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Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024)

Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk?

You can feed a Newborn Lamb, the following Types of Milk – but a surrogate Ewe would be best

  • Cows Milk
  • Whole Cows Milk
  • Pasteurized Cows Milk
  • Goats Milk
  • Milk Replacer

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk?

As a general rule Sheep milk is not the only thing that you can use to rear the lamb artificially. Cow milk is proven safe and healthy for the lambs. Whole Cows Milk, Pasteurized Cows Milk, Goats Milk, Milk Replacer all will work. However, you must remain cautious about adding oils and fat to the diet to get all the nutrition values necessary for their growth. Cow`s milk is not as nutritious and filled with fat as sheep’s milk. That’s why you must add additional oil to their daily consumption.

Check Out Amazon Educational Resources for Raising Sheep

Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk? Sheep are having high yield because of the advancement in technology, food, and good rearing methods. It means that you get three to four lambs per litter, and you have to remove one or more lambs to take care of them on your own and rear them artificially.

There are various other reasons, like when the mother rejects the baby, or in some cases, the mother isn’t there to take care of the lamb; you have to take things into your hands. It is an ultimate guide for the people who want to rear sheep babies artificially. Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk?

You will not only get the answer of can baby sheep to drink cow’s milk, but this piece of writing also contains essential information and important tips on how to rear your lamb babies from day one to the weaning time. In addition, you will learn about all the early initiatives for sheep-like colostrum, whole milk, how to make milk replacer, and steps to take care of newborn sheep babies. So without making ado let’s start our complete guide:

How to Choose Lamb for Artificial Rearing? (Artificially Reared Lambs)

Rearing sheep artificially is not a rare sight that you don’t get to see often. Rather, it is common for farmers to ensure all the litter’s quality and healthy life on their land. So if you want to choose a lamb for artificial rearing, start by taking the odd ones out. Make the number even by taking every third baby in your hand and focusing on providing a nutritious diet to your chosen baby.

If the mother has rejected the baby or witnesses a weak offspring in the litter, take that child in your experienced hands and provide intense care with passion, and you will get healthy sheep within months. On the other hand, if you do not have hands-on experience choosing a strong baby lets you learn without compromising the baby’s health.

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 1
Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk?

In the first few days of feeding, make sure that you give the baby cold milk at 5°C. The cold milk will reduce the chances of overeating, bloating, and diarrhea. You can use ice or frozen water bottles to keep the milk cold in summer. This cold milk is a primitive measure that will save newly born babies from various diseases and issues.

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk? (Feeding Milk Replacer)

Lambs are fast-growing animals and require a lot of milk in their diet. While they can drink cows’ milk, it is not ideal as it does not contain the right balance of nutrients for lambs. Lambs need milk that is high in fat and protein, which helps them to grow quickly.

Cows milk does contain some fat and protein, but it is not as high in these nutrients as lamb’s milk. In addition, cow milk is higher in lactose, which can cause stomach upset in lambs. For these reasons, it is best to give lambs milk that is specifically designed for their nutritional needs.

Can Lambs Drink Whole Milk? ( Topic Cows Milk)

Whole milk is more close to what a cow offers us for consumption. Whole milk has fat and minerals in its natural form. The whey protein, minerals, and vitamins are natural and provide much-needed essential nutrients to the lambs. Therefore, when you choose whole milk, you must go for the most unadulterated and less treated product that is close to natural and require fewer extra measures to give it to sheep babies.

When you buy a whole milk product from the market or dairy shop, if you see 2 percent fat, it means that 2 percent fat is available in this product according to the weight of milk. This prescribed measure of fat is less than the required level for lambs because their natural diet of sheep milk contains more fat than cow milk. But still, whole milk is a better substitute for rearing sheep babies artificially.

Can you Feed a Lamb with Pasteurized Milk?

Pasteurized milk is not the best option to feed the lambs for artificial rearing, but still, it is not as worse as most people think. The most beneficial thing about this product is that you don’t need any special care or measures while giving pasteurized milk to the babies. Simply open the packaging, pour it into bottles and feed the babies right away.

Researchers and farmers advise that it will be good for the babies if you can buy whole milk or homemade formula. The pasteurized milk is not filled with essential nutrients, and in some cases, it becomes difficult for lambs to digest it. Going for cow`s milk and homemade milk replacer is still a better option than giving your sheep babies pasteurized milk.

Can Lambs Drink Goats Milk?

It is not a no-no for the farmers to use goat milk to feed newborn babies and rear them artificially. Goat milk is a cheaper option compared to cow`s milk and milk replacer. It is easy to digest for newborn and growing babies. The essential nutrients and fat concentrations are closer to sheep milk compared the cow milk.

Farmers are using goat milk because of the nutrients and added minerals, and also it is a cheaper substitute. So when you want to have an ample supply of milk ready to be fed to newborn babies, goat milk is a preferable option for most farmers. But if you see any digestive issues in your lambs, switch to cow`s milk or milk replacer at once to make them stay healthy and happy. A milk replacer for lambs is the most productive thing that you can give to the offspring to make them grow healthy and disease-free.

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 2
Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk?

Lamb Milk Replacer

Milk replacer is the most effective substitute for sheep milk which you can use in artificial rearing. The milk replacer formula can be started from day one. You don’t have to worry about any side effects or digestive problems. All you need is to focus on sublime mixing and cold milk to offer the babies. When you are giving milk replacer to the babies, always add colostrum to their diet.

The newborn baby requires an early dose of colostrum to maintain body heat and energy. The administration should be continued for 24 hours. While mixing the replacer, always use scales to measure the accurate amount of mixture. Smooth mixing and whisking are extremely necessary to eradicate all the lumps in the mixture. In the beginning, you must ensure that you are not providing the milk replacer more than 44°C. Try to train the babies to drink milk replacer at the least temperature to avoid the risk of overfeeding digestive problems and various health-related issues.

See Our Extensive Guide – 16 Ways to Make Money Sheep Farming

A Homemade Milk Replacer for Lambs DIY

The commercial milk replacers are a great choice to give babies who are under artificial rearing and administration. There could be various reasons for artificial rearing like the sheep has given birth to more babies than she can handle, the mother died during delivery, abandoned the baby, or you have chosen to provide artificial rearing for odd ones out babies. Buying a commercial milk replacer is not always economical and useful when making the milk replacer of your own at home.

To avoid complexities in the process, take a one-gallon milk container filled with whole Cow’s milk. You can purchase cow`s milk from the dairy farm or a shop nearby. Take out 1/3 gallon of milk carefully from the container. You need to provide extra fat and oil for the nutrition needs of lambs since cow`s milk is not as rich in nutrients as sheep’s milk. Add buttermilk: 1 cup, evaporated milk: 1 can. And now, give the container some vigorous shakes to mix everything evenly. Finally, the milk is ready to provide the lambs with a perfect substitute for sheep milk to provide them with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and fat.

How Can you Tell How Old a Lamb is?

When you have a newborn baby on your farm and started artificial rearing, this question is of no importance. But if by any means you get the hold on to a baby lamb whose age is a mystery for you, things become quite complicated for artificial rearing techniques. Within a week of the birth, the milk teeth will start growing, and you can judge the age of the sheep by their number and growth.

After two months, the front teeth will become eight in number, and it will provide you with the sign to calculate the baby’s age. For example, if the lamb has eight teeth in the front lower jaw, the age is two months old. The first three months are essential for the sheep, and you need the age information for these three months, which you can easily judge by the number and growth of lower jaw teeth.

After 12 to 15 months, the sheep will grow two permanent incisors to make them two teeth animals in the farmers’ language. Four front teeth in the lower jaw sign that the animal has crossed the 22 to 26 month age period. Six teeth will be visible at the age of 28 to 30 months, and three or more year old sheep will have a full mouth.

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 3
Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk?

How to Bottle Feed a Lamb?

The bottle-feeding process starts with choosing the right bottle for the sheep. A plastic bottle with an 8-ounce capacity is a perfect thing to go in the beginning. You need a plastic bottle fitted with a rubber nipple, or you can add the nipple of your choice. These bottles are not expensive, and you must buy more than you need. Extra bottles always come in handy if you need a spare bottle in case of an emergency.

Once the bottle is ready and filled with milk replacer, or the milk of your choice, keep the lamb steady, hold the head upright and give the nipple for the lamb to suck the milk out of it. Never cuddle or hold the lamb with hands or legs; try to press the nipple in the lamb’s mouth if it doesn’t start off automatically. Try to give the little child some breaks to catch their breath, as feeding is a daunting adventure for the new soul.

How – How Much – When – How often – How Long

You can use a bottle with nipples to start feeding milk to newborn babies. You must make them consume two cups of colostrum to fight cold and energy deficit. Newborn babies mostly need 38 ounces of milk per day, and you must give them frequent feeding after every three hours in the day and 4 to 5 hours at night.

The bottle-feeding will start for the newborn right after a few hours of birth, and the bottle feeding will continue till the weaning process. Early weaning in the lambs begins from 60 to 70 days, depending on the weight and health of the lamb.

How Often do you Bottle Feed Lambs?

Lamb is said to consume almost 10 percent of milk as per their body weight. The normal weight of the lamb at birth is about 12 pounds, and this would require 38 ounces of consumption daily. Most of the farmers say that they feed the newborn four times a day. But according to the vets and researchers, it is good to provide them with small amounts more frequently as they feed on their mothers.

Provide milk to the newborn babies after every 3 hours a day and 4 to 5 hours at night.

The best practice is to divide 38-ounce milk by the total number of feeding sessions and offer the baby, regular feeding for the first two weeks. Then, remember the 10 percent body weight formula and keep feeding the babies four times a day for two weeks till the weaning process.

Can you Give Lambs Cows Colostrum?

Colostrum is the most necessary dietary ingredient for newborn lambs. If there is no chance that you can give sheep colostrum to the newborn, you can go for the one obtained from the cow. Unfortunately, Johne’s disease is not that much common in sheep and goats as it is in cows. Therefore, you must get colostrum from the farm, which is tested negative for Johne’s disease in their cows.

The colored cow is said to have more nutritious values in colostrum, and you can give it to newborn babies to fulfill their needs. Colostrum obtained from the cow will have less nutritious value, but you can double the amount of the liquid to meet the basic needs of lambs.

Will a Lamb Die without Colostrum?

It is not likely that the absence of colostrum will lead to immediate death. Newborn lambs need colostrum in the amount of 10 percent of their body weight. When the sheep are born, the average weight is from 10 to 12 pounds, making them hungry for 16 to 18 ounces of colostrum. This substance is necessary for the immunity and well-being of the lambs.

But in case if a lamb doesn`t get the chance to consume colostrum in the first few days, the chances of survival are quite high with somewhat decreased immunity. So it is always advisable by vets and experienced farmers to provide colostrum to the lambs within 4 to 6 hours of their birth.

What Happens if a Lamb doesn’t get Colostrum?

A newborn lamb is born without excessive body fat to survive the harsh environment. Instead, the sheep colostrum is 40 percent dry matter which increases its viscosity. The 40 percent dry matter is filled with antibodies, nutrients, and vitamins to provide energy and immunity for the baby to fight hypothermia, heatstroke, and various diseases.

In the absence of colostrum, the farmer will have to take care of the newborn lamb to provide the most suitable disease-free environment with desired heat and controlled factors. If the newborn baby is deprived of sheep or cow colostrum, there are high chances of complications, disease, and rare cases, leading to death.

Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 4
Can Baby Sheep Drink Cows Milk?

How much Colostrum does a Lamb need at Birth?

You need colostrum for your newborn lamb to protect it from hypothermia, low immunity, and various other diseases. The minimum amount of colostrum you need for the lamb in the first 24 hours is 2 cups. The first cup must be given in the first 4 to 6 hours after birth. Colostrum is the essential dietary ingredient for the newborn.

Then you need 1/3 cup of colostrum for the next three days with the interval of 4 hours each. It is filled with 40 percent dry matter to provide all the essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to protect the baby early from hypothermia, diseases, and digestive issues. The colostrum must be administered for the first two weeks, and after that, milk replacer or whole cow milk with added fat and oil will be enough for healthy growth.

