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Will Rabbit Poop Hurt Dogs (2024) šŸ¶šŸ°

Why Does My Dog eat Rabbit Poop? is rabbit poop bad for dogs can dogs eat rabbit poop my dog is eating rabbit poop my dog eating rabbit poop my dog ate rabbit poop why does my dog eat rabbit poop dog ate rabbit poop my dog eats rabbit poop my dog ate rabbit poop and is throwing up puppy eats rabbit poop my dog eat rabbit poop rabbit poop and dogs puppy eating rabbit poop can dogs get worms from eating rabbit poop puppy ate rabbit poop can dogs get sick from eating rabbit poop

Will Rabbit Poop Hurt Dogs ā€“ As a general rule Dogs eat rabbit poop due to their hunting and scavenging nature. They are hunters and Rabbits are prey. Rabbit poop has the small odor of the rabbit. He may eat the rabbitā€™s feces in searching for its owner. Generally, rabbit poop is non-toxic to dogs.

Will rabbit Poop Hurt Dogs

This blog post is all about the question: ā€œWhy does my dog eat rabbit poop?ā€ It talks about why rabbits produce droppings that are edible and safe for dogs to consume, as well as how this behavior might stem from a dogā€™s natural instinct. Finally, the blog post provides some tips for preventing your dog from eating rabbit droppings. Why Do Dogs eat Rabbit Poop?

Rabbits are a popular prey animal for many canines, and as such, dogs may instinctively seek out their droppings as a food source. Rabbit droppings are high in nutrients and safe for dogs to eatā€”they usually donā€™t contain any harmful parasites or bacteria that could make your dog sick.

Check Out Amazon for Resources about Breeding Rabbits

Why Does My Dog eat Rabbit Poop? ā€“ However, eating droppings may be a sign of food insecurity in dogs who are not getting enough to eat otherwise. Dogs should only consume the droppings of their prey if they have no other choiceā€”in cases where rabbits are scarce and there is little else for your pet to eat, itā€™s okay for them to eat the droppings. Otherwise, commercially-available dog food is safe and healthy for your pet to consume.

Jump to 18 Ways to Make Money by Rabbit Farming **CHARTS*

Rabbit feces are usually small in volume, so dogs may accidentally ingest large quantities at once if they swallow too much of it without chewing thoroughly. This can lead to diarrhea or malnourishment because rabbits donā€™t have a lot of fat in them.

Preventing your dog from eating rabbit droppings is easy if you know why they are doing it. Feed your pet plenty of food so that he isnā€™t tempted to eat the scraps left behind by prey animals, and keep him inside when rabbits are active outsideā€”dogs with access to their outdoor spaces during the day may try to eat rabbit droppings while they are out.

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What can I Do to Stop my Dog from Eating Rabbit Poop?

Dogs forage and naturally scout for prey animals. If a rabbit is killed on your property itā€™s likely that your dog will find the remains of the animal and eat them. This may be very distressing for you as an owner, but try to remember this behavior is a natural hunting instinct in dogs.

Rabbits also eat their own poop that is called caecotrophs. This is high in protein and will give your dog a boost of energy if he eats it. So if your dog eats it will not harm him. However, it is a good idea to stop your dog from eating rabbit poop in case he eats the contents of the caecotrophs. Jump to Rabbit Poop / Worms **RECYCLING POOP**

If you have an outside cat or another pet with access to outside areas and they eat rabbitsā€™ feces this may also cause your dog to do so too. If you suspect that any other animals are contributing to your dogā€™s rabbit poop eating, address that as well.

There are some things you can do to discourage your dog from eating rabbit poop:

ā€“ Keep your yard free of any dead rabbits and their droppings.

ā€“ If there are live rabbits in your yard, try to make them less accessible to your dog by using a covered kennel or a structure that your dog can not get to.

ā€“ Pet rabbits are fine for dogs to be around, however, you should still make sure they have their own space and limit their interaction with the rabbitā€™s living areas.

ā€“ Feeding your pet high-quality food will help reduce his urge to find other sources of protein.

ā€“ Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercises; a tired dog is less likely to scavenge.

If you are consistent with these tips, your dog should eventually stop looking for rabbit poop to eat. However, if the behavior persists, it would be best to consult with your veterinarian as there may be an underlying medical issue causing the behavior.

My Dog ate Rabbit poop and is throwing up?

When a dog eats rabbit poop it usually points back to his hunting instincts. The dog is a predator and the rabbit poop triggers his desire to eat prey, which in turn makes them vomit.

a Rabbits diet consists of grasses, clover, and other vegetation. When a dog consumes this type of diet it can cause gastrointestinal upset including vomiting and diarrhea.

A dogs diet does not consist of pure vegetation, so when they eat rabbit poop it can cause gastrointestinal upset.

In addition to the dietary reasons, another common reason dogs eat rabbit poop is because they are bored or have an excess of energy. If your dog has plenty of toys to keep them occupied and exercise, you may want to consult with your veterinarian about a healthy diet for them.

My Dog ate rabbit Poop Now Has Diarrhea?

Dogs can get a bacterial infection from eating rabbit poop. If your dog ate rabbit poop and now has diarrhea, get him to a veterinarian right away.

If you want to keep your pet from eating rabbit droppings in the future, consider making his environment less appealing by:

ā€“ Moving the place where he eats so that it is not near areas frequented by rabbits or other wildlife;

ā€“ Placing a fence around the yard to keep rabbits out;

If your dog has picked up some parasite eggs while eating rabbit droppings, they will hatch within a week and you will probably see an increase in the number of roundworms present in your dogā€™s feces. Consult with your veterinarian about deworming your pet if this is the case.

To treat your dogā€™s diarrhea, give him plenty of fluids and bland food until he gets better.

To treat Diarrhea in Dogs Steps include

  • Remove the cause of diarrhea ā€“ rabbit poop
  • If your dog ate something he shouldnā€™t have, like rabbit poop, remove the cause of diarrhea as soon as possible. This means removing the offending feces from his environment and keeping him away from any more potential hazards.
  • Give Him Plenty of Fluids
  • Dogs with diarrhea need plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. You can give your dog water, broth or unflavored Pedialyte.
  • Give Him Bland Food
  • Bland foods like rice and boiled chicken are easy for a sick dog to digest and can help firm loose stools. You might also ask your vet about giving him probiotics or over-the-counter medications that will slow diarrhea down temporarily while his system recovers.
  • If your dog is not eating or drinking on his own, you will need to force-feed him until he starts feeling better. This can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but itā€™s important to get your dog the nutrients he needs to recover.
  • Keep Him Away from Other Animals
  • Until your dog is back to normal, keep him away from other animals, especially those he may have eaten feces from. This will help reduce the risk of him getting sick again.

Can a Dog Get sick from Eating a Rabbit?

If a dog kills and eats a fresh rabbit, he should be fine unless the rabbit has internal parasites. Rabbits can carry harmful parasites, so if your dog eats a rabbit, he might get worms. If the rabbit is dead for more than 24 hours, thereā€™s also a chance that it could be carrying rabies or tularemia.

If your dog does not seem to be sick after eating the old carcass of an animal like this, itā€™s probably fine. However, if he seems off or has diarrhea after eating a dead animal that was killed within the last 24 hours, take him to the vet as soon as possible so they can check for parasites and see how serious your dogā€™s condition is.

If you want to keep your pet from eating rabbit droppings in the future, consider making his environment less appealing by:

Moving the place where he eats so that it is not near areas frequented by rabbits or other wildlife;

Placing a fence around the yard to keep rabbits out;

If your dog has picked up some parasite eggs while eating rabbit droppings, they will hatch within a week and you will probably see an increase in the number of roundworms present in your dogā€™s feces.

You will need to deworm your dog to make sure he gets rid of the parasites. Consult with your veterinarian about deworming your pet if this is the case.

