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Can Chickens Eat Nightcrawlers? The Healthy Feeding Guide

can chickens eat nightcrawlers

Are you wondering if chickens can eat nightcrawlers? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of incorporating nightcrawlers into your chicken’s diet and provide you with all the information you need to keep your flock healthy and happy.

When it comes to the natural diet of chickens, insects and worms play a crucial role. Chickens are omnivores and have a natural instinct to forage for their food. In the wild, they feed on a variety of insects, including nightcrawlers, which are also known as earthworms.

Feeding chickens nightcrawlers can provide several benefits. These worms are a great source of protein and contain essential nutrients like amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating nightcrawlers into their diet can support their growth, egg production, and overall health.

However, it’s important to follow some precautions when feeding nightcrawlers to chickens. Make sure to source worms from chemical-free areas to avoid any potential contamination. Also, avoid feeding them raw poultry or pork, as it can pose health risks.

To ensure a balanced diet, nightcrawlers should be fed in moderation, about 1-2 times per week. The portion size should be appropriate for the size of your flock. It’s also advisable to provide free-choice insoluble grit to aid digestion when consuming worms.

If nightcrawlers are not available or preferred, there are other healthy treats that chickens enjoy. Chopped hard-boiled eggs with shells, mealworms, chopped fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese can all be suitable alternatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nightcrawlers, or earthworms, can be a nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet.
  • They provide protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that support growth and overall health.
  • It’s important to source worms from chemical-free areas and avoid raw poultry or pork.
  • Feed nightcrawlers in moderation, about 1-2 times per week, and portion appropriately for the flock’s size.
  • If nightcrawlers are not available, there are other healthy treats that chickens enjoy.

The Natural Diet of Chickens

Chickens are natural foragers and have a diet that consists of various elements, including insects and worms. In the wild, chickens feed on worms such as nightcrawlers, beetles, and ants. These insects are a crucial part of their natural diet as they provide essential protein, vitamins, and minerals. By consuming insects and worms, chickens receive the nutrients they need for growth, muscle development, and overall health.

The instinct of chickens to scratch the ground and search for insects helps them engage in natural foraging behaviors. This not only provides them with a diverse diet but also ensures that they get regular exercise and mental stimulation. For chickens, finding worms and insects is not only a source of food but also an instinctual behavior that keeps them active and healthy.

Incorporating insects and worms into a chicken’s diet promotes balanced nutrition and contributes to their overall well-being. These natural sources of protein and nutrients are essential for supporting healthy growth, muscle development, and egg production in chickens. By allowing chickens to have access to their natural diet, we can help them live a happier and healthier life.

The Nutritional Benefits of Nightcrawlers for Chickens

Nightcrawlers offer significant nutritional benefits for chickens. They are an excellent source of protein, which is crucial for growth, muscle development, and egg production. Nightcrawlers also contain essential amino acids like lysine and methionine, as well as vitamins such as B12 and minerals like iron and magnesium. Additionally, nightcrawlers are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to overall health and well-being. Incorporating nightcrawlers into a chicken’s diet provides them with a natural and nutrient-rich food source.

Protein is an essential component of a chicken’s diet, as it plays a vital role in supporting growth, muscle development, and egg production. Nightcrawlers are a fantastic source of protein, containing all the essential amino acids that chickens need for optimal health. Amino acids like lysine and methionine are crucial for proper growth and feather development in young chickens, as well as promoting egg production in laying hens. By including nightcrawlers in their diet, chickens receive a highly digestible protein source that supports their overall well-being.

In addition to protein, nightcrawlers provide various vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for chickens. These include vitamin B12, which is important for nerve function and the production of red blood cells, as well as minerals like iron and magnesium, which contribute to healthy blood and bone development. Furthermore, nightcrawlers are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and enhancing egg quality in laying hens. By incorporating nightcrawlers into their diet, chickens receive a well-rounded source of essential nutrients that support optimal health and performance.

Nutrient Nightcrawlers per 100g
Protein 18g
Vitamin B12 1.7µg
Iron 2.8mg
Magnesium 30mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 200mg

nightcrawlers for chickens

“Nightcrawlers are a natural and nutrient-rich food source for chickens. The high protein content, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in nightcrawlers contribute to optimal growth, egg production, and overall health. By incorporating nightcrawlers into a chicken’s diet, you are providing them with a balanced and natural source of nutrition.”

Incorporating Nightcrawlers in Chicken Feed: Tips and Precautions

When it comes to feeding nightcrawlers to chickens, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. While nightcrawlers can be a nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet, it’s important to ensure their safety and proper incorporation. Follow these tips and precautions to make the most of feeding nightcrawlers to your feathered friends:

1. Source Worms from Chemical-Free Areas

Before introducing nightcrawlers to your chickens, make sure to source them from chemical-free areas. Worms that have been exposed to pesticides or other harmful chemicals can pose a risk to your flock’s health. Look for organic or natural sources to ensure the worms are safe for consumption.

2. Rinse and Chop Nightcrawlers

When feeding nightcrawlers to young chicks, it’s best to rinse and chop the worms into smaller pieces. This makes it easier for the chicks to consume and digest. Adult chickens can handle larger pieces, but chopping the worms can still be beneficial to ensure even distribution among the flock.

3. Introduce Slowly and Monitor Digestive System

When incorporating nightcrawlers into your chicken’s diet, it’s important to introduce them slowly. Start by offering small amounts and gradually increase the quantity over time. This allows the chickens’ digestive system to adjust to the new food source. Monitor their digestion and overall well-being to ensure they are tolerating the worms well.

Precautions for Feeding Nightcrawlers to Chickens:
Source worms from chemical-free areas
Rinse and chop nightcrawlers for young chicks
Introduce worms slowly and monitor digestion

By following these tips and precautions, you can safely incorporate nightcrawlers into your chicken’s diet. Remember to feed them in moderation, as excessive intake of worms can lead to imbalances in their nutritional needs. Providing a balanced diet that includes other protein sources is also essential to ensure your chickens receive all the necessary nutrients for their health and well-being.

Alternatives to Nightcrawlers for Chicken Treats

If nightcrawlers are not available or preferred, there are other healthy treats that chickens enjoy. These alternatives provide additional variety and nutrients, ensuring a balanced diet for chickens. Here are some options:

  • Chopped hard-boiled eggs with shells: Eggs are a great source of protein and can be a tasty treat for chickens. Including the shells provides calcium, which is essential for strong eggshells.
  • Mealworms: Mealworms are another protein-rich snack that chickens love. They can be purchased dried or live. Just be sure to feed them in moderation as they are high in fat.
  • Chopped fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only nutritious but also provide hydration. Consider offering treats like apples, berries, carrots, and leafy greens.
  • Seeds and nuts: Seeds and nuts, such as sunflower seeds or unsalted peanuts, can be a tasty and nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet. They are a good source of healthy fats and protein.
  • Yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese: Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese can be offered as occasional treats. They provide calcium and probiotics that promote gut health.

Remember to offer treats in moderation and alongside a balanced diet to ensure chickens receive all the necessary nutrients. Providing a wide range of fresh, natural treats not only keeps chickens happy but also supports their overall health and well-being.

Treat Nutritional Benefits
Chopped hard-boiled eggs with shells Protein, calcium
Mealworms Protein
Chopped fruits and vegetables Various vitamins, hydration
Seeds and nuts Healthy fats, protein
Yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese Calcium, probiotics

Feeding Practices and Frequency

Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens should be done in moderation to ensure a balanced diet. It is recommended to feed them about 1-2 times per week. The portion size should be approximately 2-3 worms per chicken. However, chickens that have access to pasture and can forage naturally may consume more worms than this. It’s important to monitor their body condition and egg-laying performance to ensure they are getting the right balance of nutrients.

When feeding nightcrawlers to chickens, it’s best to offer them in the morning when the chickens are hungry. This will help encourage natural foraging behaviors. You can also try feeding the worms from your hand, which further stimulates their instincts and provides mental stimulation. Additionally, nightcrawlers can be mixed with layer feed or pellets or offered separately as a treat.

It’s important to note that nightcrawlers should not be the sole source of protein for chickens. Providing a balanced diet that includes other protein sources like insects or soybeans is crucial. Overfeeding worms can lead to health problems such as obesity and digestive issues, so it’s essential to find the right balance in their diet.

how often and how many worms can chickens eat

Best Practices for Feeding Earthworms to Chickens

  1. Feed nightcrawlers to chickens in moderation, about 1-2 times per week
  2. Provide approximately 2-3 worms per chicken per feeding
  3. Monitor body condition and egg-laying performance to ensure balanced nutrition
  4. Offer worms in the morning when chickens are hungry
  5. Feed worms from your hand to encourage natural foraging behaviors
  6. Mix worms with layer feed or pellets or offer separately as a treat
  7. Ensure a balanced diet by including other protein sources like insects or soybeans

Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens should be done in moderation to avoid overfeeding and imbalance in their diet. It’s important to provide a varied and nutrient-rich diet for optimal health and well-being. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your chickens receive the benefits of nightcrawlers while maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

Feeding Practices Frequency Portion Size
Feeding nightcrawlers 1-2 times per week Approximately 2-3 worms per chicken
Monitoring Regularly assess body condition and egg-laying performance N/A
Other Protein Sources N/A Incorporate insects or soybeans into the diet

Benefits of Natural Treats and Foraging for Chickens

Allowing chickens to forage for their food and providing natural treats offer numerous benefits for their overall well-being. Chickens are natural foragers and have a strong instinct to scratch the ground in search of insects, worms, and other tasty morsels. When given the opportunity to engage in these natural foraging behaviors, chickens experience reduced stress and boredom, increased exercise, and mental stimulation. It also promotes gut health by introducing a diverse range of foods into their diet.

Foraging and receiving natural treats contribute to the happiness and vitality of chickens. When they have access to a varied diet with fresh, natural treats, chickens tend to be more active, healthier, and have a more balanced temperament. It allows them to express their natural behaviors and instincts, which helps fulfill their physical and psychological needs. Additionally, foraging and natural treats can improve egg quality and production, as chickens receive a wider range of nutrients.

Benefits of Foraging and Natural Treats:

  • Reduces stress and boredom in chickens
  • Increases exercise and mental stimulation
  • Promotes natural foraging behaviors
  • Improves gut health and digestion
  • Enhances overall well-being and vitality

“Allowing chickens to forage and providing natural treats not only ensures their physical health but also supports their mental and emotional well-being. It’s a natural and enriching way to care for your flock and keep them happy and thriving.” – Poultry Expert

By incorporating foraging and natural treats into a chicken’s routine, owners can provide a more fulfilling and enriching environment. It’s important to consider the specific needs and preferences of the flock and offer a variety of treats, such as fruits, vegetables, and even occasional nightcrawlers. Monitoring the chickens’ body condition and overall health can help determine the appropriate frequency and quantity of treats to provide a balanced and nutritious diet.

Treats Benefits
Fresh fruits and vegetables Provide essential vitamins and minerals
Insects and worms Rich in protein and contribute to natural foraging behaviors
Seeds and nuts Offer healthy fats and additional nutrients
Yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese Source of calcium and probiotics

Remember to introduce new treats gradually and in moderation to prevent digestive upsets. Offering natural treats and promoting foraging behaviors allows chickens to engage in their natural instincts, leading to a happier and healthier flock.

Risks and Precautions

Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens can provide numerous benefits, but it’s important to be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions. One of the main concerns is the potential presence of parasites in the worms, which can lead to health issues in chickens. These parasites can cause intestinal blockages or infections, adversely affecting the well-being of your flock.

It is crucial to source nightcrawlers from safe areas and ensure they are properly washed before feeding them to chickens. This helps minimize the risk of introducing harmful parasites or contaminants into their diet. By taking these precautions, you can provide a safer feeding experience for your chickens.

Risks of Feeding Chickens Worms Precautions
Presence of parasites in the worms Source worms from safe areas and wash them thoroughly
Potential for intestinal blockages or infections Monitor chickens’ health and consult a veterinarian if any concerns arise

Another important consideration is to avoid overfeeding chickens with nightcrawlers. While these worms are a great source of protein, excessive intake can disrupt the nutritional balance of their diet. Overfeeding worms may also lead to decreased appetite for other essential food sources, potentially causing nutritional deficiencies.

To maintain a balanced diet, it is advisable to provide a variety of protein sources for chickens. Incorporate alternatives like insects or soybeans to ensure they receive a well-rounded nutritional intake. By offering a diverse range of protein options, you can mitigate the risks associated with solely relying on nightcrawlers as a protein source.

Considering Other Protein Sources

While nightcrawlers are a good source of protein for chickens, it’s important to consider alternative options to maintain a balanced diet and avoid the risks of overfeeding worms. Incorporating a variety of protein sources ensures that chickens receive all the necessary nutrients without relying solely on one type of food.

One alternative protein source for chickens is insects. Mealworms, for example, are highly nutritious and can provide similar benefits to nightcrawlers. They contain a good amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a suitable choice for chicken treats. In addition to mealworms, other insects like crickets and black soldier fly larvae can also be fed to chickens as protein-rich snacks.

Another alternative is soybeans. Soybeans are a plant-based protein source that can be included in a chicken’s diet in the form of soybean meal or other soy-based products. They are a cost-effective and readily available option for providing protein to chickens while reducing the risks associated with overfeeding worms.

Pros Cons
Insects provide a natural and varied diet for chickens. Overfeeding worms can lead to health problems such as obesity.
Soybeans are a plant-based protein source suitable for vegetarian diets. Worms can carry parasites that can cause health issues in chickens.
Offering alternative protein sources promotes a balanced diet. Chickens may develop a preference for one type of food, leading to imbalanced nutrition.

By diversifying the protein sources in a chicken’s diet, owners can minimize the risks associated with overfeeding worms and provide a well-rounded nutritional plan for their flock.

Providing a Balanced Diet for Chickens

When it comes to ensuring the health and well-being of backyard chickens, providing a balanced diet is essential. A balanced diet for chickens consists of a combination of base feed, natural treats, and fresh, nutrient-rich ingredients. This comprehensive approach ensures that chickens receive all the necessary nutrients to support their growth, egg production, and overall vitality.

To create a balanced diet for chickens, it is important to start with a high-quality base feed such as layer feed or pellets. These feeds are specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of laying hens, providing them with the protein, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal health. Base feeds should be the foundation of a chicken’s diet and should be offered in appropriate amounts according to their age and breed.

In addition to base feed, incorporating natural treats into a chicken’s diet can provide added variety and nutrition. Nightcrawlers, mealworms, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and yogurt are all suitable options. These treats should be offered in moderation and can be given as a supplement to the base feed. Providing a diverse range of treats ensures that chickens receive a wide array of nutrients and helps keep them engaged and satisfied.

“A balanced diet for chickens is crucial for their overall health, egg production, and longevity. By offering a combination of high-quality base feed, natural treats, and fresh ingredients, chicken owners can provide their flock with the nutrients they need to thrive.”

Lastly, incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and calcium sources into a chicken’s diet completes the balanced nutrition plan. These ingredients provide additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber, supporting the overall well-being of the chickens. Fresh produce and grains can be offered as treats or mixed into their feed, while calcium sources such as crushed oyster shells should be provided separately to ensure proper eggshell formation and bone health.

Nutrient Source Benefits
Protein Base feed, nightcrawlers, mealworms Supports growth, muscle development, and egg production
Vitamins Fruits, vegetables Contributes to overall health and vitality
Minerals Base feed, fruits, vegetables, grains Aids in various bodily functions and supports bone health
Fiber Fruits, vegetables, grains Promotes healthy digestion


Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens can be a healthy and nutritious option for their diet. These earthworms provide essential protein, vitamins, and minerals that support the growth, egg production, and overall health of the flock. However, it’s important to follow some precautions and considerations to ensure their safety and balanced nutrition.

Sourcing worms from chemical-free areas and avoiding raw poultry or pork are important steps in keeping chickens safe from contamination. Feeding nightcrawlers in moderation, about 1-2 times per week, and portioning them appropriately for the flock’s size are crucial to prevent excess fat and protein intake. It’s also essential to provide free-choice insoluble grit to aid digestion when consuming worms.

If nightcrawlers are not available or preferred, there are other healthy treats that chickens enjoy, such as chopped hard-boiled eggs with shells, mealworms, fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese. Offering a wide range of fresh, natural treats in moderation ensures a balanced diet for chickens and supports their optimal health and well-being.

By considering these factors and providing a diverse and nutrient-rich diet, chicken owners can ensure their flock thrives and remains healthy. Incorporating nightcrawlers and other natural treats, along with promoting natural foraging behaviors, contributes to the overall happiness and vitality of chickens.


Can chickens eat nightcrawlers?

Yes, chickens can eat nightcrawlers and they can be a nutritious addition to their diet.

What are the benefits of feeding nightcrawlers to chickens?

Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens provides essential protein, vitamins, and minerals, supporting their growth, egg production, and overall health.

How often should nightcrawlers be fed to chickens?

Nightcrawlers should be fed to chickens in moderation, about 1-2 times per week.

Are there any risks or precautions when feeding nightcrawlers to chickens?

Yes, it is important to source worms from chemical-free areas and avoid overfeeding to maintain a balanced diet for the chickens.

Are there alternative treats for chickens if nightcrawlers are not available?

Yes, alternatives to nightcrawlers as treats for chickens include chopped hard-boiled eggs, mealworms, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese.

How many worms should be fed to chickens?

The portion size should be approximately 2-3 worms per chicken, but chickens that have access to pasture and can forage naturally may consume more.

What are the benefits of natural treats and foraging for chickens?

Offering natural treats and allowing chickens to forage promotes gut health, reduces stress and boredom, encourages natural behaviors, and provides mental stimulation for chickens.

What are the risks of feeding worms to chickens?

Worms can carry parasites that can cause health issues in chickens, and overfeeding worms can disrupt the nutritional balance and decrease appetite for other important food sources.

What are some alternative protein sources for chickens?

Insects or soybeans can be alternative protein sources for chickens that provide similar benefits without the potential downsides of overfeeding worms.

How can a balanced diet for chickens be provided?

A balanced diet for chickens includes a base feed, natural treats, and a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and calcium sources like crushed oyster shells.


Feeding nightcrawlers to chickens can be a healthy and nutritious option when done in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. It is important to consider the risks, precautions, and alternative protein sources to ensure the overall health and well-being of chickens.

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  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory