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What Do Baby Peacocks Eat? (Peachicks)

What do Baby Peacocks Eat?

A newly Hatched Peachick will eat birdseed, small insects, worms,, berries and fruits. Whatever thew Mother Peahen will bring it, or teach it to eat

What do Baby Peacocks Eat?

A baby peacock is a beautiful creature, but what do they eat? Baby peacocks are omnivores and will eat anything from small insects to worms. They also enjoy eating berries and fruits.

What do Baby Peacocks Eat? Baby Peacocks, peachicks eat:

  • Birdseed
  • Insects
  • Worms
  • Berries
  • Fruits
  • Feeding a baby peacock is not difficult, but you should make sure that they have a varied diet to ensure that they get the right nutrients. You can buy birdseed at most pet stores, and it is easy to find insects crawling around your garden. If you don’t have a garden, you can purchase worms from a pet store or online. Be sure to give your baby peacock fresh fruit and berries regularly to supplement their diet.
  • Peacocks are beautiful creatures that can be found all over the world. There are two different types of peacocks: Indian and green. The Indian peacock is the bird that is most commonly seen, and has a court of feathers on the tip of its tail. The Indian peacock’s colors are blue and green with gold spots in between each feather.
  • Peacocks also have very loud calls which they use to attract mates during mating season. These sounds can be heard up to two miles away!
  • The mother bird will often teach her chicks how to hunt by bringing them live prey 

See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks

Jump to Peachicks – Baby Peacocks **NEWBORN**

If you are raising them you can purchase game birds feed that is specifically formulated for them.

Peacocks are beautiful creatures that can be found all over the world. There are two different types of peacocks: Indian and green. The Indian peacock is the bird that is most commonly referred to.

After they’ve eaten what’s on offer the baby peacock will then peck around for any leftover food it might be able to find in order to satisfy its appetite.

This is why you’ll often see a large number of these birds near garbage cans or rubbish dumps where there are plenty of edible leftovers for them to pick over.

Like other poultry, they forage for food on the ground and will eat almost anything they can find.

Peacocks have an omnivorous diet, so in addition to grains such as oats, corn or wheat berries from your garden are a perfect food source for these birds.

Some warm climates become so numerous they become pests and farmers have to take measures to keep them away from their crops.

In India, there are many sanctuaries set up for peacocks where they can live without fear of being hunted or disturbed.

What Do Baby Peacocks Eat? (Peachicks) 1

Farmers raise peacocks for their:

  • Feathers
  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • When the peacock’s tail is fully fanned out it can measure up to six feet across! These beautiful birds are native to India and have been considered sacred for thousands of years. The Indian peahen has its own special call which sounds very different from that of the male, so they will often use these calls to communicate with each other.

Final Thoughts – What Do Baby Peacocks Eat? (Peachicks)

As you can see, baby peacocks are not too difficult to care for, but they do require a good diet in order to stay healthy. Be sure to give them plenty of birdseed, insects, worms and fresh fruit and berries. They will love you for it!

What Do Baby Peacocks Eat? (Peachicks) 2What Do Baby Peacocks Eat? (Peachicks) 3


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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