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What is Alpaca Wool Called: *Fiber of the Gods*

Wool from Alpacas: Exhaustive Guide

What is Alpaca Wool Called: Exhaustive Guide

As a general rule – Alpaca fleece and wool have become a part of the fashion industry and luxurious products. From the past two centuries, Sir Titus Salt brought these unwanted bales of wool to Liverpool in 1863. there are two breeds of the alpaca family that belonged to Andean highlands: Huacaya alpacas and Suri alpaca. Fibre and wool from these two alpacas are better than cashmere.

Check Out Amazon’s Educational Resources for Raising Alpacas

And the water repellent characteristics of this fabric makes it warm and better than sheep’s wool. Peru was the first place where these animals were reared for their yarn, woven in many different ways to get lanolin-free warmth. Baby alpaca is reared in many countries like the US and UK.

What is Alpaca Wool Called – The alpaca socks and alpaca sweaters are considered warm and cosy, and luxurious items. The following guide will help you know everything about the two different types of alpaca wool, how it is made, and its uses. We will also break some myths and misconceptions about wool shearing from adult and baby alpaca.

What is Alpaca Wool Called: *Fiber of the Gods* 1
alpaca fibers – suri fiber – huacaya fiber

What is Alpaca Wool called?

Fiber wool from alpacas is mainly derived from two different breeds of the same animal. Fleece and fabric from Huacaya alpacas come in good quality than the sheep’s wool. The yarn from these animals is naturally water repellent because of the structure of alpaca wool. Sweaters woven from dried wool in Peru have been used in various designs and shapes. The wool from this breed is called alpaca fiber or hair.

The Suri alpaca fleece has less lanolin and is far better than cashmere in various ways. Fiber wool from this breed goes with the same name. But the long hair and pencil-like structure of this yarn make it the most sought-after raw material in the fashion industry. Alpacas graze at elevations of 10,000 to 14,000 feet, but their wool keeps them warm and cozy even in extreme temperatures.

18 ways Alpaca Farmers make Money

Why is Alpaca Wool so Expensive?

Alpaca fabric is far more expensive than sheep’s wool and any fabric obtained from other animals. The smaller diameter of alpaca fiber with less lanolin makes it hypoallergenic for people with mild allergies. Peru is the birthplace of alpaca fiber and its use in alpaca wool socks and warm woven sweaters. Fiber wool from Huacaya alpacas is quite expensive, but it is still less expensive than the other type.

Suri alpacas are another breed that makes up almost 15 to 20 % of alpacas in the United States. Baby alpacas of this breed are more expensive, and their hair is long, smooth, and soft. Once the processing unit or the weavers remove impurities from this alpaca hair, the warmth, softness, and style are visible even in the raw form. The fiber wool from this breed of alpacas is famous for its soft fibres and less weight with vibrancy, shine, and water-resistant characteristics.

Alpaca Fleece
Alpaca Fleece

Is Alpaca Wool better than Cashmere?

Sheep’s wool was the most common material used to make warm clothing in cold areas. But the cashmere goats with fine threads and hair were more famous in various parts of the world because of the beauty and attraction of their fibres. These goats are found in Ladakh, Kashmir, China and magnolia. And animals are reared and sheared by ancient tribes for centuries.

But after the discovery of alpacas yarn from Peru, this great fleece with natural crimp and almost no lanolin became the cosiest and hypoallergenic alpaca wool. Alpaca products are better in warmth, quality and vibrancy in various ways than all the other products. Alpaca wool and alpaca socks and shawls are way better than cashmere and other types of wool. Alpaca fibre, because of long strands, create longer threads and offers durability and lasting results.

How is Alpaca Wool Made?

The alpaca wool process starts from shearing the animal. The alpaca hair is naturally woven in beautiful structure, and experts advise not to comb this hair. When the owners want to shear the alpaca, they use scissors to obtain the natural texture in the most intact way. Alpacas are not fond of cutting their hair. That’s why three to four people are used to shear the animal to get the whole pelt in a single layer.

Alpaca wool is the soft fibres obtained from animals mostly called Peru alpaca. The fleece is just like sheep’s wool, and the process of getting fibre wool from alpacas is almost the same as of any other wool shearing. Once the shearing is complete, the alpaca fleece is corded to make woven in a single direction. The alpaca fibre is ready to be spun into alpaca yarn.

The fabric and yarn obtained from environmentally friendly alpaca are hypoallergenic and have no harmful effect on alpacas. The longer threads with air pockets and water-resistant features are loved by the people living in extremely cold zones.

What can you do with Alpaca Fibre?

Alpaca fibre is not a cheap commodity, and the hypoallergenic alpaca fleece has high demand in the community of fashion designers. You can take the fibre wool from alpacas and soft fibres to handweavers who can spin it and make different alpaca products like alpaca hats, alpaca socks, suits, shawls and various other fashion goodies.

Fabric from these Peru animals will give you a fine coat made by a fashion designer if you take the yarn to the North American Alpaca Fiber Cooperative only if you have alpaca wool in substantial quantity. Mostly Huacaya alpaca is preferred because of the warmth from this alpaca fibre. Sheep’s wool is nowhere to compete with the warm and sturdy alpaca fleece.

What is Alpaca Wool Called: *Fiber of the Gods* 2
alpaca fibers – loose alpaca fibers – natural fiber – alpacas live – huacaya fiber

Are Alpacas Killed for their Wool?

You don’t need to kill the animals to obtain yarn, fleece and fabric. The same goes with alpaca as well. Alpaca is reared and fed to grow the hair to the required length. And when the desired length of hair is achieved, the fibre wool from alpacas is sheared just like other warm haired woolly animals. Shearing is a painless process for alpaca, and there are almost no chances of an injury.

Soft fibres from alpaca are hypoallergenic. That’s why alpaca wool is high in demand. The alpaca fibre is easy to convert into alpaca yarn. It is because alpaca fleece has longer strands. And the final result of the products made from alpaca is a warmth to the body and feast to the eyes.

How Much does Alpaca Fleece Cost?

Raw Fleece $2-$10 per pound

Skirted & Sorted $1-$28 per pound

Roving & Batts $50-$75 per pound

Yarn $100-$150 per pound

Alpaca wool rates are dependent on the quality material you are offering. Fibre wool from alpacas has been high in demand because of its usefulness in various domains. Alpaca soft fibres are used to make luxurious alpaca hats and other alpaca wool products. The non-dyed alpaca yarn in white is considered more expensive than other colours in alpaca fibre.

And more use in the fashion industry. The products made from alpaca hair are more costly because of high demand. These products rank in the luxurious garment category, and you have to pay more in some far off places because of the difficulty of available wool and products. The fashion industry has made alpaca garments more popular, and their higher price is because of high-quality yield from the breeders.

The breeders are getting breeds that produce soft and fluffy hair on their bodies to make the product lighter and comfortable for use in all of the different steps in the garment-making process. Wool from baby alpaca is more costly than the adults who have given their hair three or four times to the owners. The first-time yield from the animals is sorted at a bit higher price.

The different shades of colors have different prices. The first-time yield in white faun color is more expensive than the dark shades. Baby alpaca wool and products made from this fleece have a separate market that offers a reasonable price for this yield in the US and UK. There are communities of alpaca breeders and wool producers collectively making alpaca wool the most sought-after product.

What is the Wool from a Llama called?

South American camelid and the family member of alpaca is also reared for its wool and herding abilities. Llama is a great protector of the herd when it comes to small and medium predators. Their long legs and sharp instincts make them suitable herd protectors, and people in the US and UK are using them as guard animals to keep their herd safe from predators.

Apart from protecting the herd, these animals are also reared for their wool called lama wool or llama fiber. Soft fibers from alpaca are better in quality and price compared to the llama. But there is still some resemblance between alpaca fibre and llama fibre. The alpaca wool and lama wool comes from the same shearing method. But still, alpaca is better than sheep wool, llama wool, and merino wool.

Fiber wool from alpacas, when dyed, offers distinctive colors and radiant to make the alpaca fleece obtained from Suri alpacas one of the most sought-after raw materials for the clothing and fashion industry. Llama wool is coarse in structure, and it becomes hardened during the washing and weaving process. The threads are thick in diameter and provide fewer options to the garment creator.

What is Alpaca Wool Called: *Fiber of the Gods* 3
alpaca fibers – loose alpaca fibers

What is an Alpaca Coat called?

Loose alpaca fibres are undoubtedly the world’s finest wool that you can have to weave any garment. The alpaca coat made from the yarn obtained from Suri alpacas is superior to the sheep wool and other naturally occurring substitute products. Alpaca wool makes the finest alpaca fibre which is used to make long-lasting alpaca coats.

These coats made from alpaca fleece are lightweight, easy to carry and come in fantastic colours and designs. These coats are called alpaca coats, and their high insulating capacity provides a cosy feeling to the person wearing them even in low temperatures. The alpaca coat is available in the market for both males and females. And the price is dependent upon the brand or designer fashion product providers. the hand made coats are more costly and are available in only a few areas

What type of Material is Alpaca?

Alpaca provides soft fibres through their naturally growing hair. The fibre wool from alpacas provides more heat because of the naturally occurring air pockets in the structure. The weight of sheep wool is higher than the alpaca wool, and the fabric from this material is inferior to alpaca. Alpaca fleece is highly durable, and alpaca garments last longer.

The high-quality alpaca fibre offers great thread to make highly insulated clothing naturally water repellent and hard to catch fire. Alpaca material obtained from the hair of this animal is undoubtedly the most sought after raw material because of its less diameter and longer length of every hair. the characteristics and structure of alpaca hair make it stand tall in the list of top-rated materials for winter products.

Is Alpaca better than Wool?

Fibre and wool from alpaca are lighter in weight because of the naturally occurring air pockets. The alpaca fibre has less diameter and is easy to manage because of the longer length of strands. Merino wool is considered to be the top-level wool in softness and quality. But it is no match to alpaca wool in terms of softness, quality and durability.

