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Rabbits Having Sex (2024) | Why Do Male Rabbits Fall Over After Mating| PDF

Why Do Rabbits Fall Over After Mating

Rabbits Having Sex: Why Do Male Rabbits Fall over after Mating

Rabbits Having Sex – As a General Rule, A male rabbit falls off after mating because of a systematic tensing and relaxing of his muscles, he passes out. After a rabbit has been bred, the male will often pass out from sheer exhaustion. The female will also be exhausted from the mating. Why this happens is because the animal’s body releases a large amount of cortisol, The male rabbit generally falls off after mating due to muscle relaxation, weakness, and exhaustion from mating.

Why Do Rabbits Fall Over after Mating.  Rabbits are very fluffy and beautiful animals. Rabbits have a high reproduction rate compared to other livestock animals. The male rabbit is known as the buck, and the female is known as the doe. Rabbits mature at a very young age around 5-6 months of age and have really short pregnancies.  Why Do Male Rabbits Fall over after Mating

Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits

A rabbit can give birth to pups up to 4 years old. Rabbits can produce large litters and are ready to breed immediately after giving birth to young. If a buck and a doe are well fed and cared for, they can produce 50 to 60 young ones in one year.

Rabbits have a unique gesture during the end of mating. The rabbit falls off immediately after mating, and if you want to know why this happens and what the other issues are related to rabbit farming, please read this article to the end.

rabbits having sex
how do rabbits mate – breeding rabbits – male rabbit

Why Rabbits Mating and Falling Over? / Male – Buck

It appears to be a strange mating behavior when rabbits fall off at the end of mating, but it is common in rabbits. Rabbits generally grunt and fall and do so as a sign of success. Another reason for this behavior is that they fall off because their front feet lack the ability to grip. Their toes do not curl, so when they ejaculate, they fall off.

rabbits having sex – breeding rabbits – female rabbits – male rabbit – breed rabbits

Rabbit Breeding Schedule

If you are thinking of making a rabbit breeding system, the first thing to consider is the purpose of raising rabbits. Rabbits are raised for wool and meat. If you are thinking of raising rabbits for meat production, you should produce as many fryers as possible.

Rabbit Meat Profitability Table

RabbitsRabbits BornLbs Meat / YearAverage Price / LBTotal Revenue Possible
184252$ 8.00$ 2016
2168504$ 8.00$ 4032
54201260$ 8.00$ 10,080
108402520$ 8.00$ 20,162
2016805040$ 8.00$ 40,320
3025207560$ 8.00$ 60,480
40336010,080$ 8.00$ 80,640
50420012,600$ 8.00$ 100,800
100840025,200$ 8.00$ 201.600
20016,80050,400$ 8.00$ 403,200
Rabbits Have Average 7 Kits (Babies) /Month - Some have had up to 14

Rabbit Poop Profitability Table

Number RabbitsManure / day / .5lbManure / lbs WeekManure /lbs Year
Manure per Rabbit ranges from .5 - 1 lb per day. We used .5 for Calculations

Breeds of Rabbits FAQ

Breed of RabbitOriginWeightPurposeKits / LitterBreed association
New ZealandsCalifornia5 kg
11 lbs
Meat8American Federation New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Assoc
CaliforniasCalifornia3 kg
7-10 lbs
Meat6 - 8California Rabbit Breeders
RexFrance4.5 kg
10.5 lbs
Meat2 - 4National Rex Rabbit Club
SatinsMichigan4 kg
9.5 lbs
Meat2 - 4American satin Breeders Association
PaliminosAmerican5.4 kg
12 lbs
Meat6 -8Palimino Rabbit Breeders Association
English AngoraEngland2-3 kg
5-7 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
French AngoraFrance4.5 kg
10.5 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Giant AngoraTurkey4.5 kg
9 - 10 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Satin AngoraTurkey4.5 kg
6 - 10 lbs
Wool6 - 8National Angora Breeders
Mini LopUK3 kg
5.5 lbs
Dwarf2 -3American Mini Lop Rabbit Club
Dutch DwarfNetherlands1 - 2 kg
2,5 lbs
Dwarf2 - 4American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club
Pygmy RabbitNorth American500 grams
1 lb
Britania PetiteUK / Polish700 grams
1 1/2 - 2 lbs
Dwarf2-3American Britiania Petite Rabbit Society
Litter Size
Breed Association

If you are raising rabbits for show purposes, do not produce more than a few litters each year and keep them in stock of the appropriate age for showing.

You can also Read our Guide –18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming—Extensive Guidelines for Rabbit Farmers

If you want to keep a record of the breeding schedule, keep it at 7-day intervals because it is easy for record-keeping. Some breeders breed their rabbits after 14-21 days of kindling. However, it is recommended to maintain a 35-day breeding schedule.

rabbits having sex
Why Do Rabbits Fall Over after Mating – female rabbits – male rabbit

As you gain experience, the interval between kindling and breeding may decrease. However, in the intensive breeding program, the number of culled doe increases due to burning out.

Check the Body Condition of Doe Before Breeding

To breed perfectly, check the rabbit’s body condition before mating. Do not mate the doe that is in poor bodily condition, especially those that are nursing large litter and want to mate after 21 days of kindling because, if a doe is in poor body condition, it will affect her reproductive performance.

Poor body condition results in poor fertility, and a high mortality rate of young ones is observed. Therefore, before mating, it will be great to improve your rabbit’s health.

If it is possible to mate, several does on the same day or within a few days. In this way, the kindling will occur on the same day or with the difference of a few days and will help raise the young ones.

Adult male bucks can be used daily for individual mating and it will not affect their health or fertility. If you’ve used buck to mate multiple times in a day or two, give your buck a break before the next mating.

One buck can be used to service 10-15 does on rabbit farms. To maintain the correct pedigree, it is best to use the same buck and doe throughout life.

Which is the Best Age to Breed Rabbits?

Each breed of rabbit has different ages of sexual maturity. Typically, smaller rabbits mature earlier than larger rabbits. The small Polish breed matures at the age of 4 months. The California and New Zealand medium breed matures at the age of 6-7 months. The giant breed of rabbits like the flamingo giant can mature at the age of 7 months. The female matures before the male.

Rabbits Mating

When does shows signs of heat, they begin to behave restlessly, rub their body against the feeding and water containers, and are looking for their mating partner. When in heat, their vulva becomes moist and reddish, usually swollen and purple in color. If the color of the vulva is pale whitish, it means they are not ready to breed.

When the male approaches, does present them by lying on her stomach and raising his tail? Before preparing them for mating, make sure they are in good health and injury-free.

Always takes the doe to the bucks cage to mate. The reason behind this fact is that does are territorial. If bucks are placed in their cage, they will become territorial. Similarly, if the buck is placed in a doe cage, it will spend a long time sniffing and then mating.

rabbits having sex
how old do rabbits have to be to breed / rabbit gestation period – female rabbit

Placing the doe in an experienced buck cage will result in immediate mating. The buck generally falls at the end of the mating. Another practice that is common in breeders is that they allow males to mate twice before returning the doe to its cage.

If the doe refuses to mate with the buck, try her with another buck or return her to the cage and try after 3-4 days. Monitor the entire breeding process.

Sometimes aggressive males and non-receptive females, when left alone, hurt each other.

Breeding Problems in Rabbits

Sterile Bucks

In the late summer and early winter seasons, rabbits show decreased productivity. At that time, the conception and reception rate decrease. For good production at that time, select breeder stock that performed well throughout the year.

If the bucks are exposed to temperatures above 85 0F for more than 5 days, sterility will occur in the bucks. Old bucks are a more susceptible heat problem than younger ones. Heat affected bucks can remain sterile for 60-90 days. To control this problem, keep your male in a cool place.

Pseudo-pregnancy in Does

Another condition that occurs in does is the pseudo-pregnancy in which doe appears to be pregnant, but in reality, she is not. This happens for various reasons, such as when a sterile male attempted to mate or because of physical stimulation of the mount by another rabbit. These responses can cause a pregnancy-like physiological condition.

This condition can last 17 days and during which the doe will not breed. This condition has no harm to the health of the female; it will only cause delays in breeding.

Do Rabbits Bleed after Mating?

It is normal for female rabbits to bleed after mating. This blood comes from the vagina and anus but only lasts a few days.

Rabbits are mammals that mate with one male at a time during breeding seasons. The gestation period is between 28-31 days. Both male and female rabbits have reproductive organs called testes in the case of the male and ovaries in the female. If the mating was successful, it is possible for a female rabbit to become pregnant. In this case, you may notice changes in the belly of the rabbit after mating – she gets bigger and rounder. If no pregnancy takes place to increase weight or change in appearance, this means that there was no sperm introduced to fertilize the rabbit’s eggs.

Rabbits Having Sex (2024) | Why Do Male Rabbits Fall Over After Mating| PDF 1

Why do Male Rabbits Pass out after Mating?

After a rabbit has been bred, the male will often pass out from sheer exhaustion. The female will also be exhausted from the mating. Rabbits are known to have a deadly fear of being held, so this really explains why it may happen if the male has somehow managed to get behind the female.

Rabbits are known for passing out because they are extremely frightened or stressed. This is also common in other animals, especially when it comes to mating or giving birth. Why this happens is because the animal’s body releases a large amount of cortisol, which causes them to feel really ill as well as pass out.

How Long do Rabbits usually Mate?

It depends on how inseminated, where she is in her pregnancy cycle, and other factors. Sometimes a rabbit can get pregnant within 3 minutes of mating, and in other cases, a rabbit may only get pregnant during ovulation. Rabbits can take a while to become fully inseminated, but typically it takes less than 5 minutes for the male to pass out.

After mating, both rabbits will be exhausted and very tired. It’s not uncommon for the female to need some time to rest and move around after mating, but it’s less likely that the male will need to stay.

Does a Female Rabbit Pass out after Mating?

Just like their male counterparts, females may also pass out from sheer exhaustion and stress. If the rabbit has been heavily inseminated during mating, it could be enough to make the female pass out.

Since rabbits are prey animals, it’s common for them to experience this when they are in pain or feeling ill. This is only natural and should not be something that people get too concerned about. Mating can be exhausting for the rabbit, but since the male is larger than the female, he may recover more quickly

Scientifically Why do Rabbits fall over after Mating?

After a Rabbit has mated, it often falls over onto its side. Though this may seem like odd behavior, there is actually a scientific explanation for it. When a Rabbit reaches orgasm, the muscles in its pelvis contract strongly. These contractions help to push the sperm from the male’s penis into the female’s reproductive tract. However, the contractions can also cause the blood vessels in the Rabbit’s penis to constrict. This constriction cuts off the blood flow to the organ and can cause it to go limp. As a result, the Rabbit often falls over after mating due to the sudden loss of erection. Though it may not look very graceful, this behavior is perfectly normal for Rabbits!

Final Thoughts

The rabbit can reproduce very quickly and produce a lot of offspring. The rabbit generally falls off after mating due to muscle relaxation, weak front paws grip, and feeling satisfied. It is normal behavior, and you don’t have to worry about this.

how many times do rabbits mate a day

Rabbit Breeder Associations

Rabbit AssociationLocationLink
American Breeders AssociationUnited StatesARBA
House Rabbit SocietyCaliforniaHRS
Ohio States Rabbit Breeders AssociationOhioOSRBA
Livestock Conservancy North CarolinaLC
Rabbit Welfare Association and FundUnited KingdomRWA
British Rabbit CouncilUnited KingdomBRC
European Association of Rabbits....EuropeEAP
Australian National Rabbit CouncilAustraliaANRC
Australian Rabbit House SocietyAustraliaARHS
ARBA - Rabbit ShowsUnited StatesARBA - Shows
Resource List of Rabbit Breeder Associations

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Rabbits Having Sex (2024) | Why Do Male Rabbits Fall Over After Mating| PDF 3
Rabbits Having Sex (2024) | Why Do Male Rabbits Fall Over After Mating| PDF 4


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory