As a general rule when bunnies have a pink eye that is not genetically related. They have a wellness called conjunctivitis (Pink Eye). It is contagious so rabbits need to be separated. Conjunctivitis in your rabbit is also known as a weepy eye and is quite common. It is believed up to 30% of pet rabbits develop conjunctivitis without there being a cause for it. Your rabbit may experience irritation, redness, discharge, and more.
Rabbit with Pink Eyes (conjunctivitis)?
Why do Rabbits have Pink Eye. Rabbits may suffer from pink eyes. The pick eye disease is also known as conjunctivitis in rabbits. We will be looking at Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye ) in Rabbits. Rabbit with Pink Eyes
What is Conjunctivitis?
This condition is common in pet rabbits, and while there can be a cause for it, there is also the possibility of there being no cause. You may notice your rabbit begins to rub his eyes with his front feet, and he may have watery eyes. This condition can mimic many possible underlying conditions (such as dental issues) since the symptoms can be somewhat generalized. Treatment will vary depending on the cause.
Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits
Conjunctivitis in your rabbit is also known as a weepy eye and is quite common. It is believed up to 30% of pet rabbits develop conjunctivitis without there being a cause for it. Your rabbit may experience irritation, redness, discharge, and more.
Is It Serious?
Conjunctivitis may seem like a relatively minor disease, but it is very uncomfortable for your rabbit-and when rabbits are uncomfortable, they don’t feel like eating and drinking.
This is a significant problem for rabbits as they can die after only 24 hours without food. When rabbits stop eating, their digestive system quickly slows down. This allows the blockage to form within the intestines and may result in a painful death for affected rabbits.
Fortunately, you can protect your rabbit from this severe complication by feeding them.
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You may need to force-feed your rabbit with a syringe until they feel like eating on their own again.
Your vet may recommend a commercial paste for this purpose or recommend making a paste of mashed pellets and water to feed your rabbit. Treats like carrots can also be given to entice your rabbit to eat; generally, carrots are supposed to give in moderation, but when rabbits are sick, they can be given freely to keep your rabbit’s digestive system moving.
Symptoms of Pink Eye in Rabbits:
Symptoms will vary depending on the reason for your rabbit’s conjunctivitis.
- Rubbing of eyes- your rabbit may rub his eyes with his front paws.
- Water eyes- you may notice that your rabbit’s eyes appear to be watery and runny. Also known as weepy eyes in rabbits. Due to this excessive tearing in rabbits, you may notice that the hair around the eye is wet. Due to this humidity around the eyes, dermatitis could occur, which causes itching and hair loss.
- Matted fur– your rabbit may have matted fur around his eyes.
- Inflammation of eyelids: You may notice that your rabbit’s eyes may appear closed with accumulated secretions and pus.
- Photophobia: photophobia means that your rabbit will be fear of light. He will not tolerate tolerance to the sun.
- Your rabbits will show redness in their eyes.
- Your rabbit will stop eating. Their appetite will be decreased.
- When the lacrimation (flow of tears) becomes a thick secretion. It may cause a more severe and noticeable eye infection.
If you notice that your rabbit is unable to open its eyes, with visible pus or sufficient sleep in/ around its eye, we recommend consulting a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Causes of Pink Eye in Rabbits:
There are several possible causes of your rabbit’s conjunctivitis concerns. Some reasons are possible allergies, infection or bacteria, other underlying conditions, tooth concerns, and genetics.
- There may be no cause for your rabbit’s conjunctivitis.
- Up to 36% of rabbits who have Pink Eye Their is not an Explanation
Infection and bacteria:
- It can result from untreated constant irritation from allergens.
- Often the conjunctivitis is the only symptom of an infection.
- Myxomatosis- An upper respiratory infection that has conjunctivitis as a symptom.
- Enterovirus 70- This causes tearing, redness, swelling of your rabbit’s eyelids, and more possible symptoms.
Other Bacteria that Can Cause Pink Eye
- Staphylococcus
- Micrococcus
- Bacillus
- Bordetella
- Streptococcus
- Neisseria
- Pasteurella
- Corynebacterium
- Streptococcus
- Moraxella
Tooth Causes
- Swollen roots:
- Rabbits have been known to have ongoing watery eyes due to their cheek teeth pressing on their tear duct when they are swollen.
- Dental disease
- Root elongation of your rabbit’s incisors in a common cause of conjunctivitis.
- Dental abscesses
Entropion: A condition in which your rabbit’s eyelid rolls in and his eyelashes constantly irritate his eye, causing watery eyes.
Diagnosis of ( Pink Eye) Conjunctivitis in Rabbits
If you notice your rabbit begins to experience any of the symptoms discussed above, it will be essential to bring him to his veterinarian. You will want to discuss with your veterinarian any other possible changes you have noticed and when.
It will be necessary to share if your rabbit appears to have encountered any other animals or rabbits that could have been sick.
Your veterinarian will want to test him for infections and bacterial causes of his symptoms.
This can be done by taking blood or samples of discharge from his eyes. These tests will help to rule out any other underlying causes of your rabbit’s symptoms.
Treatment of Pink Eye in Rabbits
Treatment will be dependent on the cause of your rabbit’s symptoms. Your veterinarian will discuss with you what options there are for the different underlying purposes of his symptoms.

Idiopathic or Allergies:
If there is no known cause, your veterinarian may suggest changing where his hay is kept to reduce the possibility of hay dust irritating his eyes. Hydrocortisone ointment and neomycin may be trialed and has had some success in treating conjunctivitis.
Infection or Bacteria:
If your rabbit is found to have an infection, your veterinarian will suggest an antibiotic to treat the disease and symptoms. There are some medications that may be used: chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, or gentamicin alongside broad-spectrum antibiotics. A saline solution may be used to wash his eyes as well.
Tooth concerns:
Now that we know how to treat conjunctivitis in rabbits when caused by an eye infection, it’s essential to understand that the dental overgrowth can also cause weepy eyes in rabbits.
Did you know that a rabbit’s teeth never stop growing?
This dental overgrowth in rabbits interferes with the nasolacrimal duct, allowing for excess tears to drain. If there is an obstruction in this duct, the excess accumulates in the eyes. A veterinarian will be able to diagnose this problem accordingly with the use of a dental X-ray.
Treatment for this type of conjunctivitis in rabbits includes the extraction of these pieces. One must always make sure to offer their rabbits adequate nutrition to wear down their teeth. Besides, we recommend periodically checking your rabbit’s mouth and teeth growth, and if you notice that your rabbit is experiencing difficulty feeding, consult a veterinarian.
If the cause of eye discharge in rabbits due to the dental problem, the veterinarian will recommend cleaning the eyes well with saline solution.
Mucopurulent Conjunctivitis in Rabbits
When conjunctivitis is characterized by the appearance of a very intense mucopurulent secretion, your rabbit could be suffered from myxomatosis. Myxomatosis in rabbits a viral disease in which tumors are produced in mucous membranes.
Symptoms of Myxomatosis in Rabbits
There are the following symptoms:
- Your rabbits will be lethargy. They are weak.
- There is the inflammation of the eyelids of your rabbits.
- Anorexia should have occurred.
- They will be suffering from fever.
- Head and face will be swelled.
- Otitis will be present in your rabbits.
- They will show the difficult moving and breathing.
- They can be blind.
- There will be hemorrhages.
- There will be seizures.
- The rabbit will show respiratory problems.
Chronic Myxomatosis in Rabbits
Chronic myxomatosis is less common then myxomatosis, which is accompanied by blepharoconjunctivitis, causing inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctiva, and purulent ocular secretion. This disease is incredibly severe and can be potentially fatal if not treated in time.
How can you Prevent Rabbits From this Disease?
Prevention includes a proper vaccination schedule recommended by a veterinarian.
Prognosis for a Pet Rabbit with Myxomatosis?
For wild rabbits, and unvaccinated pet rabbits, the prognosis is extremely poor. It usually kills or leaves the rabbit in need of euthanasia. If your rabbit catches myxomatosis in a mild form because they have been vaccinated, there is a good chance that they will make a full recovery with supportive veterinarian care.
Can Myxomatosis be Passed onto other Species of Pets or Humans?
No, myxomatosis can only affect rabbits.
Myxomatosis decimated the rabbit population in the Spanish mountains during the 1970s, and this led to the survival of the Iberian Lynx becoming compromised. Today, the epidemic is still out of control among wild rabbits, but thanks to the vaccine, the disease can be prevented in pet rabbits.
Depending on the nature of the problem, surgery may be necessary once again to correct any ongoing issues.
Homemade Remedies in Pink Eye in Rabbits:
If you are looking for homemade remedies, you must remember that when it comes to conjunctivitis, veterinary treatment is 100% necessary, especially if you are dealing with conjunctivitis in baby rabbits.
Some veterinarians may suggest that if your rabbit is suffering from a foreign body present the eyes, you clean it out with saline water and change the hay in your rabbit’s cage. Besides, if your rabbit is allergic to anything in its vicinity, make sure you remove this object.
Remember that before applying any veterinary prescribed ointments or eye drops, you will have to clean the rabbit’s eye from the inside to outside with a gauze or cotton wool (moisture in physiological saline or warm water). This cleaning process should be done gently and quickly to avoid unnecessary stress.
The Importance of Diet:
As long as you feed your pet rabbit a correct diet, you will find they stay happy and, more importantly, healthy. The wrong food can often be the cause of many of the health issues rabbit owners encounter.
Bunnies do not need a high-calorie diet in the wild a rabbit will eat grass and leaves but can digest a much more fibrous food and do well on it. Over time, a rabbi’s digestive system has evolved to use all the bacteria that ferments in their guts to effectively break down fiber, which forms much-needed nutrients.
Domestic rabbits, if well looked after and fed a healthy diet, can live for anything up to 12 years or even longer. Most rabbit diseases are preventable as long as owners can recognize the signs and then get their pets to the vets as early as possible. The right treatment is given soon enough, usually takes care of the problem.
Recovery of Pink Eye in Rabbits:
Follow up appointments will probably not be necessary unless your rabbit goes through surgery. It will be discussed with you at the time of treatment if you need to return for a follow-up. Continuing to monitor your rabbit’s condition and symptoms will be necessary for ongoing care, as well as possible making changes.
If there are no other causes for your rabbit’s symptoms, changes may need to be made to his environment in regards to how his hay is stored and his contact with it. Feeding changes may be necessary for the event. Any teeth are removed, or he had dental surgery. Full recovery is likely if the underlying conditions are treated and if the underlying conditions are treated and if his symptoms are treated appropriately.
Rabbits are very social creatures, and they enjoy the companionship of their owners. Still, the significant part about keeping bunnies, whether as house pets or pets you stay outside, is you can leave them at home all day without having to worry about them too much. As long as they have their toys and maybe another rabbit as a companion, they will be content- they will only become destructive if they get bored. Healthy, content and busy rabbits are happy with each other’s company and their toys.
Rabbit Meat Profitability Table
Rabbits | Rabbits Born | Lbs Meat / Year | Average Price / LB | Total Revenue Possible |
1 | 84 | 252 | $ 8.00 | $ 2016 |
2 | 168 | 504 | $ 8.00 | $ 4032 |
5 | 420 | 1260 | $ 8.00 | $ 10,080 |
10 | 840 | 2520 | $ 8.00 | $ 20,162 |
20 | 1680 | 5040 | $ 8.00 | $ 40,320 |
30 | 2520 | 7560 | $ 8.00 | $ 60,480 |
40 | 3360 | 10,080 | $ 8.00 | $ 80,640 |
50 | 4200 | 12,600 | $ 8.00 | $ 100,800 |
100 | 8400 | 25,200 | $ 8.00 | $ 201.600 |
200 | 16,800 | 50,400 | $ 8.00 | $ 403,200 |
Rabbit Giant Angora Fur Profitability Table
Rabbits | Rabbits Born / Yr | 0z wool / Year 40 OZ / Rabitt | Average Price / oz $10.00 | Feed Cost / Yr $ .30 per day / $ 110 per Year | Total Revenue Possible |
1 | 84 | 3,360 | $ 33,600 | $ 9,240 | $ 24,360 |
2 | 168 | 6,720 | $ 67,200 | $ 18,480 | $ 48,720 |
5 | 420 | 16,800 | $ 168,000 | $ 46,200 | $ 121,800 |
10 | 840 | 33,600 | $ 33,6000 | $ 92,400 | $ 243,600 |
20 | 1680 | 67,200 | $ 672,000 | $ 184,800 | $ 487,200 |
30 | 2520 | 100,800 | $ 1,008,000 | $ 57,200 | $ 950,800 |
40 | 3360 | 134,400 | $ 1,344,000 | $ 369,600 | $ 974,400 |
50 | 4200 | 168,000 | $ 1,680,000 | $ 462,000 | $ 1,218,000 |
100 | 8400 | 336,000 | $ 3,360,000 | $ 924,000 | $ 2,436,000 |
200 | 16,800 | 672,000 | $ 6,720,000 | $ 1,848,000 | $ 4,872,000 |
Average Giant Angora Weight 10lb
40 Oz shaved Fur per Rabbit per Year
Feed $ .30 per day for 10lb Rabbit
Rabbit Poop Profitability Table
Number Rabbits | Manure / day / .5lb | Manure / lbs Week | Manure /lbs Year | |
1 | .5 | 3.5 | 182 | |
2 | 1 | 7 | 364 | |
3 | 1.5 | 10.5 | 546 | |
4 | 2 | 14 | 728 | |
5 | 2.5 | 17.5 | 910 | |
10 | 5 | 35 | 1820 | |
20 | 10 | 70 | 3640 | |
30 | 15 | 105 | 5460 | |
40 | 20 | 140 | 7280 | |
50 | 25 | 175 | 9100 | |
100 | 50 | 350 | 18,200 | |
200 | 100 | 700 | 36,400 | |
Breeds of Rabbits FAQ
Breed of Rabbit | Origin | Weight | Purpose | Kits / Litter | Breed association |
New Zealands | California | 5 kg 11 lbs | Meat | 8 | American Federation New Zealand Rabbit Breeders Assoc |
Californias | California | 3 kg 7-10 lbs | Meat | 6 - 8 | California Rabbit Breeders |
Rex | France | 4.5 kg 10.5 lbs | Meat | 2 - 4 | National Rex Rabbit Club |
Satins | Michigan | 4 kg 9.5 lbs | Meat | 2 - 4 | American satin Breeders Association |
Paliminos | American | 5.4 kg 12 lbs | Meat | 6 -8 | Palimino Rabbit Breeders Association |
English Angora | England | 2-3 kg 5-7 lbs | Wool | 6 - 8 | National Angora Breeders |
French Angora | France | 4.5 kg 10.5 lbs | Wool | 6 - 8 | National Angora Breeders |
Giant Angora | Turkey | 4.5 kg 9 - 10 lbs | Wool | 6 - 8 | National Angora Breeders |
Satin Angora | Turkey | 4.5 kg 6 - 10 lbs | Wool | 6 - 8 | National Angora Breeders |
Mini Lop | UK | 3 kg 5.5 lbs | Dwarf | 2 -3 | American Mini Lop Rabbit Club |
Dutch Dwarf | Netherlands | 1 - 2 kg 2,5 lbs | Dwarf | 2 - 4 | American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club |
Pygmy Rabbit | North American | 500 grams 1 lb | Dwarf | 6 | ? |
Britania Petite | UK / Polish | 700 grams 1 1/2 - 2 lbs | Dwarf | 2-3 | American Britiania Petite Rabbit Society |
Litter Size
Breed Association
Rabbit Breeder Associations
Rabbit Association | Location | Link |
American Breeders Association | United States | ARBA |
House Rabbit Society | California | HRS |
Ohio States Rabbit Breeders Association | Ohio | OSRBA |
Livestock Conservancy | North Carolina | LC |
Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund | United Kingdom | RWA |
British Rabbit Council | United Kingdom | BRC |
European Association of Rabbits.... | Europe | EAP |
Australian National Rabbit Council | Australia | ANRC |
Australian Rabbit House Society | Australia | ARHS |
ARBA - Rabbit Shows | United States | ARBA - Shows |