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Natural Ways To Control Flies in Cows: An Overview

Natural Ways to Control Flies

Natural Ways To Control Flies in Cows

Natural Ways To Control Flies in Cows – Flies are considered annoying creatures for cows. Before the onset of summer, it is important to design an effective fly’s control regime. Flies cause irritation in cows and decrease effective feed utilization and make them weak. Simply, the impact on the overall health and performance of cows. Moreover, flies are also important vectors of different infectious diseases. To prevent all losses in cows, this is very important to adopt all preventive measures.

Here, we will discuss some important natural strategies to control flies in cows.

Role OF Natural Fly Predators

Fly Predators

Bags full 5,000 Wasps, Fly Predators lay their eggs on the cocoon of the flys, interrupting the Fly Life cycle. These are great alternatives to chemicals. You take the Wasp and sprinkle them on Fresh wet manure Piles. That is where the highest concentration of Fly Larva is.

You dont want to distribute them where Duck and Chickens have access to or they will eat your Bugs

Find the Best Enemies of Flies

Waste management in the war against flies should be your first safety, nature’s first safety lines in controlling fly flies are flying predators. Fly hunters are small non-litter that are part of the overall farm fly control program. These small beneficial insects remove flies before flying into annoying, disease-carrying adults.

Releasing The Fly Parisites inside Stalls

How Do Wasp Prey on Flys?

These wasps work by laying eggs in flying pupae and feeding on fly larvae when they are in the manure around your farm. Wasp bugs are “bugs” but not your livestock or grazing plants.

Although a natural method of controlling flies, it is not uncommon for predators to fly large enough to control the number of flies on your farm. However, many companies sell fly hunters and can send them to your farm. All you have to do when they arrive is spray the hunters in the manure piles in the evening. Then they will go to work eliminating the number of your files.

As a rule of thumb, you should replenish your fly prey distribution once a month from April to September. It is important to use them throughout the entire flying season; otherwise, the flying life cycle will only be broken for a few weeks when you first fill up your delivery

See Our Guide – Ways to Make Money Cattle Farming

Natural Fly Parasites

Fly parasites search fly-breeding areas for fly pupae containing developing flies. Once inside, the eggs hatch inside the fly pupa and feed on the developing fly and after two to three weeks of feeding, an adult fly parasite emerges to repeat the cycle. Each female fly parasite can kill approximately 100 immature flies in her lifetime.

Effective Compost Management

Compost piles are a breeding ground for flies. Therefore, waste management is the first line of defense in developing an effective fly control management plan. 1,250 lbs on average. Beef will produce 75lb. One day compost, this is not a small task.

On average, a flying life cycle lasts 10 to 21 days. To break the fly life cycle, you should remove or spread flies’ culture products (manure, wet grains, dumped silage, wet straw, etc.) on a regular basis. Start by removing manure from animal pens as often as possible.

Compost Manure Management

Take this fertilizer and spread it thinly in the fields or other large outdoor areas to facilitate drying. In addition to cleaning pens, avoid compost piles in your fields. Pull your fields to distribute the manure evenly.

Flies cannot form in dry environments, so spreading the manure thinly is the first step in trying to break the fly life cycle.

Remember, you should give exclusive care to the areas where your flocks gather, such as water tanks, shady areas and gates. These areas should be cleaned weekly to reduce fly reproduction and control parasites.

Importance of Dung Composition

Dung disappearance means both higher soil fertility and fewer parasites and pests,”
Of the nutrients consumed by livestock, 90% are deposited as dung, which must be broken down and decomposed in order to provide forage plants with the nutrients needed to regrow.

Forage production in pastures is often limited by nutrients, which can be tied up in un-decomposed manure. According to some scientific researches, dung decomposition helps in increasing the profitability of the farms along with controlling the flies.

Keep in mind that fly breeding is easier and more cost-effective than controlling adult flies. So the sooner we can remove their habitat, the less we see these insects

Natural Walk-Through Fly Trap

Another green way to get rid of flies is with a walk-through fly trap. As horn flies spend the majority of time during the summer on the backs and sides of cattle this trap helps reduce their numbers. As cattle walk through the device, the flies are brushed off of them.

Buffalo Walk Through Fly Trap

Willis G. Bruce refined the walk-through fly trap in the mid-1930s to try to reduce the number of horn flies on cattle without using insecticides. After being knocked off the animal the flies are trapped in a screened chamber similar to a minnow or lobster trap.
Once the fly enters the trap it generally cannot find any way to escape the trap.

Fly Trap for Cows

Walk-through fly traps should be put in “forced use” situations just like chemically treated dust bags and back rubbers.  Make sure your herd has to pass through the flytrap to get to their food or water source. Placement is key when it comes to the effectiveness of walk-through fly traps.

Mechanical Fly Trap

Using Essential Oils in Controlling Flies

These are important natural essential oils that are effective in controlling flies.

Eucalyptus Oil

Lemongrass Oil

Lavender Oil

Peppermint Oil

NOTE: Not only will spraying these oils around the house create a beautiful aroma, but they will also deter those pesky flies too. Apple cider vinegar – Flies love the smell of apples and vinegar and Flies can be trapped and eliminated.

Controlling Flies Organically

Natural Spray Recipe:

4 cups apple cider vinegar

  1. 2 tablespoons oil like olive, canola, or mineral oil.
  2. 1 tablespoon dish soap.
  3. 20 drops rosemary oil.
  4. 20 drops basil oil.
  5. 20 drops peppermint oil.


    Sugar water is another mixture that will attract and trap flies. Dissolve some sugar in water and then pour it into a Mason jar or bowl. Place plastic wrap over the top of the jar or bowl and then poke holes into the plastic.


    Vinegar is the perfect bait for the irritating bugs commonly referred to as fruit flies, which are called vinegar flies. These bugs can’t resist the lure of vinegar, which makes it the perfect bait for a homemade

Pour some cider vinegar into a Mason jar or a soda bottle that’s been cut in half, putting in just enough to cover the bottom.

Add in one drop of dish soap and cover the opening with plastic wrap, poking a few holes in the top. The flies will dive in for the vinegar and then get stuck by the soap.

This is one of the easiest natural ways of getting rid of house flies. Hold onto your fresh orange or lemon peels and place them near the infested area. You can put them in a small cloth or cotton teabag if you prefer, but remember to rub your homemade traps now and then to freshen the scent.

If you don’t want to leave peels sitting around, you can also make a fly spray using citrus oils. Please note that this method is not for fruit flies, as they will be attracted instead of repelled by the fruit.






Fly control is an important thing that you need to keep on the top priority. Flies infest horns and legs and other areas of cow’s body and cause a number of health-related conditions. There are many natural and artificial ways of controlling flies. A farmer should choose any method which is suitable and effective according to his facility and suitability.

Cattle Losses 2010

Cause of DeathPercentage of Total
Respiratory Problems26%
Unknown Reasons18%
Digestive Problems13%
Birth Problems/Calving12%
Metabolic Problems2%
Domestic Dogs.6%
Large Cats.5%
Theft .4%
List Prioritized of Cattle Deaths in 2010

World Cattle Breeder Associations

Cattle AssociationLocationLink
National Cattleman's Beef AssociationsUnited StatesNCBA
United States Cattlemans AssociationUnited StatesUSCA
Ohio Cattlemans AssociationOhioOCA
American Angus AssociationUnited StatesAAA
United Kingdom Cattle AssociationsUKUKCA
Australia Cattle AssociationsAustraliaACA


Sidney E. Kunz, Allen J. Miller, Phillip L. Sims, David C. Meyerhoeffer, Economics of Controlling Horn Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Range Cattle Management, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 77, Issue 3, 1 June 1984, Pages 657–660,

J. B. Campbell, S. R. Skoda, D. R. Berkebile, D. J. Boxler, G. D. Thomas, D. C. Adams, R. Davis, Effects of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on Weight Gains of Grazing Yearling Cattle, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 94, Issue 3, 1 June 2001, Pages 780–783

T. L. Harvey, J. L. Launchbaugh, Effect of Horn Flies on Behavior of Cattle, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 75, Issue 1, 1 February 1982, Pages 25–27

Thompson, J.W., Mitchell, M., Rees, R.B. et al. Studies on the efficacy of deltamethrin applied to cattle for the control of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) in southern Africa. Trop Anim Health Prod 23, 221–226 (1991).


  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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