As a General Rule Healthy Llamas are Alert, curious, have normal breathing, normal temperature (99.5-102F), fur is clean, have no signs of diarrhea, have a Healthy appetite, move easily, and have bright eyes. A Sick Lama might have labored breathing, Dull eyes, matted fur, Low or High Temperature, songs of scours, thin, limps, staggers, or nasal discharge.
Is My Future Llama Healthy or Sick
Llama Healthy or Sick – What do you need to know about healthy llamas? In this article, I will discuss general healthy and sick llama signs. Signs of healthy llamas include healthy-looking fur, a good appetite, and a strong immune system. Sickness can cause many different problems for your Llama including weight loss, lack of appetite, lethargy, or listlessness. To keep your Llama healthy you should feed them well and provide plenty of fresh water daily!
This is a Very General Guide if you are looking to Purchase a Llama to give you an idea if it is Healthy or Sick
Healthy | Sick |
Healthy Llamas | Sick Llamas |
Regular Normal Breathing | Labored, wheeze, coughing, breathing with Mouth Open |
Alert and Curious | Dull and Disinterested in their Surroundings |
Having Normal Temperatures (99.5 – 102F) For an Adult Llama. Higher for Hot Days or after exercising | Running Overly High or Low Temperatures Sub-Warmer Temps are More Dangerous than Fever |
Firm, elongated, berry-like feces / Tail and surrounding fur is clean | Evidence of Scours (diarrhea), around tail and fur Hind Legs have evidence wet or dry |
Healthy Appetites, ruminate ( chewing the Cud) normal eating | Doesn’t want to eat ( ill ) won’t chew the cud |
Average Height and Weight for Age | Emaciated, thin, underweight, overweight, bulging Bones Showing |
Rise from Kush Position when encouraged to | Will not get up when encouraged to do so |
Moves Easily and Freely | Limps, staggers, problems with steadiness, favors one side or the other |
Healthy looking Fleeced, no sign of parasites, skin blemishes | Wool Loss, parisite patches, especially around ears, and tender areas, eyes |
No apparent lumps, ruptures in mouth, jaws, groins | Lumps, oozing sores, swelling around teeth and gums |
Stand or Graze in normal stances, positions, ears erect | Head Dropped, ears laid back, grind teeth, groan, kick ar their stomach |
Hum at Normal Times | Continually humming, groaning, dripping from mouth, evidence of being in pain |
Bright Eyes, Clear, no discharge, watering, gunk | dull foggy, sunken eyes |
Dry Cool Nose | Nasal Discharge coming from nostrils |
18 ways Alpaca Farmers make Money
Final Thoughts
Llama Health – As a Llama owner, it’s important to know the signs of a healthy and unhealthy llama. These signs can be found in their fur, appetite, immune system health, etc. If you notice your Llama is losing weight or not eating then they may have some sort of sickness that needs treatment before an illness gets worse. I hope this article was helpful in understanding how to tell if your Llama is sick!