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11 Reasons: What are Peacocks Good For? Your Homestead (2024)

What are Peacocks Good For? 11 Reasons for Your Homestead
  • Peahen Eggs
  • Peacock Game Meat
  • Long Life Span – up to 50 Years
  • Low acquisition Cost $35 – $275
  • Pets
  • Protect from pest – insects, as well as snakes, amphibians, and rodents
  • Eat Ticks
  • Attractive – Feathers
  • Very active at night – will shriek when Danger is Present
  • Indian peafowl – up to 5 feet in size
  • Kill and Eat Snakes
  • Can Co-habit with Chickens
  • Sell and Ship Live Birds Around the World

Table of Contents

What are Peacocks Good For?

As a general rule Peacocks, Peahens, are farmed for meat and eggs. The Males produce amazing colored feathers. Peahen eggs are almost three times the size of chicken eggs. They have a similar flavor and feel as chicken eggs but with a gamier flavor and texture.

With a few hundred dollars, you can obtain a decent, healthy one. An adult Peacock would cost anywhere between $35 to $275 on average. Birds with straight toes and no flaws are more expensive than those with deficiencies.

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Peacocks are one of the world’s most exotic bird species. Their feathers are brightly colored, iridescent, and fan-like, making them difficult to miss. What are Peacocks good For?

Peacocks are good for various purposes, including Meat, Eggs, Ornamental Purposes, and as Pets.

Peacocks, also called “peafowl,” are substantial colorful birds found throughout India and Asia. There are two types of peafowl: blue and green. A third African species are known as the Congo peafowl exists, although it belongs to a different genus.

Male peacocks are known as “peahens,” while female peacocks are known as “peacocks.” Continue reading to learn more about the peacock.

Babies Peacock Peafowl - Extensive Guide
benefits of peacocks

What is the Lifespan for Peacocks?

The less colorful peacock females of the species are called peahens, and colorful male species are called peacocks. Both can live in the wild for up to 20 years.

Domesticated peafowl has been known to live as long as 40 to 50 years.

Peafowl is omnivores and is hunted by large cats, eagles, and mongooses.

Peacocks Natural Habitat

Peafowl can be found in forested areas, farms, and agricultural fields in the wild. They can be found in lowland forests, deciduous woods, as well as tropical and arid environments.

Even in their natural habitat, these birds forage for food in cities and parks. They can cause crop damage, but they also consume locusts and grasshoppers, which farmers like.

The Peacock’s Distribution

The ranges of the two species are vastly different. India is home to blue peafowl, often known as Indian peafowl. Their territory encompasses the majority of the Indian subcontinent. Green peafowl can be found throughout Southeast Asia, particularly in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. They have sporadic and dispersed populations.

See Our Extensive Guide – 10 Ways to Make Money Peacock Farming

The Peacock’s Diet

Peacocks in the wild forage for food in the underbrush. They are omnivores who eat insects, seeds, grains, small mammals, flowers, fruits, berries, and small reptiles, among other things. They graze in groups and spend much of their time on the ground. Peafowl flies up into the trees to avoid predators while they are not feeding.

Human-Peacock Interaction

Humans and peafowl have a fascinating relationship. When left to their own devices in cities, the birds can be highly bothersome and destructive, but they may also benefit agricultural settings. Feral peacocks carry disease and cause damage to cars and property with their feces.

They do, however, devour pests such as grasshoppers, mice, and different insects. The Indian peacock is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN; however, the green peacock is classified as Endangered, owing to habitat degradation.

Domestication of Peacocks

Peafowl has been semi-domesticated by humans, primarily through selective breeding for different colors and features. They haven’t wholly tamed these birds, though.

What are Peacocks Good For? 11 Reasons for Your Homestead

are peacocks good for anything

Is it Possible to Keep a Peacock as a Pet?

Yes, it is possible to keep them as a pet. But they do not make good pets on farms. They are giant birds that excrete a lot of waste. Peafowl is also extremely loud, and their calls are usually heard first thing in the morning.

These birds also damage crops, gardens, cars, and other property. They can make good pets in rural locations, provided the birds have a suitable home and cannot cause damage.

Care for Peacocks

In general, both in zoos and on farms, peafowl is relatively gentle birds. Peafowl is not commonly kept in zoos. The birds are feral, and the zoos offer them a secure haven and a nutritious diet.

Peafowl need trees and branches to fly onto at night to protect themselves from predators. They’ll also require a wide range of seeds, plants, and other foods. The zookeepers also feed them pelleted peafowl food.

The Peacock’s Description

Peafowl males and females have vastly diverse appearances. Peacocks have iridescent blue necks and vivid green tail feathers speckled with eyespots, making them showy birds. Peahens have dark brown bodies and cream-colored heads with iridescent green channels.

Peacocks and peahens both have tufts of feathers growing from the tops of their heads. Peahens are around 3 feet long without their male counterparts’ long tails, while males are about 7.5 feet long with their long tails.

The Peacock’s Habitat

Both in the natural and feral populations, these birds are very gregarious and dwell in groups. They fly up into the trees to sleep at night. They rotate between foraging on the ground and resting in the trees during the day.

Depending on the season, the groups alter. All-male or all-female groups frequently cluster outside of the breeding season. When the breeding season starts, the males gather a harem of females and guard them against other males.

The Peacock’s Reproduction

Peahens build their tiny nests and nurture their eggs on their own after mating. They lay their eggs on the ground and line their nests with branches and leaves. Most clutches include three to eight eggs, which take around a month to incubate.

When the chicks hatch, they are nearly immediately capable of following their mother. She guards them against predators and leads them to food until they are old enough to survive for themselves, which usually happens after many months.

Peacock-Related Beliefs, Superstitions, and Phobias

Because these birds are so beautiful, it’s no surprise that they’re found in so many cultures. Peafowl is even considered deities or gods in some civilizations or is closely related to them.

The Hindu God of War Kartikeya, for example, rode a peacock as his mount. Peafowl is also seen as a symbol of wisdom by Buddhists. These birds appear in a variety of stories and cultures, especially in India and Southeast Asia.

Are Peacocks Good to have Around?

Yes, peacocks are considered good to have around. They are good with young children and other pets. They only become aggressive when they are in their breeding phase or when they fight for food.

Why do People Raise Peacocks?

The lifetime of these lovely giant birds — they usually live 12-15 years, but some individuals can live up to 50 years – is one incentive to consider raising them.

Peafowl eggs are another reason to raise them. Peahen eggs are almost three times the size of chicken eggs. They have a similar flavor and feel as chicken eggs but with a gamier flavor and texture.

However, attractiveness may spring to mind as a motive to raise them for another reason. If you submit a few peafowls, you’ll almost certainly have the most beautiful grass on the block! Your neighbors will undoubtedly inquire about these lovely new additions to the community.

How Much do Peacocks Cost?

Peacocks are less costly than some other pets. With a few hundred dollars, you can obtain a decent, healthy one. An adult Peacock would cost anywhere between $35 to $275 on average. Birds with straight toes and no flaws are more expensive than those with deficiencies.

Are Peacocks Good to Eat?

The green peacock is a federally protected species that is not edible. The blue peacock, on the other hand, is legal to eat and maybe produced in captivity. Peacock meat is pricey, costing between $25 and $30 per kilo.

The peacock, or peafowl, on the other hand, has a chicken-like flavor. Some say it tastes like a turkey when brined, while others say it tastes like a guinea pig. The truth is that it has a flavor similar to pheasant or turkey.

Are Peacocks Good Pets?

Peacocks make excellent pets, and despite claims that they are untrustworthy protectors or friends, their popularity has not waned. They’re simple to look after and create a stunning addition to any farm.

Here are some reasons which make Peacocks Excellent Pets

1.     They’re not Picky Eaters, for Starters.

Peacocks are not picky eaters and can eat a wide variety of foods due to their omnivorous nature.

They can survive in any environment as their fundamental needs, such as feeding, are provided and easy to care for.

2.     They Can Be Adorable

Peacocks have a soft spot for their owners. When humans rear a peacock from an early age, they may consider those humans to be its parents.

If you spend a lot of time with your peacocks as a peacock owner, they may come to sit on your lap and even embrace you. They will frequently eat from your hands.

  • Peacocks Are Extremely Versatile

Despite their tropical and exotic appearance, peacocks can adapt to changing weather and climates.

You don’t have to be concerned about peacocks affected by the cold in the winter or the heat in the summer. It’s also common knowledge that these birds can forecast the weather.

What are Peacocks Good For? 11 Reasons for Your Homestead
benefits of having peacocks

4.     They Are Stunning

The fact that peacocks are attractive is one apparent reason why they make great pets. These birds are a delight to behold, with their vibrant colors and beautiful tail feathers on the males.

5.     They Have the Ability to Defend Against Dangerous Pests

Having a peacock as a pet or on a farm might be beneficial since they may protect against deadly pests. Peacocks may inflict considerable damage with the sharp spurs on their foot if they decide to fight.

However, if they are not fighting, they may produce a series of crowing noises to alert you to the danger.

  • Peacocks Get Along Well With Others

Peacocks get along well with other pets and animals. They frequently roam around hunting for food while avoiding colliding with the other pets in the house. They are typically non-aggressive and will only lash out if threatened.

7.     There are Active

Peacocks are known to roam freely in their natural habitat. They do this so that they can keep an eye on everything going on around them.

They are incredibly active birds since they are constantly on the move, hunting for potential threats. Peacocks create a shrieking sound when they detect danger approaching. They also have an extremely well-developed hearing sense.

Are Peacocks Aggressive?

Peafowl, particularly peacocks, are known to be aggressive, territorial birds. Peahens who have deposited eggs will attack anyone who approaches their nest too closely. In contrast, peacocks that prefer to keep their harem of peahens to themselves during mating will attack other males if they feel encroached upon.

Peacock Attacks

Peacocks rarely attack people, yet it frequently happens enough that the birds have been featured in several news articles about zoo visits gone awry. Children have been pecked and scratched by the birds, requiring stitches, while peacocks attacking their reflections have caused hundreds of dollars in property damage in one town besieged by the birds. This, combined with concerns that peafowl could be a transmission of avian flu, has prompted several zoos to relocate their peafowl populations to bird sanctuaries.

What do Peacocks do on a Farm?

They are raised on farms to provide meat or eggs. Peacocks are another type of poultry bird. Peacock farming is now considered a viable poultry agricultural enterprise.

Also, nothing moves on that farm at night without the peafowl noticing, and they scream when they are disturbed. Peafowl also eats a wide range of insects, as well as snakes, amphibians, and rodents. As a result, some individuals utilize them to help reduce insect populations.

Are Peacocks Good for Chickens?

They usually coexist alongside chickens, though with caution. Peacocks, on the other hand, have been known to murder chicks. Peacocks are generally pleasant, yet they are still game birds with weaponry on their feet and a powerful beak for catching prey.

During my investigation for this essay, I came across stories about peacocks killing chicks. However, there were always reports of wild peacocks assaulting poultry in backyards.

When peafowl are raised with chicks and are cared for and come to know each other, there are seldom incidences or significant injuries.

Will Chickens Kill Peacocks?

This is extremely unlikely, if not impossible. At the very least, when it comes to mature chickens and peacocks.

Both birds are capable of fighting, especially when their young are in danger. However, I was unable to locate any instances of hens killing peacocks.

Consider this: certain adult peafowl, such as the Indian peafowl, can reach a length of up to 5 feet. They’re beautiful animals (as are chickens, of course), but they’re considerably bigger.

Are Peacocks Good for Security?

Yes, peacocks are good for security. They are beautiful insect-eating birds and companions, and they give a sense of security with their warning signals.

Are Peacocks Difficult to Keep?

Yes, keeping them as pets can be challenging. It takes more than appreciating peacocks’ magnificent plumage to keep them as pets. They’re entertaining and festive to have around, but before keeping peacocks as pets, you should learn about their health and behaviors.

Peacock Care Instructions

1.     Make sure you have Enough Land.

Each peafowl needs at least 25 square meters (80 square feet) of space. This area is critical for preventing sickness and bird warring. To allow peafowl to soar and fan their tails, pens should be at least 2.5 meters (7 feet 10 inches) tall. If you have a male peacock, make sure the pen is big enough for him to show off his long tail feathers without getting hurt.

Another reason to have enough space is that peafowl has a loud, harsh call that might annoy neighbors, particularly during mating season. You’ll want to make sure there’s enough space for your peafowl to fly around without being heard by your neighbors. The most excellent place to keep peafowl is in a rural setting.

2.     Keep them Warm

Even while adult peafowl is challenging birds, it’s still necessary to do everything you can to keep them comfortable, mainly since all varieties of peafowl originated in warmer climates. If your peafowl was grown in a tropical region, this is very crucial.

Wooden roosts are the most excellent way to keep them warm during the winter. If you’re raising peacock chicks from peafowl eggs, keep them in a hot environment for the first four to six weeks after they hatch. During the incubation stage, keep the temperature above 95°F and lower it by roughly 5°F every week.

Make sure they’re safe.

Predators such as coyotes, dogs, and foxes are a significant issue for peafowl owners, particularly those who keep their flocks free-range. Peafowl prefers to roost high in the trees; therefore, treehouses are ideal for keeping them safe from predators.

Ensure your peafowl is kept dry and warm wherever you keep them, as muddy or wet circumstances can lead to disease or tail feather damage. An excellent example of a pet peacock environment is a spacious enclosure encircled by chicken wire, with a wooden shelter or hen house with a nesting place, complete with a warming light.

4.     Make sure they are Adequately Nourished.

The Indian National Bird should have daily access to fresh water and be fed two handfuls of mixed grain. Most feed stores provide this grain, and most game bird feed, such as turkey, chicken, or pheasant feed, will suffice for half to two-thirds of an omnivore’s diet.

Peanuts or sunflower seeds should make up about 5-10% of the peafowl’s total diet, which should be supplemented with green vegetables like cabbage or kale. You can occasionally give your peafowl bread or fruit as a treat but never give them bones, as they may choke. Include some cat or plant-based dog food in your diet for a higher protein diet.

Peafowl like to wander, so if you have free-range peafowl, it’s very vital to feed them well, so they return at night and don’t go looking for food elsewhere.

5.     Keep an Eye on their Health.

Every two months, peafowl must be dewormed. Piperazine, IVOMEC, and Ivermectin cow wormer are examples of such products. Herbal worming remedies are also available at most feed stores.

External parasites such as mites, lice, and chiggers should also be checked on your peafowl. There is no defined immunization regimen for peafowl because they are not typical pets or farm animals, although avian pox, blackhead disease, and coccidiosis are always worried. Inquire with your veterinarian about how to prevent and treat these disorders.

benefits of having a peacock

Do Peacocks Keep Snakes Away?

Yes, they keep snakes away by fighting and killing them. Sometimes they also eat snakes after killing them.

What should you Not Feed Peacocks?

We do not propose homemade diets or a “complete diet of insects and everything they can naturally find” for any species of a peacock. A comprehensive, commercial mix should make up half to two-thirds of their diet for optimal health. Oilseed diets, such as sunflower seeds and peanuts, should be maintained to a maximum of 5-10% of the diet for peacocks.

Avoid Peafowl To Eat These Plants

  • Cabbage.
  • Amaryllis.
  • California Poppy.
  • Chive.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Brussel sprouts.
  • Begonia.

Health Problems with Peacocks

1.     External Parasites

While parasites like lice and mites aren’t technically illnesses, they can harm peacocks’ health and even kill them if left untreated. Peacock mites, for example, prey on their blood and can cause anemia, weight loss, and decreased immunity. You can use an approved poultry insecticide to treat your peacock if it has lice or mites. Read the dosage and treatment time instructions carefully.

2. Respiratory Illness

Peacocks can contract respiratory infections like Newcastle disease or fowl pox, which spread quickly and can’t be cured once they’ve appeared. Swollen eyes or sinuses are symptoms of several respiratory disorders. Antibiotics can assist with the symptoms of certain conditions, but they may never go gone completely. Respiratory sickness can be avoided by keeping your peafowl’s housing clean and separating them from sick birds.

3.     Worms

Peacocks, like many other varieties of poultry, are prone to worm infections. Weight loss, listlessness, and ruffled feathers are the first indicators of worm infestation. When foraging outside the coop, the birds are likely to pick up worms. Because peacocks don’t take confinement well, worm infestation is almost sure to strike your peacock at some point. When this happens, using a poultry-approved wormer should solve the problem.

4.     Young Peacocks’ Illness

Young peacocks are prone to a disease called coccidiosis, which can kill them quickly if signs appear. The first symptoms you may notice are listlessness, ruffled feathers, and bloody diarrhea. A tiny quantity of the drug that helps to prevent coccidiosis will be present in medicated chick feed, but it will not entirely prevent the disease. As a preventative strategy, keep your bedding dry and clean.

What are Peacocks Good for as Pets?

