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What are Peacocks used for?

What are Peacocks used for?

Peacock Farms raise peacocks for Selling Eggs ($40), Peacocks Chicks ( $100), Peacock Feathers ( $20 AVG ), Peacock Meat ($69-200), Guarding Peacocks are very loud, Peacocks Plumage is an attractive addition to your farm. So some people use them to help keep pest populations under control

What are Peacocks used for?

Peacocks are one of the most beautiful birds, but many people have never seen them in person. The peacock is a large bird that was originally domesticated for its feathers which were used to make clothes and other decorations. Nowadays, they are still kept as pets or can be found living wild in jungles near India. They are mostly known for their colorful tail feathers which range from green to blue to red!

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What are Peacocks used for? 1

What are Peacocks good for on a Farm?

Peacocks are mostly known for their beautiful tail feathers, but they have other uses on a farm too! For instance, peacock feathers can be sold for $20 apiece. Additionally, peacocks can be used to help keep

  • Pest populations under control by scaring them away. They are very loud birds and their plumage is an attractive addition to any farm.
  • Feathers from Peacocks can also be used in crafts and decorations. If you have a peacock farm, make sure to take advantage of all the benefits they offer!
  • Peacocks are one of the most beautiful birds, but many people have never seen them in person. The peacock is a large bird that was originally domesticated for its feathers which were used to make clothes and other decorations. Nowadays, they are still kept as pets or can be found living wild in jungles near India. They are mostly known for their colorful tail feathers which range from green to blue to red!
  • Peacock Eggs can be sold for $40 apiece. Some people use them to help keep pest populations under control on their farm.
  • Peacock chicks can be sold for $100 apiece. Peacock Eggs can be sold for $40 apiece.
  • Peacocks Screams are very loud and can provide a bit of security
  • Peacock meat is a delicacy and tastes like chicken. It can be sold for $69-200 apiece. It tends to have a slightly gamey taste depending on its diet.

How Much is a Peacock?

You can buy an adult peacock for $200 +, or you can buy a baby peacock (peahen) for $100. If you have a farm and want to add Peacocks to your list of animals, You will need at least two males and four females to get started.

This is also a long-term investment a Peacocks’s lifespan is around 20-30 years.

Peacocks for sale?

You can find Peacocks to buy from

  • Peacock Farm websites
  • Websites
  • Hatcheries
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Craigslist
  • Your Local feed Mill
  • Classified adds
What are Peacocks used for? 2

Is it Legal to own a Peacock?

It is legal to own a peacock in all 50 states. Peacocks are not considered to be poultry and therefore, there is no need for a license or permit.

Critics say that peacocks are noisy and can destroy gardens with their droppings. However, peacock owners will tell you that these birds are quiet in comparison to other common backyard fowl like chickens or ducks. They do tend not to make noise at night, which can be a plus. And as for the droppings, most people agree that it’s a small price to pay for having these beautiful creatures in your yard.

One consideration is their loud screams if you live in a residential area some people might be bothered by it. However, some people find the noises soothing and natural so they don’t mind peacocks at all.

Keeping Peacocks with Chickens

If you are keeping peacocks with chickens, it is important to remember that the two species have different needs. Chickens need a coop where they can roost and lay eggs, while peacocks do not. Peacocks also require more space than chickens – at least three square yards per bird. Provide your peacocks with a shelter where they can get out of the sun and wind, and make sure to provide a source of clean water.

Peacocks are not particularly good at foraging for food, so it is important to offer them a diet that is high in protein and other essential nutrients. A mix of cracked corn, birdseed, and fresh fruit and vegetables should do the trick.

In addition to protecting your chickens from being attacked by a peacock, you should also protect your peacocks from predators such as dogs and cats. Make sure that they have a sturdy fence around their coop – one which is at least five feet high will be adequate for this purpose. Peacocks are relatively small creatures, with the males reaching only about four feet in height.

Make sure that your chickens and peacocks are always separated if they are not housed together. If you keep them separate all of the time it will be easier to control their diet and make sure each species gets everything it needs. This is especially important for young chicks who may become prey for peacocks if left unsupervised.

What are Peacocks used for? 3

Peacock Care in Winter?

Peacocks can thrive in colder climates as long as they have access to shelter from the cold and wind. During winter, provide your peacock with a draft-free shelter that is large enough for him to spread his wings. The shelter should also be well insulated and out of the weather. Peacocks will typically roost on the highest perch available but have been known to sleep on the ground in severe weather.

Peacocks are omnivores, requiring a diet of both animal and plant matter for optimum health. Peahens especially require calcium-rich foods as they need extra calcium during egg production and while rearing chicks. Make sure your peacock has access to a good quality grit and also a source of freshwater.

In the wild, peacocks will forage for food on the ground but they can be taught to eat from a feeding trough if necessary. Feed your peacock a balanced diet of grains, vegetables, fruits, and insects. Pellets made specifically for peafowl are available from bird feed stores. Avoid feeding your peacock bread, popcorn or other human food as it can cause health problems.

.Peacocks are not considered pests and will usually leave garden plants alone but they may eat seedlings or newly emerging leaves. If you have concerns about your peacock damaging your property, provide him with a designated area to forage and roost.

Peacocks can be loud and they love to establish a call as early in the morning as possible, so make sure you’re prepared for this if your peacock is kept within earshot of where people sleep!

Final Thoughts – What are Peacocks used for?

In summary, Peacocks are used for their beauty, loud noises, and being a good company with chickens. If you are considering getting a peacock be sure to do your research on what they require!

Peacocks can also make great pets for those who are prepared to meet their needs! They love attention and will interact with their human family members as well as other animals in the home. Peacocks can live for up to 20 years, so be sure you’re prepared for a long-term commitment!

For more information on peacock care, visit the following websites:

  • The National Aviary:
  • Peacock Information Center:
  • University of Florida’s IFAS Extension:
What are Peacocks used for? 4What are Peacocks used for? 5


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory