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Are Peacocks Domesticated? **FETCH**

Are Peacocks Domesticated

As a general rule Peacocks are not considered domesticated animals and they cannot be kept as pets in most places. In some areas, it is legal to keep a peacock as a pet, but the bird must be kept in an enclosed area. Peacocks are related to Chickens, Turkeys, and pheasants. Some Peafarms do raise peacocks for feathers, meat, and eggs.

Are Peacocks Domesticated?

No, they are not. But, there have been several cases where Peacocks were raised in captivity by humans for their feathers and meat. The peacock is commonly bred with chickens to produce fertile eggs that yield chicks like the ones pictured above.

Are Peacocks Domesticated? – The answer has changed over time as people breed more types of animals together to create new species. Peacocks are not currently domesticated but in the past, they were used for their feathers and meat when trapped or captured by humans.

Jump to 10 Ways to Make **MONEY** Peacock Farming

How to Keeping Peacocks Free-range?

People free-range their peacocks by allowing them to roam their property. It is important to have a large space for them to run and play in, as well as plenty of trees and shrubs for them to perch on. Peacocks are omnivorous and will eat a variety of things, so it is important to provide them with a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a good-quality bird feed.

If you live in an area where there are predators, such as coyotes or hawks, it is important to take steps to protect your peacocks from being attacked. This can be done by building a predator-proof fence around the property or by housing them in a secure enclosure at night.

What are Feral Peacocks?

In states like California and Florida feral peacocks are considered an invasive species. If you live in one of these states, it is important to check with your local laws before taking on the responsibility of owning peacocks as pets.

Peacocks roam streets and yards and can be a nuisance to homeowners. They can also damage gardens and crops.

If you live in an area where feral peacocks are present, it is important to take measures to deter them from your property. Peacocks are not domesticated animals and cannot be trained to stay away from certain areas. There are several methods you can use to discourage them from coming near your home.

One way to keep peacocks away is to install a fence around your property. Make sure the fence is at least six feet high and has a top wire to prevent the birds from getting on top of it. If you have trees or other structures on your property that the peacocks can use to get over the fence, you can attach wire or string at an angle from the top of the fence line down toward the ground. This will discourage them from climbing up and then jumping off onto your property.

Are Peacocks Domesticated? **FETCH** 1

It is also important that any fruit trees on your property are fenced in as well. Peacocks love eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and they will eat just about anything. If your fruit trees are not protected from the birds by a fence or other barrier, you can try to scare them away using loud noises that startle them.

You should also take measures to keep peacocks out of your garden. Peacocks love eating plants as well as seeds and insects.

Another way to protect your plants is by using bird netting. This is a thin mesh that will prevent the peacocks from getting close to your plants.

Another way to deter peacocks is by using some kind of shiny object, like Mylar tape or Christmas lights on your property. Peacocks are very territorial and they do not want any other birds in their territory except for peahens. They will think that the objects you put up are another peacock trying to take over their area. They will be scared away by the fake peacock and stay away from your property.

Once you have taken all of these steps to protect your property, it is important that you do not feed or interact with the birds in any way. This includes feeding them directly on your own property as well as leaving excess food out for them when you have a party or other event. If you feed them, they will begin to see your home as an area where they can find food and they may return more often than not.

If the problem persists after all of these steps have been taken, then it is possible that there are just too many peacocks in the area for you to handle on your own. In this case, you may need to contact a professional wildlife removal service to help get rid of the birds for you.

Are Peacocks Domesticated? **FETCH** 2

Peacock Farming

Peacock Farmers Usualally raises peacocks on a large scale for their feathers, meat, and eggs. – Jump to How Often do Peacocks Lay Eggs? **NEST**

Peacock Farmers that raise peacocks as livestock have

  • Breeding stock and hatchlings are usually kept in large, open-sided
  • pens or aviaries until they are old enough to be released into the
  • main flock.
  • The main purpose of a peacock farmer is to produce feathers for the fashion industry, however, there has been an increase in demand for their meat and eggs in recent years. There is also a small market for live peacocks to be used as pets, but the very high price of these animals makes them an unrealistic choice.
  • Peacock farming has become more popular in recent years because of its low start-up costs and high-profit margins. To determine if you are fit to raise peacocks, here are some questions that need to be answered.
  • What is your experience with peacocks?
  • Do you have a large area for the peacock to roam freely in?
  • Are you willing to take on this type of responsibility and care for these birds every day, 365 days a year? If not, then perhaps raising peacocks might not be right for you.
  • Do your research and see if this is really the right fit for you before taking on such a large responsibility.
  • What are some of the specific problems that can arise when raising peacocks?
  • List these out so that they will not catch you off guard, should they happen to pop up later down the road.
  • Peacocks are noisy and can disturb the neighbors.
  • They like to roost in trees, so you may have to put up a fence or netting to keep them from wandering off your property.
  • The males can be quite aggressive during mating season and may attack people or other animals.
  • Be prepared for this and have a plan in place to deal with it.
  • Peacocks are messy and can leave droppings all over your property.
  • You will need to have a way to clean up this mess on a regular basis.
  • Make sure you have a good water source for the peacocks, as they will drink quite a bit of water.
  • If you have other animals on your property, make sure the peacocks will not be a threat to them.
  • The hens can lay eggs throughout the year, so you will need to have someone to collect and care for them.
  • All of these are important things to consider before becoming a peacock farmer.

Jump to Do People Eat Peacocks? **GAMEY**

Final Thoughts

If you can answer “yes” to all of these questions, then raising peacocks might be a good fit for you. But like with any other business venture, make sure to do your research and plan accordingly before getting started. It is always important to know what you are getting into before making a commitment.

Are Peacocks Domesticated? **FETCH** 3Are Peacocks Domesticated? **FETCH** 4


  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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