Peacocks make beautiful, unique pets. They are relatively low maintenance, and their stunning plumage is sure to turn heads. In addition, peacocks are relatively quiet compared to other birds, and their diet is relatively simple to manage. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before adding a peacock to your family.

  1. First, peacocks require a lot of space. They need a large enclosure where they can stretch their wings and roam freely.
  2. Second, peacocks can be aggressive, particularly during mating season. They may attack other animals – including humans – so it’s important to be cautious around them during this time.
  3. Finally, peacocks are not typically friendly animals. They are not known for being affectionate or cuddly, and they may not enjoy being handled. Despite these potential challenges, peacocks can make beautiful, exotic pets. If you have the space and the patience to care for one, they are sure to add a touch of elegance to your home.

What are Peacocks Good for on your Homestead?

Peacocks are best known for their striking appearance and loud call, but these birds can also be a useful addition to any homestead.

Peafowl are omnivorous, so they will help to control pests by eating insects, rodents, and snakes. In addition, their droppings are high in nitrogen, making them excellent fertilizer for crops.

Peafowl also make good watchdogs, as they will sound the alarm if they see or hear anything out of the ordinary.

And finally, peacocks are simply beautiful to look at and can add a touch of elegance to any property. Whether you keep them for their utility or their aesthetic value, peacocks can be a valuable asset on any homestead.

What are Green Peacocks Good For?

The green peacock is a beautiful bird that is native to India. They are mostly found in the forests of the Western Ghats. The peacock is the national bird of India and is considered to be sacred by Hindus.

The males have a distinctive green plumage with blue eyespots. The females are brown with white eyespots. Green peacocks are omnivorous and eat a variety of things including insects, fruits, and small animals. Although they are not considered to be a pest, they can sometimes cause significant damage to crops.

For this reason, many farmers consider them to be a nuisance. Some people also keep green peacocks as pets. They are relatively easy to care for and make interesting and unusual pets. Despite their potential drawbacks, green peacocks remain popular birds in India and around the world.

What are Blue Peacocks good for?

The Blue Peacock is a native bird of India that has been introduced to other countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. In the wild, these birds typically live in wooded areas near water. Blue Peacocks are omnivorous and eat a variety of insects, tadpoles, lizards, and berries.

These birds are also known to raid crops, such as rice and millet. While they can cause some damage to agriculture, Blue Peacocks are also beneficial because they help to control insect populations.

In addition, these birds are popular in the pet trade and their feathers are often used in traditional Indian arts and crafts. As a result, Blue Peacocks play an important role in both the ecosystem and the economy.

Why are Peacocks attracted to Rural Areas?

Peacocks are found in many rural areas because of the combination of open spaces and dense vegetation that these locations provide. The open spaces allow the peacocks to spread their tail feathers and display their plumage, while the dense vegetation provides them with hiding places from predators.

In addition, rural areas often have a greater abundance of insects, which peacocks rely on for food. Peacocks are also attracted to rural areas because they are typically quieter and have less human activity than urban areas. This allows the peacocks to feel safer and more relaxed, which is beneficial for their overall health. As a result, it is not surprising that peacocks are often seen in rural areas.

Can You Free Range Peacocks?

While peacocks are typically known for their beauty and elegant plumage, they can also be fun and entertaining pets. If you’re thinking of adding a peacock to your home, you may be wondering if they can be free-ranged.

The answer is yes, peacocks can be free-ranged, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, peacocks are destructive birds and will pluck leaves and flowers from plants. They also like to dig holes in the ground. So, if you’re going to free-range your peacock, make sure you have a designated area where they can’t do too much damage.

Second, peacocks are noisy birds and will make loud calls that can disturb the peace in your neighborhood. If you live in an area where noise ordinances are strict, free-ranging your peacock may not be an option. Finally, peacocks are social creatures and do best when they have the company of other peacocks. If you’re only planning on keeping one peacock, make sure you provide them with plenty of human interaction to keep them happy and healthy.

Final Thoughts – What are Peacocks Good For?

Peacocks, as a symbol of beauty and grace, are adored by all. They are the primary cause of most children’s visits to the zoo. When a peacock spreads its tail, it looks beautiful

11 Reasons: What are Peacocks Good For? Your Homestead (2024) 111 Reasons: What are Peacocks Good For? Your Homestead (2024) 2


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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