, although there have been reports of people being affected by them so extra care must be taken when handling rabbits that have these little pests living within their bodies.


A type of roundworm that can infect rabbits. They are acquired by ingestion, through the anus or vagina, and in rare cases may be transmitted via inhalation.

Pinworms are mainly seen in young animals but adults can also become infected if they have not been exposed to them before. Symptoms depend on what species is involved but typically include diarrhea, lack of appetite,

Pinworms in rabbits is not a serious condition but ova can be detected on fecal examination and treatment should be given to prevent further problems such as secondary bacterial infections which could lead to the death of your rabbit if left untreated. You will need to deworm your rabbit regularly to prevent reinfection.

There are multiple drugs available for treating Pinworms in rabbits including Panacur, Drontal, and Safe-Guard along with others so you should discuss this with your vet to see what treatment would be most suitable. Under Guidance of Vet will give you proper Dewormer.

Are Rabbit Parasites Contagious?

Rabbit parasites can be passed on to other rabbits and humans, but the chances of this happening are very slim. The main symptoms would be worm diarrhea in both your rabbit and yourself. However, there is a way for you to avoid passing these worms on always wash your hands thoroughly after handling your pet’s waste or any items that have been in contact with his waste.

18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming—Extensive Guidelines for Rabbit Farmers

Final Thoughts

Worms are usually found in rabbits that have been recently weaned or if they live with other animals.

Worming your rabbit regularly should prevent any serious problems but it is important to make sure you use the right treatment for rabbits and follow the instructions properly when using drugs on them.

6 Bugs: Natural Dewormer for Rabbits (2024) | PDF 1
6 Bugs: Natural Dewormer for Rabbits (2024) | PDF 2
6 Bugs: Natural Dewormer for Rabbits (2024) | PDF 3


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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