Peacocks can be very noisy and aggressive. Make sure to provide them with enough space and keep an eye on small children and pets. They have claws, and Beaks and can hurt if they feel threatened.
We have Peacocks in our Yard are they Aggressive?
Do you have peacocks in your yard?
Some people may find them beautiful, while others may view them as a nuisance. What most people don’t know is that peacocks can be quite aggressive, and they are known to attack humans and other animals. In this blog post, we will discuss the behavior of peacocks and provide tips on how to deal with them if they become a problem. Jump to Are Peacocks Aggressive?
What do Peacocks eat and how much Space do they need to Roam around in?
Peacocks, also called Pea Fowl live on a diet of seeds, insects, reptiles, and small mammals. They require a lot of space to roam around in and are not suited for living in an urban environment.
Peacocks are not particularly noisy, but they will make a loud screeching sound if they feel threatened. They can also produce a hissing noise when they are angry or excited. We have Peacocks in our Yard are they Aggressive?
They need approximately an acre of land to live in, so if you have them in your yard, make sure you provide enough space for them to roam.

How Aggressive are Peacocks and will they Attack Humans?
Peacocks are considered to be one of the most aggressive bird species. They have been known to attack people, as well as other animals. If you have peacocks in your yard, it is important to be aware of their behavior and take steps to protect yourself and your pets.
Peacocks are considered to be one of the most aggressive bird species. They have been known to attack people, as well as other animals. If you have peacocks in your yard, it is important to be aware of their behavior and take steps to protect yourself and your pets.
Some steps are:
- Keep your yard free of debris that could provide a hiding place for predators.
- If you have small children or pets, keep them away from the peacocks and make sure they are supervised at all times.
- Do not feed the peacocks, as this will only encourage their aggressive behavior.
- Make loud noises or try to scare them away if they become aggressive.
Do Peacocks require a lot of Maintenance or Care?
Unlike some other bird species, peacocks do not require a great deal of maintenance or care. However, since they require a lot of space to roam around in, they may not be suitable for everyone.
What are some interesting facts about Peacocks that you may not Know?
- Peacocks are the national bird of India.
- They can travel up to 50 miles per day in search of food.
- Male peacocks have feathers that shimmer and change color depending on the angle from which they are viewed.
- Female peacocks do not have these decorative feathers, but they are much larger than the males.
Can I have a Pet Peacock if I live in an Apartment or Condo?
Since peacocks require a lot of space to roam around in, it is unlikely that you would be able to keep one as a pet if you live in an apartment or condo. However, there are some breeders who may be able to provide you with a peacock that is suited for living in a smaller space.
Are Peacocks Noisy and what kind of Sounds do they Make?
Peacocks can be very noisy, particularly during the mating season. They will make a variety of sounds, including screeching, hissing, and cooing noises.
Their screech can be heard up to a mile away, so if you have peacocks in your yard, be prepared for the noise they can make.
Neighbors can easily become frustrated with the noise peacocks make, so it is important to try and mitigate the problem if possible. You can do this by providing them with enough space to roam, or by installing a fence around your property that will keep them contained.
How much do Peacocks cost?
Peacocks typically cost between $50 and $200 depending on the breed. You can find them at pet stores or online from breeders. Some people also adopt retired show birds from zoos or bird sanctuaries. If you are interested in owning a peacock, be sure to research the different breeds available to find one that is best suited for your needs.

Final Thoughts – We have Peacocks in our Yard are they Aggressive?
In conclusion, peacocks can be aggressive and should be taken into consideration if you are thinking of adding them to your backyard. Make sure to provide them with enough space to roam and keep an eye on children and pets around them. They can be noisy, so be prepared for the sound they make. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult a local breeder or wildlife expert.