Alpaca garments are more expensive, sturdy and robust in terms of usefulness, effectiveness and quality. Winter garments made from the naturally growing hair of any other animal do not stand a chance against alpaca. The finest goat hair or sheep hair is also less effective in insulation and water repellent features than alpaca garments.

Wool gets waterlogged, and it has to be used with some insulating garment to protect from the harsh weather in a cold climate. The alpaca wool has natural air and water-resistant packets inside the hair that collectively make it more insulated than the other materials. fashion industry and local users love these products for their usefulness and beauty.

Is Alpaca good Material?

Fibre and alpaca wool offer more heat to this animal, even in extreme climates. Merino wool on these sheep is also considered the softest material. Still, the higher weight and fewer air pockets affect the usefulness of this natural hair compare to the alpaca wool. Alpaca fibre is spun into knitting wool and alpaca fleece in various ways. The use of chemicals is not harmful to the softness.

When you process wool from sheep or other animals, the structure makes it difficult for the weaver to keep the softness intact. But when it is about alpaca hair, the long strands and less diameter doesn’t make it coarse and hard during the entire process. The goodness of this naturally growing material on the alpaca body is evident by the structure and feel of the product obtained.

What is made from Alpaca Fur?

Fibre wool from when spun gives a luxurious feel to the person wearing it in any form. The Peru alpaca wool offers the finest alpaca fibre to make different products in various designs, styles, and structures. The product range of alpaca fibres goes beyond people’s expectations because of designer fashion brands and always soaring demand for the alpaca fibre.

Alpaca coats, socks, hats, stockings and clothing are just a few names from the long list of the products. The variety of products with uniqueness s in colour and design makes them the most loved products. The scarfs and shawls made from alpaca wool provide beauty, usefulness, and sturdiness in the harsh climate and extreme weather.

There are 26 different colour shades in alpaca wool. And these accepted shades allow the producers and designers to come up with novel and unique products to wear as fashion goodies or use to ward off winter chill even in the coldest areas of the world. The long alpaca coat has never seen a reduction in demand for the past few decades, along with hats and scarfs.

Do Alpacas get Killed for their Fur?

Alpaca fibre is a natural fibre obtained in the form of hair on the alpaca`s body. Like the merino wool alpaca fibres in different colours and styles, this species is obtained from the natural hair of this species. The fibre wool from these animals has an unmatched softness and high quality spun yield. It is undoubtedly the favourite material for weavers and yarn spinners all around the US and Europe.

Alpacas are sheared at a particular time each year. Mainly at the beginning of summer. The yarn producers wait for the particular length of the hair on the alpaca body to get maximum yield and the most delicate structure. The process of shearing is just like cutting the hair of other animals. In this process, the alpaca doesn’t get any likelihood of getting injured. And there is no question of taking the life of the animal at all.

What is Alpaca Wool Called: *Fiber of the Gods* 4
animal fibers

Are Alpacas hurt for their Fur?

When you cut your hair, you don’t feel any pain, and the same goes for the animal with long hair. Lama and alpaca also have sheep-like wool and long fur to protect them from extreme tortures in their natural habitat. The alpacas dwell in South America and other countries where there is a favourable environment for them. Animal fibres grow naturally, and there are no blood vessels in them.

When you cut and shear alpaca wool, there is no pain in the process. Fibre wool obtained from these alpacas is famous for its softness and easily spun characteristics. Alpaca fibre is the long body hair of this animal that will regrow after some time, and the owner will once again shear them and sell the hair for a substantial amount of money.

What is Special about Alpaca Wool?

Even the roughly cleaned Huacaya fibre provides more softness and durable structure to the garment. Alpaca wool is two to three times warmer, soft and durable than merino wool and other materials. South America offers great quality alpaca fibre for easy to spun thread with remarkable qualities and features. The wool from these animals has naturally infused air pockets that create insulation to the chilled winter air.

The structure of this hair is weaved naturally so that they become hard to catch fire and are not easy to burn. It is undoubtedly the safest wool you can find on the planet. The longer threads allow the weaver to make long yarns and spools without compromising the thickness and softness of the thread.

The lightweight structure of this wool makes it the most loved raw material for fashion designers to make high-end luxurious products. The robust material offers unique texture and design to the designers to produce top-notch products to make an impression in the fashion industry with usefulness and novelty. The price of the products is a bit high because of the quality and sturdiness.

Is Alpaca wool good Quality?

South America provides the highest quality durable wool. The Huacaya fibre resembles sheep in structure, but the quality of alpaca wool is far greater than the regularly used wool. Suri fibre is undoubtedly the highest quality alpaca fibre that you can find even in other countries.

Further processing of alpaca hair will give you the highest quality spun yarn ready to make the garment fit for the international fashion market and places worldwide. The high demand for alpaca garments has motivated breeders to rear more and more alpacas.

Learn More – 18 Ways Alpaca farmers make Money

Final Thoughts

alpaca wool is undoubtedly the most durable wool you can have for garment and hosiery. Alpaca fibre is used in various products with different types and textures in alpaca fibres. Wool from alpaca has gained more popularity in both the US and UK, where people rear them to shear their hair and make products that are loved by all.


  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory