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What is Rabbit Mounting Behavior | Rabbits | PDF | Bunny | Humping | Behaviors

Farmers have long known that rabbits are prolific breeders. A healthy doe can produce up to 12 kits per litter, and she can have multiple litters each year. However, farmers also know that not all of those kits will survive to adulthood. In fact, according to one study, only about 50% of rabbits born in the wild will reach their first birthday. The main cause of death for young rabbits is predation, but another significant factor is simply not being able to find a mate. After all, if a rabbit cannot reproduce, its genes will not be passed on to the next generation. One way that farmers can help ensure that their rabbits find mates is by understanding and facilitating their natural mounting behaviors. Mounting is a normal part of rabbit social behavior, and it helps rabbits establish dominance hierarchies within their groups. The higher-ranking rabbits are more likely to win fights and to be chosen as mates, so it is essential for farmers to allow their rabbits to engage in this behavior. Additionally, mounting behavior is often a prelude to mating, so by encouraging mounting, farmers can help increase the chances that their rabbits will reproduce successfully.

Rabbit Mounting Behavior – You may have noticed that your furry friend likes to mount other rabbits – or even objects in the home! Mounting behavior is a common occurrence among rabbits, but what does it mean? In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about rabbit mounting behavior. We will cover why rabbits mount each other, and what it means when they do. Keep reading for more information!

Everything You Need to Know About Rabbit Mounting Behavior

There are two main types of rabbit mounting behavior: reproductive and non-reproductive. When two rabbits are placed together for breeding, the male rabbit will often attempt to mount the female. This behavior is known as reproductive mounting, and it is a normal part of the breeding process.

Although it may seem aggressive, reproductive mounting is actually a way for the male rabbit to assert its dominance over the female. By mounting her, he is claiming her as his mate and ensuring that she will be available to him when he is ready to breed.

Although reproductive mounting can be uncomfortable for the female rabbit, it is generally harmless and does not cause any long-term damage. In fact, many rabbits enjoy the act of reproduction mounting, and it can even help to build a bond between the two rabbits.

If you have ever raised rabbits, you have probably noticed that they sometimes like to mount each other. Although this behavior may seem strange, it is actually quite normal. Rabbits are natural ' guardians of their territory, and mounting is one way that they assert their dominance over other rabbits. Additionally, mounting provides a way for rabbits to release excess energy. If your rabbits are frequently engaging in this behavior, it is important to make sure that they have plenty of space to run around and plenty of toys to keep them amused. Otherwise, they may become bored and start to damage your furniture or walls.

Reproductive Mounting Behavior

Reproductive mounting is when a male rabbit mounts a female in order to mate. When two rabbits are placed together for breeding, the male rabbit will often attempt to mount the female. This behavior is known as reproductive mounting, and it is a normal part of the breeding process. Although it may seem aggressive, reproductive mounting is actually a way for the male rabbit to assert its dominance over the female.

By mounting her, he is claiming her as his mate and ensuring that she will be available to him when he is ready to breed. Although reproductive mounting can be uncomfortable for the female rabbit, it is generally harmless and does not cause any long-term damage.

In fact, many rabbits enjoy the act of reproduction mounting, and it can even help to build a bond between the two rabbits.

Non Reproductive Mounting Behavior (Bunny)

Non-reproductive mounting is when a rabbit mounts another rabbit, or even an object, for reasons other than mating.

This type of mounting can be seen as a way for rabbits to assert their dominance over others. It can also be a sign of sexual frustration, or simply a way for rabbits to release energy. In any case, it’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for your rabbits to exercise, whether it’s through playtime or access to a large enclosure. This will help to reduce the likelihood of non-reproductive mounting behavior.

Non-reproductive mounting occurs when a buck or doe persistently mounts another rabbit without any intentions of breeding. This generally happens between two rabbits of the same gender, but can also occur between a buck and a doe if the doe is not in heat. While non-reproductive mounting is often seen as a dominant behavior, it can also be a way for rabbits to release excess energy or simply show affection.

If your rabbits are engaging in non-reproductive mounting, there is no cause for concern. However, you may want to provide them with additional toys or opportunities to run and play to help burn off some energy.

Why do Rabbits Hump?

You may have noticed your rabbit humping a lot and wondered what the heck they are doing. Maybe you even have a video of your rabbit humping something and it has gone viral on the internet. Either way, you probably want to know why rabbits hump and if it is normal behavior. Here is everything you need to know about rabbit mounting behavior.

Rabbits are mostly known for their docile and timid nature.  However, there are different types of rabbit mounting behaviors that can be observed in different scenarios. For example, two bucks (males) will often times mount each other when competing for dominance. The winner of the match will get to mate with more females and have his genes passed down more dominantly. On the other hand, a buck may mount a doe (female) in order to assert his dominance over her and show that he is the alpha rabbit. This behavior is most often seen when a buck is first introduced to a new group of does. Lastly, rabbits have also been known to mount inanimate objects such as toys or pieces of furniture. This is often seen in single rabbits who don't have another rabbit to mate or assert dominance over. In these cases, the rabbit is simply trying to fulfill its natural urges.

Rabbits Mounting For Babies

One of the most common reasons that rabbits hump is because they are trying to make babies. If you have a male and female rabbit who is not spayed or neutered, they will likely try to mate with each other. This is why it is so important to spay or neuter your rabbits if you do not want them to have babies.

Why do Rabbits Bite when they Hump?

Another common reason that rabbits hump is because they are trying to assert their dominance over another rabbit. If two rabbits are fighting for dominance, you may see them start to hump each other. This is usually followed by one of the rabbits biting the other rabbit on the neck. The neck is a very sensitive area for rabbits, so this can be quite painful. 

Male Rabbits Mounting Each Other

Sometimes male rabbits will mount each other as a way of showing dominance. This is most likely to happen if there are two males in the same enclosure who are not neutered. If you have two male rabbits who are fighting for dominance, it is best to separate them into different enclosures. 

Female Rabbits Mounting Each Other (Bonding)

Female rabbits will also sometimes mount each other as a way of showing dominance. This is most likely to happen if there are two females in the same enclosure who are not spayed. If you have two female rabbits who are fighting for dominance, it is best to separate them into different enclosures. 

Pet Rabbits mounting their Owners (House Rabbit)

Sometimes pet rabbits will mount their owners as a way of asserting their dominance over them. This is most likely to happen if the rabbit feels like they are being neglected or if they are not getting enough attention from its owner. If your rabbit starts mounting you, it is best to give them more attention and spend more time with them. 

What is Backwards Mounting in Rabbits?

Backward mounting is when a rabbit mounts another rabbit from behind instead of from the front. This is most commonly seen during mating, but can also be seen during fights for dominance between two rabbits. Backward mounting can also be seen in pet rabbits who are trying to assert their dominance over their owners. 

What is Rabbit Mounting Behavior | Rabbits | PDF | Bunny | Humping | Behaviors 1

Final Thoughts – Rabbit Mounting Behavior

Rabbiting mounting behavior can be surprising at first, but it is actually quite normal behavior for rabbits. There are many different reasons why rabbits hump, including trying to make babies, asserting their dominance over another rabbit, or even just trying to get attention from their owners. If you see your rabbit humping, there is no need to worry – they are just being a normal rabbit!

God Bless Greg

What is Rabbit Mounting Behavior | Rabbits | PDF | Bunny | Humping | Behaviors 2
What is Rabbit Mounting Behavior | Rabbits | PDF | Bunny | Humping | Behaviors 3
What is Rabbit Mounting Behavior | Rabbits | PDF | Bunny | Humping | Behaviors 4


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory