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Do Alpacas Spit Poo?

Do Alpacas Spit Poo?

Alpacas do not spit poo. They spit Slavia from their nostrils. Sometimes it may be green in color from the grass that they eat. Alpacas do not have top teeth so when they chew food it is ground up in their bottom jaw which has molars and premolars similar to humans. When chewing this mixture is then spit out.

Alpacas use their spit to show other alpacas around them that they are nervous or upset with the other animal’s behavior.

Alpacas are not the only animal that spits saliva from their nose, camels and llamas also do this. All three of these animals belong to the camelid family. Spit droplets can contain bacteria so when spitting near other animals it is a way of communicating without having to fight or flee.

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Do Alpacas Spit Poo?

The alpaca’s spit is made up of mostly saliva with a little bit of food. Alpacas are ruminant animals, which means they regurgitate their food after chewing it. The alpaca chews its cud and swallows the saliva-covered substance again to rechew it along with additional digestive juices from the stomach.

Alpacas are ruminants the process of food digestion is also very similar to that of cattle. They regurgitate their food, chew it again, and swallow the substance which is called cud. The alpacas are well-known for eating tough plants like grasses or hay because they have a special way to break down these materials in their stomachs.

Cattle also go through this process so if you’ve ever seen them grazing in a field, you might have noticed them licking their lips from time to time. This is because they are swallowing and rechewing their cud.

The grass is very hard to digest, chewing the cud is the first step of breaking it down. The cud is swallowed again and goes to the stomach where the gastric juices start to work on it.

After a while, the alpacas will bring up the partially digested food from their first stomach (the reticulum) and put it back in their mouth to chew it some more. They’ll swallow the cud again and the whole process will start over.

The alpacas are ruminants, which means that they have a four-compartment stomach instead of a simple one like humans do. There are also three compartments in an adult cattle’s stomach but in young animals, it can be up to five with even more chambers.

Do Alpacas Spit Poo? 1

Spit droplets can contain bacteria so when spitting near other animals it is a way of communicating without having to fight or flee.

Alpaca Poo comes out of the Alpacas bottom and drops to the ground. Alpacas and Llamas have communal dung piles which they use to mark their territory. They will also poop on bushes, trees, and rocks to warn other animals that this is their space.

Alpaca poo will not hurt you and is not poisonous, but it does smell bad. If You step in it just wash it off with soap and water. It will not stain your shoes or clothes so don’t worry about that either!

They are also called Alpaca Beans and people like to collect the droppings and use it as fertilizer for their garden or plants.

Final Thoughts – Do Alpacas Spit Poo?

In summary, alpacas spit saliva from their nose as a way to communicate with other animals. Alpaca droppings come out of their bottom and drop to the ground. People like to collect the droppings and use it as fertilizer for their garden or plants. Alpacas are not the only animal that spits saliva from their nose, camels and llamas also do this. All three of these animals belong to the camelid family.


  • Darlene and Greg

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