Rabbit Hutch Fox Proof – As a general rule Foxes will prey on rabbits they can be very aggressive. Suggestions 1) Locked latched Rabbit Pens 2) Predator proof fencing 3) Ultrasonic protection 4) Scent Repellents 5) Sound Repellants 6) Electric fencing
Fox Proof Rabbit Hutches – Keep Your Rabbit Safe From Foxes
How to Keep Your Rabbit Safe From Foxes. Rabbits are prey animals. Several wild animals like to hunt rabbits, including hawks, foxes, dogs, cats, and raccoons. Therefore, if rabbits are living outdoor, then the owner must provide security to the little bunnies. What to look for – Fox Proof Rabbit Hutches.
Keeping rabbits outdoor is a real danger for them to get saved from foxes. Foxes are a potential threat to the rabbit’s safety. Foxes are extremely smart and capable predators and regardless of widespread certainty can strike at any time of the day or night.

Foxes do not kill because of some stubborn bloodlust, but they are just wild creatures, hunting to nourish themselves and their families
See Amazons Resources for Looking at Available Rabbit Hutches
They are a slave to their natures. Most people are just complacent when it comes to keeping their rabbits safe and assume that just because their cage or run is in their back orchard that this is all they need to do or worry about their safety.
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Foxes can become trouble and even a severe problem, especially when you have a pet rabbit. However, bunnies are relying on their owners to protect themselves. Their welfare and safety placed the responsibility of the owners squarely. Therefore, if someone is looking to keep the rabbits outdoors, then the following recommended points must follow to keep protecting their wellbeing.
How to Keep Your Rabbit Safe From Foxes / Prevention and Keeping Your Pets Safe
There are several things the owners can do to reduce the chances of a fox attacking and killing the rabbits.

As said “Prevention is better than treatment,” and it thus better to prevent the entrance of foxes near to the place of the pet.
The presence of the fox sniffing among the hutch or running and attempting to gain entry is enough to kill the rabbits.
Prevent Foxes from your Garden using Scent Repellents
The scent repellents target the smell sense of the foxes. This scent repellent works by mimicking a particular smell that leads a fox to trust that another animal has occupied its territory and their instinct to evade conflict that results in them moving on somewhere else.
This scent repellent is a cheap and reasonably sufficient solution for keeping foxes out of the garden and rabbits. The owners have to apply these scent repellents fairly, and regularly to work effectively. It is easy to use by just dissolving one of the powder sachets in water and then spreading it around the garden with the watering cans.
Using Sound Deterrents to Stop Foxes
By using another efficient and advised option is to target the fox’s acute sense of hearing. This procedure is applicable by using an ultrasonic device that can produce a high-pitched burst of noise that may scare the fox. The ultrasound is not hearable to humans, but these sound waves can startle the fox. Whenever the fox crosses the motion detectors, the ultrasonic device is triggered.
These ultrasonic devices are a bit expensive as compared to scent repellents. However, these devices are quite sufficient to keep foxes away from the rabbits, and setup required minimal ongoing effort from the owner.
This device can operate both day and night and can resist rain and hot climate. The detection range is around 30 Feet (10 meters). A combination of ultrasonic devices with scent repellents is too significant for the safety of rabbits.

Build a Fox Proof Enclosure
Rabbit Hutch Fox Proof – Another best option to secure the rabbits from the fox’s attack is to build a fox-proof enclosure. A fence with wall spikes at the top of the wall will provide extra security to the hutch of rabbits.
As foxes can dig and climb;
therefore, these fences with top spikes will help to keep the rabbit secure.
Location. Location. Location.
The location of the hutch should be near the house. If the owner has a dog and the dog kennel is outside, then the cage can be a bit far away. The large breed of dogs is not interested in rabbits. If it is not possible to avoid foxes entering the hutch, then it is better to keep the rabbits in a large shed and garage. It is better to put the cage on paving slabs or add wire skirting around the perimeter of the hutch to stop rabbits burrowing out or foxes getting in.

Keep Your Hutch Secure. ( Single Rabbit Hutch)
It is always mandatory to check for any signs of weakness caused by the rabbits. Usually, rabbits will chew the framework of their hutch which can result in weakening the structure to allow a point for the entrance of foxes.
Chewing wood frames is a common issue with some rabbits. Rabbits try to gain food and to inspect and alter their surroundings, but if the rabbit starts gnawing at their cage, do not ignore it.
This chewing habit is a sign for the owners that the rabbits are stressed, bored, or frustrated. Therefore, try to find an alternative for the rabbit’s chewing. The other options can be branches of apple trees, untreated willow baskets, or any chewable toys.
If the rabbits keep chewing the wood frame, then it is better to place another hardwood or metal strips over the wood that ensures the security of the rabbits. It must keep in mind that foxes are incredibly persistent predators, so if they came to know that there is a potential food source, then they will surely come back. Therefore, always be on the lookout for signs of weakness or any other potential vulnerability which they can exploit.
Keep Your Hutch Locked At All Time ( Predator – Rabbit Hutch Safe )
If the foxes are a consistent issue in the area, then it is better to add a few more locks to the wooden doors and a combination lock to any wire doors at the bottommost of the hutch. They must be taken care of any lift up the lid as foxes can come in from the roof too. They can Lift the lid with their heads and squeeze in. Try to close all the covers and lock all the doors and avoid rushing in doing.
Invest in Electric Fencing
This method is another effective way to keep the rabbits safe from the foxes. The electric fencing will provide a high level of security to the rabbits. This protection is advisable for the area where there is an issue of foxes.
This electrical fencing is not cruel nor dangerous for the foxes. The electric fence will provide a short, sharp, harmless shock to the curious nose of the intruder that will deter predators and keep rabbits where ever you want to have them.

A single shock to the fox is enough to act as a psychological barrier and it is doubtful that once stunned a fox will try to dig under or jump over an obstacle, even if it can quickly clear the top of it. Hence, it is probably the most effective way for pets.
Never Let Your Rabbit Outside Unsupervised ( Two-tier Rabbit Hutch )
Even if the enclosure for rabbits is fully secured; it is not a good idea to leave rabbits alone in it. It is always better for the owners to stay with them and supervise them at all times. Predators like foxes are scared of humans, and will not approach if humans are around the enclosure. Rabbits can escape from the tiniest gaps in fencing and bushes, so an eye must be on them.
How to Keep Foxes away from Rabbits
Rabbits are a vital part of my farm and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe from harm – including keeping foxes away. Here are three ways that have worked for me:
First, I make sure the rabbits are always in a secure enclosure. I’ve got a tall fence around the perimeter and I check it regularly to make sure there are no gaps or holes that a fox could squeeze through. The enclosure is also kept clean and free of debris where foxes could hide.
Second, I take care to eliminate anything that might attract foxes to the area. This means removing any food sources that they might find appealing, such as fallen fruit or unsecured garbage. I also make sure the farm is free of potential shelter spots, like piles of wood or old sheds, where foxes could den up.
Finally, I keep a close eye on the rabbits themselves. If I see one acting strangely or appearing sick, I isolate them immediately to prevent the spread of disease. And if there’s evidence that a fox has been lurking around, I take steps to scare it off before it can cause any harm.
With these measures in place, I’m confident that my rabbits are safe from foxes – and other predators.
Do Foxes Kill Rabbits Quickly
Foxes are predators that will kill and eat rabbits if they have the opportunity. While a fox may not be able to take down a full-grown rabbit in one attack, they can certainly kill smaller rabbits or young kits. In addition, foxes are skilled hunters and can easily track and stalk their prey.
Once a fox has caught a rabbit, they will typically kill it quickly by biting its neck. This is likely done in order to avoid being injured by the rabbit’s powerful hind legs. While foxes do pose a threat to rabbits, there are ways to protect your rabbits from these predators.
Building a secure enclosure for your rabbits is the best way to keep them safe from foxes (and other predators). You should also avoid leaving any food out in the open where it could attract foxes to your property. By taking these precautions, you can help to ensure that your rabbits stay safe from harm.
Rabbit Hutch Locks
There are three main types of locks that are commonly used on rabbit hutches: padlocks, bolt locks, and combination locks. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Padlocks are the simplest type of lock, and they can be easily opened with a key. However, they are also the most likely to be broken open by determined burglars.
Bolt locks are more secure, as they require two hands to open: one to hold the bolt in place while the other unlocks the door. However, they can be difficult to operate if you have small hands.
Combination locks are the most secure type of lock, as they cannot be picked or broken open. However, they can be tricky to use if you forget the code. Ultimately, the best type of lock for your rabbit hutch depends on your personal preferences and needs.
How to Protect Outdoor Rabbits from Predators
If you have outdoor rabbits, it’s important to take steps to protect them from predators. Here are five ways to do so:
Build a secure enclosure. The enclosure should be made of sturdy materials like wire mesh, and it should be buried at least a foot underground to deter digging predators.
Use multiple levels. Building the enclosure off the ground will make it more difficult for predators to reach your rabbits.
Install a predator-proof gate. A well-designed gate will keep out animals like raccoons and foxes while allowing your rabbits to come and go as they please.
Use deterrents. Motion-activated lights, loud noises, and unpleasant smells can all help to keep predators away from your rabbits’ enclosures.
Be vigilant. Even the best-protected rabbits are vulnerable if their guardians let their guard down. Regularly check the enclosure for signs of damage, and be on the lookout for any suspicious activity in the area.
By taking these simple precautions, you can help ensure that your outdoor rabbits stay safe and healthy.
Final Thoughts
Most often, owners feel that they don’t have any issues with the foxes in the area, and rabbits are safe. But remember, many people lost their pets by thinking the same. Many a Chicken Coop and Free Range Rabbits have been wiped out by a persistent Fox.
Even if the issue regarding foxes is not there, it is always better to add precautionary measures. It is the core responsibility of the owner to provide the rabbits with all the precautions to remain safe.
Rabbit Breeder Associations
Rabbit Association | Location | Link |
American Breeders Association | United States | ARBA |
House Rabbit Society | California | HRS |
Ohio States Rabbit Breeders Association | Ohio | OSRBA |
Livestock Conservancy | North Carolina | LC |
Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund | United Kingdom | RWA |
British Rabbit Council | United Kingdom | BRC |
European Association of Rabbits.... | Europe | EAP |
Australian National Rabbit Council | Australia | ANRC |
Australian Rabbit House Society | Australia | ARHS |
ARBA - Rabbit Shows | United States | ARBA - Shows |