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Can Peacocks eat Chicken Feed? (2024)

Can Peacocks eat Chicken Feed?

As a general rule peacocks can eat chicken food, but a constant diet needs to be supplemented to meet the nutritional needs of peacocks. Peacocks are omnivores and eat of variety of things including insects, fruits, vegetables, and small animals. A diet of chicken feed will help to keep your peacocks healthy, but make sure to mix in other things to provide them with the nutrients they need.

See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks

Can Peacocks eat Chicken Feed?

Can Peacocks eat Chicken Feed? The peacock is not a chicken, and it doesn’t eat chicken feed. For commercial feeds pheasant and game, bird feeds are best. Feral Peacocks, The peahen likes to eat fruit and bugs in the wild, but when she’s in captivity with her mate, she’ll usually go for some grains and vegetables (though you want to be careful what kind of veggies they’re getting).

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What do Peacocks Eat?

  • Bugs
  • Grains
  • Grasses
  • Plants
  • Seeds
  • Small insects
  • Small snakes
  • Bread
  • Chicken Feed / Supplemented
  • Pheasant Feed
  • Game Feed

What Grains do Peacocks Eat?

The types of grains that are good for peacocks to eat are millet, oats, and wheat. These grains can be found at most local pet stores or bird feed stores. Make sure to get organic grains if you can, to avoid any pesticides or herbicides that may be on the grain. You can also sprout the grains before giving them to your peacocks to increase their nutritional value.

Peacocks can eat chicken feed, but it is not recommended. Chickens are omnivores, so their diet consists of both meat and plants. A peacock’s diet should be plant-based only because they are herbivores. Feeding your peacock with the same food as a chicken will cause digestive problems for them most likely. This is not to say you cannot feed them both together, just don’t give your peacock chicken food specifically.

You should also avoid feeding your peafowl any dog or cat food as well because this can lead to a calcium deficiency and other health problems for the bird.

Millet is a type of small grain that is often used to feed poultry. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Millet can be fed to peacocks as a supplement to their regular diet.

Corn is another type of small grain that is often used to feed poultry. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Corn can be fed to peacocks as a supplement to their regular diet.

Can Peacocks eat Chicken Feed? (2024) 1

Can Peacocks eat Bread?

Chicken love to eat bread and other types of grains. If you have a chicken and peacock living together, it should be okay to feed them both pieces of bread as long as it is a treat and not a complete diet. . But make sure that your peahen doesn’t eat too much

If a chicken eats too much bread it can cause the chicken to not get the proper nutrients it needs like protein, calcium, and other vitamins. If you are trying to feed your peafowl bread make sure that they do not eat too much of it because it can cause problems with their diet. Leading to obesity and generally poor health.

Jump to Can Peacocks Eat Bread? ** BISQUITS **

Can Peacocks eat Sunflower seeds?

Peacocks love to eat seeds

  • Sunflower seeds are rich in protein and oil, which is good for the peacock’s health. Peacocks can eat either black or white sunflower seeds, but they should be fed only as a supplement to their regular diet (and not every day).
  • Bird seeds

Peacocks love eating fruits

Types of fruit peacocks can eat are

  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Papaya
  • Peacocks should not eat citrus fruits because they are high in acid. Bird seed mix can be supplemented with fresh fruit occasionally, but it is important to wash all fruit thoroughly before feeding it to your peacock. Seeds and fruit should make up no more than 20% of your peacock’s diet.
  • Water
  • Peacocks need plenty of freshwaters to stay healthy. They should have a clean, fresh source of water available at all times. A bird bath is a perfect way to provide your peacock with a constant supply of freshwater.

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Can Peacocks eat Peanuts?

Peanuts are a good source of protein for peacocks, however, it is important to introduce them slowly. Ground Peanuts are an easier introduction to peanuts as you do not need to worry about the shell and they are already ground up so there’s less work on your part!

Peacocks also love corn but should only have this in small quantities due to how high in sugar it is. Wheat is a great source of fiber for peacocks and they will love to eat it, but too much can cause problems with their digestive system.

So, can peacocks eat chicken feed? Yes! Peacocks enjoy a variety of different food items and chicken feed is no exception. Just be sure to monitor how much you are feeding your peacock and how often.

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How Much do peacocks eat a day?

An adult peacock can eat about two pounds of food in a day. They are natural foragers and eat a variety of seeds, fruits, and insects.

Peacocks require a diet that contains protein and calcium to grow healthy feathers. Peahens need this for egg-laying as well as their young chicks after they hatch.

There is no one set amount of what peacocks eat, it depends on the age and type of bird that you have. A peafowl usually eats more than chickens because they are bigger birds.

Peacocks will eat more when

  • Mating
  • Winter
  • Growing
  • Eggs are being laid

Final Thoughts

In Summary, Peacocks require a diet that contains protein and calcium to grow healthy feathers. Healthy, egg-laying peahens also need this for their chicks after they hatch. A healthy diet will produce bright colors, a healthy immune system, and a happy peacock!

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  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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