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How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster

How Many Chickens Per Rooster?

How Many Hens per Rooster – As a General Rule – 1 Rooster will Service 7-10 Hens. For Fresh Eggs You don’t need a Rooster, For Baby Chicks 1 Rooster will take care of 7 – 10 Chickens. A rooster will protect your hens and also stimulate more egg production.

How Many Hens per Rooster?

The amount of Rooster to chicken ratio depends on several things

  • If you are wanting Baby Chicks – Fertilization is key, so you will want a rooster to be with the hens at all times.
  • If you are wanting eggs that are fresh and not fertilized – you only need a Rooster when your hens start laying eggs.
  • A general rule is that one rooster can service up to ten hens but this also depends on the breed of the rooster.
  • You will want at least one Rooster for every seven to ten hens if you are wanting fertilized eggs and a minimum of three to four hens per rooster in order to keep your flock happy. How Many Roosters per Hen?

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Keeping Roosters with Laying Hens? (Pecking order)

You can keep your Roosters with your Laying Hens and it is actually a good idea. Roosters do serve a purpose in the flock and they can be very helpful when it comes to getting eggs from your hens.

There are a few things you should keep in mind, however, if you choose to keep Roosters with your Laying Hens.

Chickens are very territorial creatures, especially when it comes to the Rooster. If they do not have another place for their “home”, your hens can become stressed and will prevent them from laying eggs or even worse – peck at the hen’s feathers until she is completely irritated with her surroundings. Make sure you give both your Rooster and your hens their own space.

Check Out Amazon for Educational Resources for Breeding Chickens

Another thing you should think about is the mating of these chickens. If you are keeping a Rooster, chances are that at some point it will mate with one or more of your laying hens, which means they will have offspring – whether or not this is what you want for your flock.

Roosters can be very helpful when it comes to keeping your hens safe and sound, but you should always think about the future of these chickens in regard to their safety and well-being. Follow this advice if you plan on keeping Rooster with Laying Hens!

What Are the Benefits of having a Rooster with Laying Hens?( Chicken Breeds)

There are several benefits to keeping Roosters with your flock a few of them are.

  • Protection from Predators,
  • Fertilization of the Hens Eggs
  • and early warning when predators are around. These can help to Increase your Hen’s Laying Egg Production by up to 50% per year. For every Rooster in the flock there should be about five hens, however, if you have less than five hens for each rooster then you may not see the full benefits. It is also important to have enough space for the Rooster and hens to roam around in order to get exercise, if they don’t have enough room then you will start seeing behavioral problems with the flock.
  • Stimulate Better Egg Production- A rooster’s presence in the hen house will stimulate better egg production. The main reason is that the rooster releases a hormone called “gonadotropin” into the environment when he crows in the morning. This hormone will keep the hen’s reproductive organs active and healthy, leading to more eggs being laid.
  • Free Range- If you have the opportunity to let your hens free range then it is best to add a rooster to the flock. This is because the rooster will help to protect the hens from predators and also help them find food.
  • Chicks-If you want to hatch chicks from the eggs laid by your hens then it is best to have a rooster in the flock. This is because only fertilized chicken eggs can hatch into new chickens, so having a rooster around will increase this chance significantly.
  • Selling Chicks- Having a rooster will also help you sell your chicks. If people are buying breeders to produce their own chickens then they would prefer that the hens have been fertilized by a rooster, so it is best to keep one around for this reason too.
  • Selling Fertile Eggs for Hatching- If you are selling your eggs for hatching then having a rooster will increase their value. This is because only fertilized chicken eggs can be used to hatch new chickens, so if the seller has had a rooster with his hens before they lay the egg it increases its marketability.

How Many Roosters for 15 Hens? (Flock – Poultry)

Generally, 2 Rooster will be plenty for 15 hens. If you have too many Roosters they will fight and may kill each other.

If You are not wanting Chicks or fertile eggs, but want eggs for meals. Then you do not need any Roosters

If you are keeping chickens for meat production, then you will want to have at least one Rooster for every 10-12 hens. This will ensure that you have enough fertile eggs for hatching.

If you are raising chicks, then you will need a Rooster to fertilize the eggs. Chicks hatched from an artificially incubated egg will not be as healthy as those hatched from a naturally incubated

How Many Rooster to Hen Ratio Free Range?

Depending on how far you let your chickens range, you will need about one rooster for every four to twelve hens. If your chickens are allowed to roam more freely and have access to a smaller area, you can reduce the number of roosters needed. Conversely, if your chickens are kept in larger acreage, you will need more roosters to cover the territory.

Will a Rooster Kill a Hen?

The simple answer is no. Roosters do not kill hens. In fact, a good rooster will protect his hens from predators and other dangers. A rooster will naturally have a pecking order of sorts. The female chickens are on the bottom and then the males, followed by other male roosters. Roosters will establish dominance over each other through physical fighting or crowing contests so if they see another rooster encroaching on their territory, even if it’s just one chicken that is theirs, they will come to the defense of their territory and flock. This is why you’ll see your rooster attacking anything that moves when he has a hen in his possession. It’s simply because she belongs to him, not because he wants her for dinner!