Do Newborn Lambs Need Water?

The newborn lamb only needs colostrum and milk in the first few days. You only need to sample water to the lamb after 5 to 7 days. The liquid in the milk will complete the water requirement of the newborn for the first week. You need to provide a bucket easy to reach for the newborn to drink water at their will. The bucket should not be big enough for the lamb to get drowned.

The sheep milk has water, and before starting the weaning process, you don’t need to worry about ample water for the babies. The milk consumption and frequent water treats are enough for the lambs to have a healthy start.

Supplies Needed to Bottle Feed a Lamb.

You don’t need special products, experience, and essentials to feed the lamb. An eight-ounce bottle with a soft and rubberized nipple is the perfect thing that can help you provide for the sheep baby. You must focus on getting more bottles than you need to feed them. The extra bottles are a good backup plan when you have no time to clean the previously used bottle, and the lamb is hungry and waiting for the next shot.

Can Humans Drink Sheep Milk?

There is no reason that humans shouldn’t consume sheep’s milk. It is the most suitable and acceptable milk that the human stomach can digest. Goat and cow milk are not as suitable for human consumption as sheep milk. When someone is suffering from intolerance to cow milk, sheep dairy products are the only things people can easily consume.

The people suffering from intolerance to cow milk will love to eat and drink sheep dairy products. Sheep milk is also rich in nutrients and minerals; researchers claim that the milk obtained from sheep is double in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins compared to the bovine secretion obtained from cows and goats. There is no pungent smell in sheep milk as most people complain about goat or cow milk. It is the most nutrient and useful type of milk with a distinctive class and taste in dairy products.

How Much Milk does a Lamb Need Per Day?

The best measurement which you can make to get the exact amount of milk needed for the newborn is getting the 10% of the weight of the lamb. Mostly the sheep babies are born with 10 to 12 kg of weight. And the 10% will give you 1 to 1.2 liter of milk. Never forget to feed two cups of colostrum to the baby in the first 24 hours for enhanced immunity and no chances of hypothermia or heat stroke.

The daily milk consumption of the lamb is:

From day 1-3: 1 to 1.2 liter split into 6 to 10 feeds

From day 4-7: 1.3 to 1.6 liter split into four feeds

From day 7 to weaning: 1.5 liters split into four feeds initially

Till weaning two feeds a day.

Health Problems from an Undernourished Lamb

The most health problems a sheep will suffer in adulthood are caused by negligence in the first week after delivery. If the farmer doesn`t provide colostrum in the first 24 hours to the lamb, health problems and decreased immunity are necessary for the future. Lack of water consumption, excessive overeating, and eating the wrong food will also lead to troubled youth for the sheep. Following is the list of diseases which sheep have to suffer because of undernourishment in childhood: 

  • Acidosis-Grain Overload
  • Bloat
  • Calcium Deficiency
  • Goiter
  • Polioencephalomalacia
  • Pregnancy Disease
  • Pregnancy toxemia
  • Rickets
  • Urinary Calculi
  • White Muscle Disease
  • Selenium Deficiency

Other Important Tags

  •  cows’ milk alone is not a suitable substitute for lambs as the total solids fat
  • milk may be used in the feeding of lambs when available
  •  even if it’s pasteurized may be ok
  • whether or not lambs can
  • feeding milk replacer
  •  lambs feeding milk
  • lambs milk replacer
  • artificially reared lambs
  • farmers weekly podcast

Final Thoughts

Artificial rearing is the most common practice which you can easily perform by having all the necessary information throughout the process. The first week of the lamb is crucial for its survival. And you could help the baby with colostrum from a cow in double quantity to increase the immunity and reduce the chances of hypothermia or heat stroke. Frequent feeding and cow milk with added fat or milk replacer will give you the healthiest sheep without hassle.

God Bless Greg

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Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 6
Can Lambs Drink Cows Milk | Cow **BOTTLE FEEDING**(2024) 7


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory