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How many Teeth do Rabbits Have? (Updated 2024)

How many Teeth do Rabbits Have?

Adult rabbits have 28 teeth. Baby Rabbits have 20 teeth – There are four types of teeth in rabbits:

  • Incisors
  • Molars
  • Premolars
  • Canines

How many Teeth do Rabbits Have?

We all know that rabbits are cute little animals, but some people may not know that they have two sets of teeth. Rabbits will lose their baby teeth when they are around 7-8 weeks old and then grow adult teeth to replace them. They only use the baby set of teeth for feeding milk, so all of the chewing is done by the adult set. How many Teeth do Rabbits Have?

Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits

How Many Teeth do have Baby Adult Rabbits Have?

Baby rabbit teeth come in at about five days old. Baby rabbits start teething around two weeks of age and can have up to 20 baby teeth. The first set of adult teeth are most likely replaced by the time they’re six months old, with a second full set behind them soon after that All in all, most rabbits have 28 teeth. Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS**

Some rabbits will never grow their adult molars and so will always have a total of 26 teeth. This is nothing to worry about – it just means those bunnies can’t eat things like hay as well as other rabbits can! A lack of molars usually doesn’t cause any health problems.

How many Teeth do Rabbits Have? (Updated 2024) 1

How Many Teeth do have Adult Rabbits Have?

Adult rabbits have 28 teeth. The top incisors are kept short, but the bottom ones often grow too long and need to be trimmed regularly by your veterinarian or at home with special rabbit scissors. If you try trimming them yourself, use a mirror for better control of what you’re doing. Keeping these sharp teeth worn down prevents your bunny from developing overgrown teeth, which can become a problem like impacted molars in dogs. Though rabbits’ teeth constantly grow throughout their lives, the rate varies widely depending on what they are fed and whether or not they have access to roughage. How many Teeth do Rabbits Have?

What types of Teeth are in Rabbits?

There are four types of teeth in rabbits:

  • Incisors,
  • Molars,
  • Premolars,
  • Canines.

Rabbit Incisors are the small teeth located in front of a rabbit’s mouth. They are used for grooming, digging, and biting food.

Rabbit Molars (also called cheek teeth) are found behind the incisors on both sides of the jawbone they do most of the chewing work in rabbits. A molar is different from other types of teeth because it has no roots or caps that hold them to your pet’s gums (unlike dog molars).

Rabbit premolars have only one root but many more cusps than their predecessors – too many to count if you weren’t sure which tooth was first! These cusps help break down tough foods into smaller pieces so they can be easily digested by your bunny.

Rabbit Canines are the long teeth at the back of your rabbit’s mouth. These used to be called tusks and they are much larger than incisors or molars, though most rabbits do not have any canines because they don’t need them for chewing food. If a rabbit does have canine teeth it is usually due to an injury in its early life that left one or more intact and growing.

How Fast do Rabbit Teeth Grow?

Rabbit teeth grow at a rate of about four inches per year, which is relatively fast compared to other animals. This means that you will need to provide your rabbit with plenty of chew toys and fresh vegetables in order to help keep their teeth healthy and trim.

If their teeth become too long, they can cause problems for the rabbit, such as difficulty eating or even infection. Be sure to check your rabbit’s mouth regularly for any signs of overgrowth and take action if necessary.

When rabbits eat hay, it helps to wear down their teeth and keeps them healthy. Make sure your rabbit has plenty of hay to chew on every day!

Rabbit teeth are always growing, so they need to constantly chew on things to keep them trimmed down. This is why it’s important to give your rabbit plenty of hay and other chewing toys.

Rabbit Teeth Facts:

  • Baby rabbit teeth come in at about five days old.
  • Baby rabbits start teething around two weeks of age and can have up to 20 baby teeth.
  • The first set of adult teeth are most likely replaced by the time they’re six months old, with a second full set behind them soon after that.
  • All in all, most rabbits have 28 teeth. Some may have up to 30.

Do I need to Brush My Pet Rabbits Teeth?

You do not need to Brush Your Rabbit’s teeth Unlike humans and other animals with closed teeth, rabbits have “open rooted” tooth which means that they’ll continue growing throughout their entire life. They’re constantly worn down for a new set of crowns in order to be renewed by eating luxuriant grasses or flowers!

This is the main reason you should not need to brush your rabbit’s teeth.

If you notice that your rabbit’s gums are red and inflamed, he/she may be experiencing dental problems and should see a veterinarian immediately. Dental problems can cause serious health issues for rabbits and must be treated quickly!

How many Teeth do Rabbits Have? (Updated 2024) 2

Do Rabbits Teeth Fall Out?

Rabbits baby teeth fall out and are replaced by their adult teeth. Their baby teeth do not come in until they are about three weeks old, and their first adult tooth comes in when they are about six months old. Adult rabbits have 28 teeth – 16 on the top and 12 on the bottom.

The incisors (the front four teeth) grow continuously and need to be worn down or else the rabbit will over-bite which can cause dental problems. The molars (the back four teeth) also grow continuously, but at a much slower rate than the incisors so they usually don’t need to be worn down.

If a rabbit’s diet is not adequate, it may develop health problems such as malocclusion (a bad bite), tooth root abscesses, or dental problems.

The best way to keep your rabbit’s teeth healthy is by feeding a diet of hay and pellets that has been approved for rabbits with free-choice water available at all times (except when you are cleaning the bowl).

An occasional treat of fresh vegetables may also be given as long as it does not exceed more than five percent of the total diet per day. Soft fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc should not be offered because these foods can cause tooth decay but an apple slice now and then will do no harm if ingested in small amounts.

How Often Do Rabbits Teeth Need Trimming?

If a Rabbits Diet is proper, their teeth do not need to be trimmed.

However, there are instances where Rabbits’ Teeth may become overgrown and require trimming every year or so. This can happen if you change your Rabbit’s Diet too quickly (from hard food to soft food),

  • Introduce a new type of Pellet Food that contains different proportions of Calcium:Phosphorus ratio,
  • Start feeding Fruits and Vegetables which contain higher amounts of Phytate in them (which binds the minerals like Calcium leading to Deficiencies)
  • Without increasing Vitamin D Intake from Sunlight/Dietary sources

What is wrong if my Rabbits Teeth are overgrown?

The Reasons you Rabbits Teeth are overgrown?

Improper diet (pellets, hay) / lack of chewing material.  Often owners see their Rabbits eating pellets but not much grass or vegetables. This is the wrong way to feed your Rabbit! At first, try changing food and then add a lot more Hay as well as some fresh Grass/Vegetables into the daily menu. Your Rabbit needs these hard fibrous foods in order to grind its teeth down naturally without problems.

Misaligned jaw (skew jaw)  – Some Rabbits are naturally born with an anatomically deformed lower jaw. This can lead to a misaligned bite and overgrown teeth (among other problems). If your Rabbit has this problem you need to see a Veterinarian, as the cause must be treated by expert hands in order for the rabbit not to develop further health issues due to its mouth problems.

Teeth Trauma from Being Dropped – This is a relatively common problem with baby Rabbits that are not handled and picked up carefully enough. If you have a young Rabbit, be very careful when handling it and do not let anyone else do so either until the rabbit is big and strong enough to defend itself. If your Rabbit has suffered such an injury as a child, its teeth may overgrow as they will try to compensate for the lost tooth/teeth.

What are the Remedies for Overgrown Teeth?

Diet – This is the easy one – make sure your rabbit is eating a healthy diet. High-quality hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets should do the trick.

Chewing – Encourage your bunny to chew on things by providing them with plenty of toys and objects to gnaw on. This will help keep their teeth trim.

Teeth Trimming – This will have to be done the rest of the Rabbit’s life, but it is a quick and easy procedure. Your vet can do it for you or you can purchase a kit to do it at home.

Their teeth can be cut or ground down. This is a quick procedure that can be done without any pain to your rabbit and you should notice an improvement right away.

Teeth Extraction- In some cases, the teeth may be so overgrown that they cannot be trimmed and must be extracted. This is a more invasive procedure and can be expensive, but it is often the only way to fix the problem.

What Health Problems can my Bunny Have from Overgrown Teeth?

Some of the Health Problems that can develop are

  • Absesses
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • Malocclusion
  • Teeth Rot
  • Jaw Problems
  • Tooth Decay
  • Infection
  • Gums Bleeding
  • Rabbit Stops eating and Drinking
  • Death
  • If your Rabbit has overgrown Teeth it is important to have them trimmed by a Veterinarian. If not treated, the Health Problems can worsen and lead to death. Make sure you keep an eye on your Bunny’s oral health and get them help if needed!

What is the Rabbits Dental Formula Mean?

This describes the total number of teeth a rabbit has in its mouth. The numbers represent the total number of incisors, premolars, and molars:

How many Teeth do Rabbits Have? (Updated 2024) 3

Why Do Dwarf Rabbits Have a lot of Teeth Problems?

Dwarf Rabbits have a problem with Miss aligned Teeth.

The problem is that they do not have enough space to grow their teeth properly so they are always growing in at an angle. This can cause a lot of problems for the Dwarf Rabbit such as difficulty eating and chewing, tooth decay, gum disease, and even mouth infections.

They also have a problem with miss-aligned jaws and have other issues such as a shortening of the jaw bone and their teeth growing in at an angle.

There is no cure for this problem and it can be very painful.

The only way they are able to stop problems from happening is by having regular visits to the vet so that these miss-aligned teeth can be pulled out when needed and also dental treatments done which involves removing tartar build-up, scaling off hard deposits on top of each tooth or doing root planing where sharp spurs caused by misaligned teeth are filed down using fine-grit sandpaper-like material called ultrasonic scalers (this is used under anesthesia).

Without treatment, you could see your Dwarf Rabbit suffering from difficulty eating, weight loss, mouth infections – even death

Final Thoughts – How many Teeth do Rabbits Have?

Adult rabbits have 28 teeth. – There are four types of teeth in rabbits:

Incisors, Molars, Premolars, & Canines.


  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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