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Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop / Worms **RECYCLING POOP**

Ultimate Guide to Rabbit Poo

As a general rule waste management in rabbit farms is a large task. many Bunny Farmers couple raising worms as a way to handle the waste and turn it into another source of revenue. Worms can be raised and soled. Compost and fertilizer produced from the worms is a sought-after gardening product.

Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop

Rabbit Poop. As we have been Examing Rabbit Farming for Meat and Rabbit Farming for Fur, one of the biggest challenges is how to manage Rabbit Manure. In this article, we will examine creative ways to manage and profit from this waste product of Rabbit farming. Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop

Each Rabbit poops 200 – 300 Rabbit poop balls per day. The amount of manure depends on the amount of food a rabbit is consuming each day ..Here are some startling figures

We created A Rabbit Poop Profitability Table to Help you gauge ways to turn this Resource into Gold.

Rabbit Poop Profitability Table

Number RabbitsManure / day / .5lbManure / lbs WeekManure /lbs Year
Manure per Rabbit ranges from .5 - 1 lb per day. We used .5 for Calculations

Rabbit Poop – Gold from Rabbit Farming

In your Farming Adventures, one of the Big Challenges is in how to handle Manure from your farming operations. It has to be done, and it is labor-intensive. It can be a cost of doing Business or Possibly might be a small profit center.

In Rabbit Farming 70% of the operating cost is Rabbit Feed. It kind of falls in the same category as feed, it happens every day on your rabbit farm. Some of the disadvantages are the Following

  • Unsanitary
  • Helps foster Disease
  • Flies
  • Odor
  • Has to be removed Builds up
Bunny Poo

Bunny Eating it own Poop

Rabbits poop two kinds of Poop, round harder Black ones, and softer little larger round ones. The second on they eat again and give it another round at removing nutrients they didn’t get the first time.

You can also Read our Guide –18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming—Extensive Guidelines for Rabbit Farmers

This process is called coprophagy it is done by the following animals

  • Hamsters
  • Rabbits
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Chinchillas
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Dogs
  • Beavers
  • Elephants Calves
  • hippopotamus calves
  • Gorillas
  • Monkeys
Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop / Worms **RECYCLING POOP** 1
Rabbit Poop

What is happening in rabbits is that The Rabbits are Called Hind Gut Fermentors They don’t get all the nutrients out on the first pass so some of it gets it a second time. Usually, the rabbit eats it immediately as it comes out its bottom, so you don’t normally see them eating it off ground.

The completely digested ones drop to the ground. This is a completely natural process. Grasses and hay are very difficult to digest. Cows chew their cud, grasses are just a challenge. So I guess I would discourage Kissing your Rabbit – Smile

Handled manually

If You look at our tables a Rabbit can Produce quite a lot of droppings. In most small farms this is handled manually. The droppings fall through the floor mesh, into lower beds.

As this builds up it is shoveled and into wheel Barrels and then moved to somewhere to remove it from rabbit Breeding Raising areas. If it is not removed then these conditions can develop

  • Flys
  • Odor
  • Rodent
  • Disease
  • Just general Unsanitary Conditions will develop the thicker it gets

Handled Automatically

This becomes more of a necessity if you are raising Rabbits in Stacks, one cage over top another. If not handled promptly and in a well managed sanitary Manner.

You would not like to have Rabbit poop falling from the sky if you happened to be on the lower Bunk ……

Larger commercial operations in rabbit production and also in chicken production have invested in automatic Manure Handling systems.

Droopings and urine drop down and then conveyor belts take it and dum pit into bins at end of the line and then that container is routinely removed and cleaned. Pretty cool.

Automatic Manure removal systems

Rabbit Manure Benefits

Rabbit Manure has a lot of value some of its Treasure is

  • Very organic in Nature
  • Rabbit manure breaks down Quickly
  • Low heat so it does not burn plants when used directly
  • Worms love to eat it
  • Rich in Nitrogen
  • Rich in Phosphorus
  • Contains trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper, and cobalt
  • Packaged and sold in many retail stores $ 42 for 3lbs / Check Amazon

Rabbit Manure Business

I wanted to look at different ways that we can use this by-product of our Rabbit Farm to generate a little cash to offset our feed bills. We have to handle it anyway to keep things Sanitary. It is very labor-intensive to handle. If you automate it is very expensive to install from a capital investment perspective.

Many of the smaller farms are using their empty feed bags and filling them. I saw Farms having to give it away to others that have created a list of gardeners that take it quickly for as much as $10 per Bag.

Some have placed it in their local Garden Stores. Also if you check eBay and Amazon Have creatively packaged it and are selling it online. You have to remove it anyway.

Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop / Worms **RECYCLING POOP** 2
Rabbit Poop

Composting Rabbit Manure

Rabbit Manure is considered Cool Manure, it can be spread on plants and gardens without burning them. A lot of Gardeners also like composted Rabbit Poo. You can take Manure to compost piles and add, equal amounts of

  • Straw
  • Hay
  • Coffee grounds
  • Wood shavings
  • Grass
  • Kitchen food scrapes

Mix Compost thoroughly then add water and cover with a tarp. Turn it and add more water every two weeks you want it to stay hot/warm to speed up decomposition. You can keep it for months or even a year. When completely cool you can add it to gardens.

Can you Compost Rabbit Urine?

Rabbit Urine is very Hot and will burn plants. It is very acidic. Applied to plants directly it will kill them. If you have large amounts of it gathered or separated it is good to dilute it with water or mix it and let it compost to cool down before using on your gardens. It is very rich in Nitrogen and is used very effectively on Vegetables, cucumbers, lettuce, watermelons, and corn.

How to Make Rabbit Manure Tea

Rabbit Poo is full of good things for your plants. Some creative gardeners have come up with what they call Rabbit Manure Tea, or Compost tea.

To Make it is simple – take a 5-gallon Bucket to take a shovel full of Rabbit manure – add water. Mix it until it resembles a strong tea.

Allow it to sit a couple of days then use water can and apply it to your veggies. We have seen some farmers making it in 250-gallon Drums, electric mixers then sprayed on their crops. “Rabbit Manure Elixer”

Rabbit Manure Cost

For the Rabbit Farmer – it cost nothing and is something that needs to be handled. It can be added to the farmers garden and fields to help reduce fertilizer cost and use the farming By product

For the customer we have seen it sold at – Fresh Organic Rabbit Manure, and as Fresh organic Rabbit Compost

Can I put Rabbit Poop in my Garden

Yes, you can put Rabbit Manure directly from your Rabbit Manure Bed to your Garden. It is called Cool Manure and is safe to go from Bed to Garden

Rabbit Manure and Worms Secondary Business

Another creative way to market and use your Rabbit manure is our third option

  • compost
  • manure
  • worms

Small Rabbit Farms and Worms

We have seen many Small Rabbit Farms have added the Raising of Worms to their Rabbit Manure Beds. When we were children that is what we did.

We put sides up underneath our Rabbit cages and added a few worms. they multiplied tremendously fast and they love to eat Rabbit Poop. It tremendously cut down on odor, flyes and they turned it into a lush black soil like dirt.

It is such a green and common-sense way to Naturally Handle your manure. It still takes labor to remove but then it is rendered into an even more valuable item.

You will see below. We found that this was done on a small scale on the Rabbit farms. The biggest challenge was finding an outlet to sell your newly bred and multiplied worms. It is a perfect marriage of the two.

Worm Breeding Step by Step

Creating a Rabbit and Earthworms Ecosystem

Rabbits and worms make a great team, This article will help you think about adding this green component to your Rabbit farm’

Large Commercial Worm Farms

What we did find is that Worm farming is a Good Small Business on its own. People are raising worms for some of the following reasons. They have turned this into a good business. Some of the ways of marketing are as follows.

  • Worms – Bait
  • Worms – Gardens
  • Worms – For Breeding
  • Worms for Casting

When we were looking at the business it had some attractive features

  • Very Small outlay on Capital
  • Very low labor Cost
  • Very little Space requirements
  • Worms Multiplied very Quickly – worm population doubles every three months
  • Many Places they could not supply-demand for Product / Many orders went unfulfilled.
  • Is a yearly Multi-Million Dollar Business

Some of the Challenges were

  • Worms are temperature sensitive – in hot climates, you need to protect
  • Worms are light-sensitive love Dark Places
  • Difficult raising Bait worms – Night Crawlers ( Difficult) – Redworms (Easy)
  • Finding Retail Outlets
  • Shipping Live Worms to customers – for gardens – breeding
Starting a Worm Farm Business

Worm Market Sources / Selling Worm Manure

  • Fisherman – Buy Worms – Bait is now being Sold in Every Walmart
  • Aviary – Bird Raisers and breeders feed their birds Worms
  • People that Farm Fish
  • People that Farm Chickens
  • Gardeners buy Worms to directly add to their gardens
  • Worm casting is challenging to produce but the Demand is much higher than is able to Be produce. – Interesting Business for the Creative Businessman.
  • One of The Largest Businesses we Found was UNCO
UNCO Industries Inc – Raising Worm Casting / Worm Manure

Bunny Worms / Rabbit Poop / Worms **RECYCLING POOP** 3
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  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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