How Long do Rooster Live?

The average lifespan of a Rooster is around two years. However, with the right diet and care, they can live up to six or seven years.

It also depends on the Breed of Rooster. Some Breeds, such as the Rhode Island Red, can live up to eight years.

How to Keep a Rooster from Fertilizing Eggs?

Caponizing is the process of surgically removing the rooster’s testes. This is a common practice on small farms and homesteads where there is a need to keep the eggs from being fertilized.

If you are not interested in breeding your hens, or if you are trying to increase egg production, then you will want to caponize your rooster. This is a simple procedure that can be done at home, and it is the best way to keep a rooster from fertilizing eggs.

When you caponize a rooster, you are essentially removing his ability to produce testosterone. Without testosterone, the rooster will not be able to produce sperm, and he will not be able to fertilize eggs.

The caponizing process is very simple, and it can be done with a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. First, you will need to find the rooster’s testes. The testes are located in the scrotum, and they are small, round, and pink in color.

When you have located the testes, take your sharp knife or scissors and cut them out of the scrotum. It is recommended to sterilize both the rooster’s testes and your tool before performing this process. You can do this by boiling them for a few minutes. Alternatively, some people choose to use rubbing alcohol as a sterilizing agent.

Next, pull the testes out of the rooster’s scrotum and tie off each end with a piece of string or twine. It is important that you place some sort of adhesive over the wound after performing this procedure to prevent infection from setting in. You can use an antibiotic ointment for this, or you can use a hot glue gun.

Caponiszing Eliminates the Rooster from being able to fertilize eggs. it also produces more tender meat on the bird.

Check with Your Local Vet and He would be willing to Train you – Also Youtube has several videos you can learn from.

How Many Hens per Rooster
How Many Hens per Rooster

Can You Keep a Rooster in the House?

Keeping a Pet Rooster in the house can be challenging.

– You will need to provide a safe coop with enough space.

– A rooster needs access to the outdoors, so if you keep him indoors he should have free roam of your house while you are home. If not then prepare for some crowded mornings!

Roosters can be loud and cause problems when they aren’t appropriately managed.

– Roosters are loud and can cause disturbances in the early hours before you have even started your day!

– They also will claim your yard, flowers, or veggies as their own – be sure to keep an eye on these things for them!

Chickens do not have sphincter muscles so they will also have droppings everywhere.

– Chickens can’t help where their poop lands, be prepared for it to land all over your yard and driveway!

How Many Hen to Rooster Ratio Rhode Island Reds?

Generally, one mature rooster is enough for breeding around or up to 10 hens.

How Many Silkie Hens per Rooster?

One rooster per 3-4 hens is a good ratio. Often silkie roosters get along with each other fairly well, so it’s not too much of a hardship, and their slightly lower fertility rates are offset with an extra rooster or two

How Many Buff Orpington Hens per Rooster?

A rooster in his prime should be kept with 10-12 hens. However, if you put him in a flock of 20 or more hens he will still consider them all to be his and be possessive about them

Are There Rooster Breeds?

All Breeds of Poultry have the male of the breed called a Rooster. It takes a male to produce fertile eggs and father a Flock of Chicks. Therefore no matter what Breed of Chickens you are raising their will be Male Roosters of that type.

What to do with Extra Roosters?

  • Usually 50/50 Hatch rate Roosters to Hens
  • Raise for your own Food
  • Keep them 12 Months for Butchering
  • As they get Older Meat is Tougher
  • Sell Them Direct
  • Auctions
  • Caponize Them?

Other Important Tags

  •  one rooster for every ten hens or so
  • how many hens per rooster
  • three or four
  • top rooster hens
  •  home breeds raising
  • brown egg layers
  •  pecking order
  • chicken breeds

Final Thoughts – How Many Chickens Per Rooster?

In Summary:

  • To caponize a rooster, you will need to find his testes and remove them.
  • Tie off the ends of the removed testes and place an adhesive over the wound.
  • Keep the rooster away from hens to prevent fertilization.
  • A ratio of one mature rooster per ten hens is ideal.
  • It takes a male to produce fertile eggs and father chicks, so there will always be roosters of any type that you raise.
  • You can sell extra roosters at auctions or by selling them directly. If you choose to caponize them, it’s best to do this when they are older and the meat is tougher.
  • Raising your own roosters for food can be a viable option, but keep in mind that they will need to be kept for at least 12 months before butchering. As they get older, the meat becomes tougher.
  • If you have an excess of roosters, you may wish to caponize them. This will prevent fertilization and can be done when the rooster is older, with tougher meat as a result.
  • Remember that chickens cannot use sphincter muscles so plan for droppings everywhere!
  • A good ratio of one mature male per ten hens is ideal.

For More Information

Jump to Caponizing a Rooster / Caponizing/ Graphic **WATCH**

Jump to How Does a Rooster Fertilize an Egg **DIY**

How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster 1How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster 2
How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster 3
How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster 4
How Many Hens per Rooster | Chicken | Hens per Rooster 5


  • Darlene and Greg

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats

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