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What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like (2024)? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/

What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like?

Peachicks look like When they are initially born, it is nearly hard to tell the difference between a peacock and a peahen. They are coated in light brown fluffy down and have striped wing feathers that resemble those of a young pheasant, to which peafowl are extremely closely related. 

Specifically, baby peacocks (also known as peachicks) are the chicks of the three species of peafowl that exist: the Indian peafowl, the Congo peafowl, and the Green peafowl. 

Baby peacocks are actually male peachicks, which means they are male peacocks. A peachick is a proper term for any baby peacock or peahen, regardless of gender.

What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/

Peachicks have the appearance of game birds, and they are extremely similar to baby pheasants. They have rather long legs as well, with males having significantly longer legs than females, which makes them easier to separate from one another. What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like?

What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like (2024)? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/ 1

Occasionally, like in the case of leucite-bred all-white peafowl, peachicks are born entirely white.

Peachicks Gender Identification

Currently, there are two basic ways available to roughly determine the gender of a peachick between the ages of three weeks and two months. When selecting peacock chicks for breeding, it is helpful to look at their legs to see whether they have longer legs than their female counterparts. Male peachicks have longer legs than their female counterparts, even though it takes a few months to mature the train of tail feathers on a juvenile peacock.

See Amazons Educational Resources on Raising Peacocks

They will also have somewhat darker feathers on their chests than the rest of the flock. Furthermore, by monitoring the behavior of peachicks in a group, it is possible to determine the gender of a particular bird: female peachicks will frequently remain near to their mother and will exhibit fewer symptoms of violence. However, this feature cannot always be relied upon.

What Is the Size of a Baby Peacock?

Baby peacocks measure around 12cm (4.7in) in length. Although peafowl is huge birds, peachicks are also relatively large, around the size of a cygnet or a gosling in terms of size. What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/

What Is the Average Weight of a Baby Peacock?

When they are born, peachicks weigh 103 grams (3.6 ounces). This is a substantial amount of weight, more than double the weight of a duckling and five times the weight of a standard pheasant chick, which weighs around 20g.

What Do Baby Peacocks Eat?

Like fully mature peafowl, Peachicks are non-fussy omnivores who consume a wide and flexible diet that includes both plant materials and a variety of meats of different sorts.

A high-protein diet is necessary for the growth of peachicks’ feathers, just as it is for adult peafowl. Peachicks are typically fed high-protein gamebird blends when kept in captivity. Aside from that, they’ll consume various vegetables, cereals, oats, fruits, and meat, including insects and mealworms.

What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like (2024)? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/ 2

How Do Peacocks Feed Their Chicks?

Petting the peachicks and providing them with little morsels of food, soft, high-protein grubs, and worms is something that peahens do for them. While foraging, the peahen will indicate out food suitable for her peachicks by pecking at the food source in the vicinity of the source. Additionally, peahens communicate with their peachicks through a complex series of vocalizations.

Final Thoughts – What Does a Baby Peacock Look Like? Peachicks/Peafowl/Peahens/

Peacocks and peahens are hard to tell apart when they’re firstborn. The peacock babies have striped wing feathers that resemble those of a young pheasant, which makes them look like a cross between a peacock and a pheasant. When the peachicks get older their plumage starts to change from brown to black with green iridescence on the neck, breast, crown, and tail covert feathers. As adults, their colors become more vivid with blue at its peak in late summer through winter months while red is most prominent during springtime mating season.

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  • Gregory Gaines

    Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats Gaines Gregory