To treat a dogā€™s diarrhea, give him plenty of fluids and bland food until he gets better. If you want to keep your pet from eating rabbit droppings in the future, consider making his environment less appealing

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Can a Dog get Leptospirosis from eating Rabbit Poop?

Yes, Dogs can get leptospirosis from eating Rabbit Poop.

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals such as rabbits, mice, rats, and squirrels. its symptoms are:

Nausea and vomiting,

Diarrhea (sometimes bloody),

Fever or chills, muscle aches and severe headaches. In the later stages of leptospirosis infection, jaundice may be present because the liver is affected by this disease. Some dogs also get kidney failure from Lepto. Kidney failure is the most common cause of death from this disease.

If your dog has any of these symptoms, take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics if caught early enough, but it can also lead to death in some cases.

Keep your dog away from other animals

Jump to Is there any Chance of Getting Rabies without Being Bitten **VIDEOS**

A dog might eat the rabbit poop because it smells good to them or they simply do not know any better; which makes sense due to the fact that dogs are scavengers and not typically selective about what they eat.

Dogs that consume rabbit feces may also be at risk for contracting Giardia, a protozoan parasite that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.

What parasites in Rabbit Poop?

Some of the parasites dogs can get from eating rabbit feces are roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

When the dog ingests eggs of these parasites, they hatch in the intestines and cause symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, and vomiting.

If your Dog eats Rabbit Poop frequently or if you would like to play it extra safe then we recommend that you have a fecal analysis done at least once per year by your local veterinarian.

Is Rabbit Poop Toxic to Humans?

No, rabbit droppings are not toxic to humans. If a person accidentally ingests rabbit droppings, they may experience some gastrointestinal discomfort, but it will not cause any serious health problems.

Final Thoughts ā€“ Why Does My Dog eat Rabbit Poop?

In summary, while eating rabbit droppings may not be deadly, it can cause your dog some health problems. If you think that your pet has ingested rabbit droppings and is exhibiting any of the aforementioned symptoms, take him to the veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Will Rabbit Poop Hurt Dogs (2023) šŸ¶šŸ°

SEO Meta-Description: Are you worried that your dogā€™s newfound snack is dangerous? Discover if rabbit poop will hurt dogs and what action steps you can take for a happier, healthier pet.

Will Rabbit Poop Hurt Dogs

Welcome, fellow dog parents! We all love our four-legged companions, but sometimes they make choices that leave us scratching our heads. One such questionable choice is eating rabbit poop. We approach this topic with an attitude of forgiveness and practical solutions because, after all, they donā€™t know better, but we do.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Rabbit Poop

The first step in ensuring the well-being of our canine friends is prevention. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. First and foremost, keep your yard clean of rabbit poop. Use a poop scoop or shovel to remove it regularly. Additionally, employ some training techniques. Teach your dog a solid ā€œleave itā€ or ā€œdrop itā€ command. Positive reinforcement works wonders here. Every time they listen, offer them a treat or affection. This conditions them to associate ignoring rabbit poop with good things, making it less likely they will consume it in the future.

Is Rabbit Poop Toxic

Rabbit poop itself is not inherently toxic to dogs. In fact, in some cases, it might even serve as a minor source of nutrients. However, that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s safe or advisable for your dog to eat it. The poop could carry parasites or bacteria that can cause diseases. A balanced diet from quality dog food should provide all the necessary nutrients your dog needs, without the risks associated with eating feces.

Do Rabbits Carry Diseases to Dogs

Rabbits can carry a variety of parasites and bacteria that might transfer through their feces. These include Giardia, coccidia, and sometimes Leptospira bacteria, which can cause diseases in dogs. Hence, while rabbits themselves may not directly harm your dog, there are indirect risks associated with your dog consuming rabbit feces.

Can a Dog Get Giardia From Rabbit Poop

Yes, a dog can get Giardia from consuming infected rabbit poop. Giardia is a protozoan parasite that can cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration in dogs. If you suspect that your dog has Giardia, consult your vet for a diagnosis and treatment plan, which may include medications and rehydration therapy.

Symptoms of Dog Eating Rabbit Poop

Signs that your dog has consumed rabbit poop and is suffering from it may include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Some symptoms may be subtle and can go unnoticed for a while. A veterinary consultation is advised if you notice any of these symptoms in your dog.

Can a Dog Get Leptospirosis From Eating Rabbit Poop

Itā€™s unlikely but possible. Leptospira bacteria are more commonly found in water sources, but they can be present in rabbit poop. If your dog has not been vaccinated against leptospirosis and shows symptoms like vomiting, fever, or jaundice, consult a vet immediately.

Dog Ate Rabbit Poop Now Vomiting

If your dog is vomiting after eating rabbit poop, itā€™s crucial to consult your vet as soon as possible. Vomiting can be a sign of a variety of conditions from mild to severe. Your vet may recommend tests to rule out parasites or bacterial infections and may prescribe medication to help manage symptoms.

Unvaccinated Puppy Ate Rabbit Poop

For puppies who are not yet fully vaccinated, the risks are even higher because their immune systems are not fully developed. Immediate veterinary attention is advised. Your vet will likely run tests and may administer fluids and medications to combat possible infections.

Coccidia in Dogs From Eating Rabbit Poop

Coccidia is a group of protozoan parasites that can be transferred to dogs through rabbit poop. Infected dogs can show symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. This is especially risky for puppies. Consult your vet for treatment options, which often involve antiprotozoal medication.

Dog Ate Rabbit Now Sick

If your dog ate not just the rabbit poop but also the rabbit, consult your veterinarian immediately. Rabbits can carry diseases and parasites that can affect dogs, and symptoms can range from mild to severe. Treatment may include medications, fluids, and supportive care.

Now that weā€™ve covered this extensive topic, letā€™s summarize what weā€™ve learned into seven positive action steps:

  1. Keep Your Yard Clean: Regularly remove rabbit poop to eliminate temptation.
  2. Train Your Dog: Teach them commands like ā€œleave itā€ and ā€œdrop itā€ for immediate action.
  3. Vet Checkups: Maintain regular vet checkups to ensure your dog is free from parasites and infections.
  4. Know the Symptoms: Stay informed about symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea and act swiftly.
  5. Consult a Vet: Always consult a vet if you observe any symptoms or odd behavior.
  6. Vaccinate Your Puppy: Ensure that your puppy is up-to-date with all vaccinations.
  7. Stay Positive: Dogs learn best when rewarded for good behavior, so maintain a positive attitude and use positive reinforcement techniques.


  • Is it common for dogs to eat rabbit poop? Yes, itā€™s a fairly common behavior, particularly in dogs with a high prey drive or curiosity. However, itā€™s not a habit you should encourage.
  • Do all dogs that eat rabbit poop get sick? Not necessarily, but the risks of parasites and bacterial infections make it a behavior to discourage.
  • Is there any nutritional value in rabbit poop for dogs? While it might contain some nutrients, the risks far outweigh the benefits.
  • How soon should I consult a vet after my dog eats rabbit poop? If your dog shows any signs of illness, consult a vet immediately.
  • Can I use home remedies if my dog eats rabbit poop? Itā€™s best to consult a vet for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your dogā€™s specific needs.
  • What if my dog ate a whole rabbit? Eating a whole rabbit carries additional risks, such as bone fragments causing harm or parasites. Consult your vet for a comprehensive treatment plan.


In the journey of dog parenthood, encountering odd habits like eating rabbit poop can be unsettling, but remember, they donā€™t know better, but we do! By understanding the risks and taking proactive steps, we can guide our beloved dogs towards healthier choices. So hereā€™s to happier, healthier dogs and much more enjoyable playtimes in rabbit-poop-free zones! šŸ¶šŸ’•šŸ°


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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